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■21309 / inTopicNo.1)  VjPFabkGLREnpm
□投稿者/ Daron -(2018/04/02(Mon) 15:09:38) [ID:UFFos802]
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      The weekly publication said the group is on a “shuttle mission” to “try to persuade western nations to send weapons to the armed Syrian opposition, in order that it can stand up more effectively to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad and enfore a political deal to its liking.”
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      Sales of HIV drug Atripla rose 4 percent to $938.1 million,while sales of an older product, Truvada, rose 3 percent to$807.8 million. Sales of newer HIV drug Complera more thandoubled to $188.7 million, and recently launched Stribild hadsales of $99.4 million for the quarter.
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