
とにかく、Webページの作成に関しては初心者で、まだまだ実験的に作成している箇所が多数です。実際の所、特に訴えたい事があると言う訳ではなく、(特にこの可愛い壁紙なんかは)あくまでホームページ作成の勉強の為にこのHPを作成しております。 そう言う訳でどうか我慢して覗いていって下さい。


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...and now, a few thoughts from the author.
H i there!
I've been asked by one of my old friend to build my personal Web Page concerning my witty and illustrious adventure travels. And so with the teapot and the teacup, PC in front of me, and preparing for the books for reference, I'm ready to attempt to show you. I would like to build this page little by little as possible as I can.
If you are ready, I hope you will enjoy this and feel so better. Then please leave the message on BBS or E-mail to me. All I want to say is that I thank Mr. Blyth and his friends from my heart for your amazing pictures, brilliant programme and humor, because if it hadn't been for your foresight having passed on a Chris Waddle's autograph to me at Yokohama, I'd still get off the train at the platform of Old Trafford. Now I'm ready to get off at Glasgow !
Finally to my all friends who were singing the song "OOH LA LA" with me drinking beer for the tartan army at France in 1998. Thanks for your coming and wasting of your time. I'm sorry that some texts is witten in Japanese are garbled.
Anyway Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!