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Bus excursion tour (total 700km)
1st day(2000-07-29, Saturday)
Tokai(6:20),Mito,Kiryu,Takahaski-IC,Yokokawa (12:30 lunch), Usui-pass,Karuizawa, Mt.Asama(Onidasi-en), Manza Hot Spring, Manza Prince Hotel(16:00)
2nd day(2000-07-30, Sunday)
Manza(9:00), Mt.Kusatsu Shirane, Lake Haruna, Ikaho Hot Spring,Mizusawa(12:50 lunch), Kiryu, Mito, Tokai(19:50)

This tour was planned to foster friendship among local community(Jou-kai), local society of 21 families. This is old system of mutual assistance from Edo period. This unit is composed of neighbors to assist during the funeral etc. In big city, the system disappeared after world war II. Participating person was 10 people(each person representing one family), and others could not be presented for various reasons.
The tour was held every two years. Budget is about 24000 yen. Monthly deposit fund of 1000 yen in two years is this value. In case of absence, still large part of deposit could not be returned. At this occasion, 10 people decided that excursion should be no more held, because so many of absence for the group tour. The main reasons of absence would be person are busy for weekend and not much interest for the tour, which use two full days. Main reason for a new comer to join Jou-kai is to use household waste deposit place(where town will recover them) of Jou-kai near place. In case he couldn't use them, it will be very inconvenient to move the waste by car far a way where town designated.
As for the trip, it was enjoyable and fruitful one. At Manza hotel, an open air hot spring at height of 1800 m sea level was fantastic. Mt. Asama and Mt. Shirane reminded me of volcano existence in Kanto area. Hydrogen sulfide is dangerous gas, but feel god at hot spring.
During bus tour two movies of video can be seen, at the TV which are installed bus. One is famous Tora-san movie, which was the last one of actor Kiyoshi ATSUMI and another is "Railway man" by actor Ken TAKAKURA. Bus was omnibus including other three groups of 24, making number of passenger as 34. A bus driver, a woman guide and a tour conductor is a operating side of tour.