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2002-12-28 Le Canard Enchaine
"Matuvu* a Tuvalu"
In Metro of Paris, you could see everywhere sticker "".
At internet site of Front National, the photo of great man, taken 20 years, are shown with slogan of "man of action, fervent patriot".
But show home of lepenist is on Tuvalu, 24km2 tinny island at Pacific Ocean.
Tuvalu made a fortune, selling internet address .tv, with an advice from American multinational company, Versign. With a population of 10,000, Tuvalu becomes 189 member states of United Nations from September 2000.
This country is now paradise of judicial and money seekers, including fervent patriot.
*Matuvu; advertising vehicle in France

<from zdnet news, 2000-9-7>
Mr. Ionatana, Prime Minster of Tuvalu was very happy because Tuvalu became official member of U.N., paying participating fee of 30,000$.

In year 1991, when domain names were allocated to each country,Tuvalu received domain name of .tv fortunately.
California based Dot TV promised to pay 50 million dollar during 10 years, for user right of
CEO of Dot TV, Lou Kerner said he paid already 17 million dollar to Tuvalu, and main users of .tv are real estate company, retail traders and banks. Yearly budget of Tuvalu is about 15 million $.


DIFFICILE d'echapper dans le metro aux autocollants apposes par les militants du Front national pour faire la publicite du site Internet de leur grand homme. En page d'accueil, l'internaute trouvera une photo du conducator, prise il y a vingt ans, et cette male affirmation: "Un homme d'action, un patriote fervent "... Mais un patriote qui n'hesite pas a delocauser son site hors de la mere patrie.

En effet, l'extension .tv, utilisee dans l'adresse Internet, montre que le site lepeniste est base a Tuvalu, un minuscule flot de 24 km carre, assez loin de Saint-Cloud comme de La Trinite-sur-Mer, puisqu'il est perdu dans le Pacifique Sud. Un iot qui a fait fortune grace a Internet apres qu'une multinationale americaine, Verisign, se fut avisee que le sigle distinctif du pays, .tv, pouvait etre revendu tres cher a des firmes interessees.

Depuis septembre 2000, Tuvalu, avec ses 10 000 habitants, est devenu le plus petit des 189 pays admis a l'ONU... et un paradis juridique et fiscal tres convoite, y compris par les ápatriotes fervents â.

MATUVU, the advertising vehicle : 15,8 sq.m. permanent advertising area
a discreet body valorizing the poster great visibility of the posters
which are very close to the window up to 10 posters per face,
30 advertisers in total a variable time display for each poster
lighting of the posters through the night all managed by an " on-board "
computer system competitively priced