
Jiu Jitsu…Self Defense and Their Relation to Wrestling
Lesson ]U



Plate 185--Strangle or Choke Hold.

Strangle Hold

写真 185――絞めないしチョーク技


   In Plate 107, Book 4, I explained to you one form of Strangle Hold. This hold is secured on the ground or mat. The Strangle Hold varies in form, depending on the position you and your opponent occupy.


   Plate 185 shows another of Strangle or Choke Holds, barred in wrestling, but useful in self defense. It seems natural for man and animal when making a vicious attack to strike for the throat and shut off the breath.


   In this plate, the opponent can quickly reduce the person to submission unless the hold is broken. There are several ways of breaking the hold and it must be broken quickly before you are weakened. A sudden sharp blow in the stomach will often cause the opponent to break the hold. Another method that can be used is to place your hands together, palm against palm, and force them upward between the opponent’s arms and then suddenly throw your elbows outward. With this leverage you can usually remove the throat hold.


Plate 186--How Burns Breaks the Strangle Hold.


   “Farmer”Burns’ method of breaking this hold is to grasp the opponent’s wrist close to the hands and suddenly jerk upward and outward, both at the same time. Burns’ hands being closer to his body offers him a greater leverage than his opponent has, makes the break of the opponent’s hold almost sure.


   In Burns’ special case, however, no one can injure him in the slightest by choking, as his throat and neck muscles are so highly developed that he can protect himself by contracting the muscles and holding them firm and solid.


   Hundreds of persons have tried to choke Mr. Burns, but they give up in despair, as they cause him no discomfiture and he can smile at their efforts.


   Very few persons have this neck development, hence the above method of breaking the throat hold should be carefully studied and practiced.


Plate 187--Another Strangle Hold


   If your opponent attempts to pass behind you, you can probably, by being on time, secure the throat hold shown in Plate 187. Lock your arms together and force your wrist sharply and tightly against opponent’s throat. When in this position he can do very little harm with his hands and you can quickly bring him to submission and force him to the ground. This is a fine wrestling hold if you avoid choking the opponent, and then form what is known as the chancery. All of these holds can be practiced with your companion, but you will, of course, be very careful not to unnecessarily hurt or injure each other.


Plate 188--The Head Twist.


   This plate shows Fred Beell with one of his famous block holds on Farmer Burns. It is very similar to the hold explained in Plate 172, Book 5. This hold is used both in wrestling and self defense. When your opponent dives for the leg, throw one arm under the neck and grasp the hand with your other hand. At the same time throw your body forward over the head so that you form a bar on the head and neck by using your body and two arms. The slightest upward pressure will twist the opponent’s neck and cause him great pain. Mr. Beell employs this hold a great deal and is expert in its use. Practice it long and carefully until you know exactly how to apply it in order to make your opponent helpless.


Plate 189--Bar Arm Hold.


   This is one of the so-called Jiu-Jitsu holds. If your opponent undertakes to secure a body hold or throws his arm around you when trying for a get-behind, you can instantly bar this hold, as shown in Plate 189. By grasping your own hands you apply the force of both of your arms against his one, which renders him helpless for the moment. The skilled opponent will, however, force his arm further around you until his shoulder is in your arm pit, and can thus release himself, but he must be ON TIME.


Plate 190--Using the Arm Lock


   If you are on time and your opponent behind time, he will fail to get shoulder in your arm pit, and you can, by working rapidly, pull him to the mat in the position shown in Plate 190. The opponent is now in a very bad position, as you can rush him off his balance and turn him on his back. As he goes to the mat you can fall across his chest and secure a wrist hold on the other arm and thus pin him to the mat. This is a legitimate wrestling hold and also first class for self defense, but like all other movements, must be timed exactly right in order to get the results.


Plate 191--Another Severe Arm Hold.

Another Severe Arm Hold



 Fred Beell has secured this hold on“Farmer”Burns. Study the picture carefully and you will see that Beell has Burns’ arm barred across his own left arm and is forcing outward on the wrist with his right hand, and is at the same time twisting the arm severely. The arm can easily be broken by sudden application of strength and is known as one of the greatest Jiu-Jitsu holds. Burns escapes from this hold by throwing his body to the right and securing a crotch hold on his opponent, but as a rule when you get this arm hold on your opponent, you have him powerless.


Plate 192--Double Bar Arm Hold.

Double Bar Arm Hold



   This plate shows“Farmer”Burns with a double bar arm hold on Tamisea, the Creighton University football star. Stand up with your practicing companion and take this position exactly as shown in the plate, and you will then appreciate the fact that it is a terrific thing to contend with. When you secure this hold, you stop the opponent from stepping in either direction by placing your leg in front of his and locking the opponent’s near leg. You must practice a great deal in order to secure the hold quickly and firmly, for unless it is right, you can not accomplish much with it. The pain at the wrist can be made extremely severe. Use this hold with caution on your companion.


Plate 193--Another Form of Double Bar on the Arm.

Another Form of Double Bar on the Arm



   “Farmer”Burns illustrates this hold also on Tamisea. In this hold, the same as in many others, you can secure a better understanding at once by working on it with your partner. Try this hold on him and then have him place it on you. The opponent’s arm should be thrown well across your body so that he can not withdraw the elbow. With your right hand you grasp the wrist and pull the elbow firmly against your own body. Your left hand passes under the opponent’s hand and grasp his fingers, enabling you to bend the wrist sharply into one of the most effective and painful bars known to wrestling or Jiu-Jitsu.

   All of the above arm holds are perfectly legitimate for wrestling as well as self-defense.



Plate 194--Bar Arm and Coat Hold.

Bar Arm and Coat Hold



   Plate 194 illustrates one of the methods in making an opponent helpless and is used chiefly in self defense and Jiu-Jitsu. It can be worked on either side and when properly secured places your opponent in a position where he can neither kick, strike or bite. In the plate the right hand is forced under the opponent’s arm and the coat grasped firmly. With your left hand grasp the opponent’s left hand and bring it across your own right forearm in a twisted bar. If you wish to throw your opponent to the ground, step back with your right foot and place it behind his left foot, performing a toe lock, after which you can throw him back and drop him to the ground very easily. Try this many times with your companion until you can secure the hold quickly and properly.


Plate 195--Standing Strangle Hold.

Standing Strangle Hold



   This Strangle hold differs from any of the others that have been explained. It may be secured when your opponent approaches you, be making a feint to one side and then suddenly rushing past him to the other side and throwing your arm around his neck. Instantly grasp your own hand, and lock his further leg as shown in the illustration. This hold is used only in self defense and Jiu-Jitsu and is barred in wrestling. It is very severe and you can easily choke your opponent into submission, if you once fix this strangle hold upon him. The hold can be secured from position shown in Plate 194 by suddenly dropping the coat hold and turning towards your opponent, throwing your left arm around his neck as explained above.

