1908.4.3 ハッケンシュミット対ゴッチ


レスリング王者 困憊して棄権

Hackenschmidt Gives Up Battle
with Frank Gotch, Losing
the World's Title.




Then the "Russian Lion" Was So
Completely Tired Out That He Was
Forced to Give Up the Contest.


 CHICAGO, April 3. -- George Hackenschmidt quit in his match with Frank Gotch for the catch-as-catch-can wrestling championship of the world to-night, giving the title to the Iowa man by default.


 After more than two hours of unavailing tugging and desperate scrambling the Russian said to Gotch:
 “I’ll give you the match.”
 Referee Smith at once declared Gotch the winner.


 The end came so unexpectedly that the crowd of 8,000 which witnessed the contest could scarcely comprehend what had happened. Not until the referee had announced that Hackenschmidt had surrendered the championship of the world to Gotch did, the full significance of the event strike home.


 Then the excited men swarmed into the ring, surging about Gotch until the police came to his rescue and drove the crowd back through the ropes. The match served mainly to show that Gotch has a defensive system which is hard to break down.


 For two hours he eluded every attempt of the Russian to fasten a grip on him. Gotch side-stepped, roughed his man’s features with his knuckles, butted him under the chin, and generally worsted Hackenschmidt until the foreigner was at a loss how to proceed.


 But when, in the clinch that finally came, Gotch slammed his opponent to the mat and came within an ace of securing a toe hold, following this up by lifting Hackenschmidt clear of the mat and slamming him on his shoulders with terrific force, the European was broken.


 The lines deepened on his face, the hoots of the crowd hurt his feelings, and after considering the matter for a few seconds he decided that it was time to quit. Few of the spectators but were willing to give Gotch the palm. The Iowa farmer was in the better condition, was quicker and trickier, and showed a better knowledge of the game.


 Hackenschmidt refused to explain his action to W. W. Wittig, promoter of the bout, simply shaking his head and refusing to reply when asked why he had not surrendered merely the first fall and taken another chance with Gotch. His handlers were at a loss to account for Hackenschmidt’s action.


 Hackenschmidt entered the ring at 10:14 o’clock and loudly cheered. He faced the crowd smiling and seeming confident. He was accompanied by “Americus” the Baltimore wrestler, and by Unholz, the Boer fighter. Gotch appeared at 10:15 o’clock, being received with deafening cheers, the audience rising to its feet. Gotch was accompanied by Farmer Burns and Jack Carker. After receiving instructions from Referee Smith, the contestants shook hands and started the first bout.


 Hackenschmidt crouched, and they sparred, with Gotch circling around for three minutes. Then Hackenschmidt clinched, but they broke again. Gotch seemed nervous, but the champion was cool. After ten minutes of tugging Gotch started roughing, and Hackenschmidt kept his temper with difficulty.


 Hackenschmidt finally tried for a body grip, but could not reach Gotch. The Russian complained to the referee about Gotch’s butting. He missed a leg hold next. A half hour of hauling and sparring failed to satisfy the crowd.


 Fifty minutes after the bout started. Hackenschmidt slapped Gotch to the mat. The latter bounded to his feet, and the pulling and hauling continued. An old cut under Hackenschmidt’s left eyes was opened, and it bled profusely.


 Both missed leg and body holds, Gotch taking the offensive for the first time. One hour after the start nothing approaching a hold had been gained by either man.


 Fifteen minutes more of the tiresome work followed. Then Hackenschmidt suddenly attacked with fury. But Gotch wriggled away, and the shoulder to shoulder tactics began again.


 Gotch’s defense puzzled Hackenschmidt. After an hour and three-quarters of fruitless attempts to get a hold he straightened up and looked at his opponent with disgust written in every feature.
 “Come on, wrestle,” said Gotch. The crowd cheered.


 At 12:15 Hackenschmidt asked the referee to call it a draw, but Smith told them to continue.


 Then wrestled all over the ring, then went down. Gotch on top. Hackenschmidt slipped from a toe hold.


 Seldom has a sporting event of similar character aroused so much interest in Chicago and the surrounding cities. Many persons came from outside points to see the bouts in the great Dexter Pavilion at the Stock Yards. The crowd began to arrive early, and half an hour before the doors were opened there were lines a block long waiting before the entrance. By the time the first preliminary bout was begun, the building was nearly half full and streams of spectators still poured in.


 The building was admirably adapted for the event. Seats had been provided for 10,000 spectators, and in addition there was general admission room for 2,000 more. The structure is 200 feet wide and 310 feet long. The arena, in the centre of which the ring was pitched, is 240 feet long and 100 feet wide.


 W. W. Wittig, who promoted the bout and brought Hackenschmidt from Europe, had so many lights installed that the pavilion was as light as day.


 In the first of the preliminary bouts before the Hackenschmidt-Gotch match, young Rooney beat Jenkins with a half Nelson in 8 minutes and 45 seconds. Young Billiter beat Young Limberg with a half Nelson and body hold in 14 minutes and 32 seconds. Dick Sorenson beat Ted Toumman with a toe hold in 1 minute and 41 seconds. “Americus” beat L. Loudenbach with the scissors hold in 1 minute 59 seconds.


 In the next match Emil Stegemueller, Hackenschmidt’s wrestling partner, agreed to throw Henry Ortmann of Minneapolis in ten minutes. To the delight of the crowd Ortmann took the offensive. He slammed the burly German to the mat, and for seven minutes gave Stegemueller no chance to get a hold. During the last three minutes Ortmann was on the defensive, but managed to wriggle out of all holds, and easily stayed the limit.


April 4, 1908, Saturday 