東勝熊と“The Complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu”


H. Irving Hancock
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One Hancock book still in print is "The Complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu", co-authored with Katsukuma Higashi and originally published by G. P. Putnam & Sons in 1905 in New York (presently republished by Dover Publications).

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Rules Governing Jiu-Jitsu
Contests in Japan


Translated from the Japanese by Katsukuma Higashi


 (1) Each contestant shall wear coat and belt.


 (2) A contestant shall be deemed to have been defeated when his two shoulders and hips shall have touched the floor, provided that said contestant shall have reached this position on the floor through having been thrown down. (See modification in Rule 8.)


 (3) A contestant shall be deemed to have been defeated when in such position on the floor, if said combatant cannot free himself from his opponent’s arms within two seconds’ time.


 (4) A contestant shall be deemed to have been defeated when from any cause or causes he may become unconscious. But it is not permitted to use serious tricks when the wrestling bout is between friends. Such tricks as kicking and the breaking of arms, legs, or neck are barred.


 (5) A combatant shall be deemed to have been defeated when he has been reduced to submission through the employment by his opponent of any hold or trick.


 (6) When a defeated combatant finds himself obliged to acknowledge his submission, he must pat or hit the floor or his antagonist’s body, or somewhere, with his hand or foot. This patting with foot or hand is to be regarded as a token of surrender.


 (7) When a defeated combatant pats or hits the floor, or anywhere, in token of submission, the victor must at once let go his hold.


 (8) When a combatant shall have allowed his shoulders and hips to have touched the floor, but shall have done so with the intention of thereby throwing his opponent, the combatant who has so allowed his shoulders and hips to touch the floor shall not be deemed to have been defeated.


 (9) When wrestling on a mat or mattress, it is permissible for a contestant who is on the defensive to fall in any way that he pleases; but for defensive purpose it is generally better to lie upon the back.


 (10) When a combatant lying on his back for defensive purposes shall be raised and downed again by his opponent, and made once more to touch shoulders and hips to the floor, the combatant who has been so raised and downed shall be deemed to have been defeated, but not otherwise.
 When one not a jiu-jitsian is matched against a jiu-jitsian, it is necessary that the former, in addition to comprehending the foregoing rules, should be informed of the following rules:


 (1) It is understood and agreed that the jiu-jitsu man, whether he fights a boxer or contests with a wrestler, shall be allowed to use in his defence any of the tricks that belong to the art of jiu-jitsu.


 (2) It is further understood and agreed that the jiu-jitsu man assumes no responsibility for any injury or injuries caused by any act or thing done during the contest, and that the jiu-jitsu man shall be held free and blameless for any such ill effect or injury that may be received during the contest.


 (3) Two competent witnesses representing each side, or four in all, shall see to it that these articles of agreement are properly drawn, signed and witnessed, to the end that neither contestant or other participant in the match shall have cause for action on any ground or grounds resulting from any injury or injuries, or death, caused during the contest.



 Mr. Higashi has modestly understated my reasons for wishing to have his aid in the preparation of this volume. I desired to have him collaborate with me because he is one of the leading exponents of Kano jiu-jitsu. At the age of eighteen he was instructor in jiu-jitsu at Doshisha College, Kioto, Japan. He also coached the students in baseball, football and other sports, and was besides instructor in mathematics.



 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 英語版ウィキペディアの「宝山流」の記事では、東勝熊は講道館柔道成立を助けた宝山流柔術最後の指導者Masao Tsutsumiの門下、とあります。


 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
熊本の古武道流派 紹介

American Wrestling vs. Jujitsu
 By H. F. Leonard, Instructor in Wrestling at the New York Athletic Club, and K. Higashi, Instructor of Jujitsu
 This article originally appeared in the May 1905 issue of The Cosmopolitan.

"Judo ― as jujitsu is oftener called at home ― spread all over the country; at Kumamoto was Hoshino, and at Kagoshima, Tsutsumi was the acknowledged master. And Tsutsumi, the Kagoshima master, was the first who extended the sphere of judo and included therein many gymnastic exercises. And those holds and tricks which he taught have been from his day called the simple tricks. Mr. Kano, who is at the head of the Kano school of Tokyo to-day, took up judo where Tsutsumi left off, and added a number of exercises. These largely form the simple tricks of the third department of judo.



 ニューヨークタイムズに、この本“The Complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu”の紹介記事がありました。

April 15, 1905, Saturday
Another Jiu-Jitsu Book.

September 2, 1905, Saturday
JIU-JITSU.; H. Irving Hancock's Informing Book on the Japanese Science.


Universitaets unt landesbibliothek Tirol チロル大学・地域図書館(墺)

Tsutsumi Masao und Higashi Katsukuma. “Jiu-Jitsu” die grosse Kunst
 der Selbstverteidigung und vollendeten Koerper-Ausbildung nebst einem
 Anhang ueber Kuatsu, die unfehlbare Wissenschaft der Wiederbelebung
 Verunglueckter mit 72 Abbildungen. Berlin 1906. 8°.T.    71. 198

堤まさおと東勝熊。「柔術」自衛と完全なる身体鍛錬の偉大なる技芸−活、事故被害者蘇生の不可謬の科学についての補遺を含む 72枚の図解入り。ベルリン 1906 8°T 71.198

Google ブックス (微妙に書名が違います)

Die Selbstverteidigung (Jiu-Jitsu) nebst einem Anhange ueber Kuatsu (Wissenschaft der Wiederbelebung Verunglueckter) von Masao Tsutsumi und Katsukuma Higashi: Mit 72 Abbildungen nach d. Leben

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