1913.3.30 柔術少女ナルスカ・アイ、MSGに登場す

ニューヨーク・タイムズ  March 31, 1913, Monday



Jealous Rivals for Circus Cham-
pionship "Fight It Out" Atop
Madison Square Garden.




All the Freaks Were on Hand, and
“Prof.” Tamarki Obliged by Sus-
pending His Animation.


 Some 200 enthusiasts gathered by invitation on the roof of Madison Square Garden yesterday afternoon to watch an international wrestling bout. Johannes Josefsson, an Icelandic wrestler, went on the mat with Otagawa, an exponent of jiu jitsu, there. The Icelander was strong and fair-haired. Otagawa was shorter and heavier of build, with long, wiry black hair which was knotted on his head. He gazed calmly at his opponent.


 The referee was Norman Selby, who as “Kid McCoy” was once noted as a prizefighter. While Selby gave no decision, it was to see that he considered the Lcelandic wrestler the better man, and the crowd evidently shared this opinion.


 Josefsson and Otagawa are appearing with the Barnum & Bailey Circus at Madison Square Garden, but the circus press agents gave the reporters their solemn assurance that they had nothing to do with arranging the contest. It grew out of the jealousy between the Icelander and the Japanese, they said.


 It was an interesting company that assembled atop the Garden at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon. There were many Japanese on hand, there were silk-hatted folk innumerable, and there were freaks from the circus side show, for the midgets especially did not propose to miss the match, and the elder Barnett swaggered around with a miniature fur coat on his arm and a whisp of a cane swinging jauntily. The sympathies of this assemblage were quite neutral, and, if anything, they leaned toward the Japanese, particularly after a little Japanese girl, one Ai Naruska, had offered to throw all comers, and finding no Occidental taker, had tossed a stout compatriot around the mat regardless of his feelings.


 But the crowd shifted to Josefsson as soon as the preparations for the wrestling began. For Otagawa insisted that they wrestle with jackets and belts on, and although Josefsson had never tried it he was willing to fight one bout that way and one without. Thus appeased, the little jiu jitsu champion went at him, and there was some fine tussling. Despite the handicap of the unfamiliar jacket the fair-haired man threw Japanese twice and there was much cheering, which was not loud enough, however to drown the tempest of outspoken woe from Hekla, the 2-year- old daughter of Josefsson, who could not understand what it was all about.


 The Icelander bounded over to her for a little greeting at the first breathing chance, and then he threw off his jacket for the barearmed encounter that had been promised. Otagawa would have none of it, and with a snort of disgust Josefsson climbed into the worsted jacket again and at his opponent. Finally the Japanese was called upon to remove the jacket. There was much running about, many whispered conferences between all his fellow-countrymen there, and then a further declaration that Otagawa would not fight unless his opponent wore a jacket. Then Josefsson withdrew in triumph, and Hekla crowed.


 McCoy had figured in a previous exhibition, when one of jiu-jitsu men lay on his back and agreed to get up despite the presence on top of him of three weighty volunteers. A very ample reporter sat on his chest, another knelt on his right arm and Selby took charge of the left. At the signal the Oriental, after much writhing, suddenly planted both his bare feet in McCoy’s face. McCoy let go of the man’s arm and clutched at one of the offending feet. But that was not allowed, so he was disqualified and the Japanese had only two men to handle. They were easy, and he was soon up.


 Then Prof. Tamarki, head of the troupe, agreed, for lack of a volunteer among his own company, to go into a state of suspended animation, without a sign of a heart-beat for the space of a minute. He tried to produce this state by willing it and failed, although Dr. Grenville, the circus surgeon, said that there had been a perceptibly lessening of the heart action. Then he sent for Tono, one of the strong men of the Japanese group, and Tono took him by the throat and dropped him on the mat, glassy-eyed, and dead to all appearances. The circus doctors said that animation was entirely suspended. Then restoratives were applied, and the “professor” was escorted downstairs. That ended the free show.


Icelandic Wrestling (1908) (Paperback)
 by Johannes Josefsson (Author)


 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


ニューヨーク・タイムズ  November 9, 1913, Sunday



 New novelties make their appearance this week at the Forty-fourth Street Music Hall. The feature of the week’s revision of the programme will be the appearance of the Royal Jiu Jitsu Gladiators from Japan. There are sixteen wrestlers in the company, all exponents of Japan’s scientific athletic sports, and, among the sixteen, is little Miss Ai Kishi, an eighteen-years-old Japanese girl, who demonstrates the value to women of a knowledge of jiu jitsu. …


