1905-1906 褐色の悪魔 三宅太郎

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND(ニュージーランド国立図書館)のPAPERSPAST(過去の新聞)というウェブ・サイト

Entre Nous  New Zealand Free Lance, 8 April 1905 

 The London police are being taught the art of ju-jitsu (Japanese wrestling) by a Japanese wrestler named Myaki. The little man has taught them two hundred arm and leg locks, and the London “bobbies” know so much now that it takes them ten minutes to decide what particular grip to get on to a hooligan. The police grip in New Zealand doesn’t need any burnishing up. It is a hard job to make them let go. You know the kind of grip we mean.


 “grip”(掴む)と”let go”(放す)は対義語でしょう。何やらジョークを言っているようですがぴんと来ません。

Through The Economic.  New Zealand Free Lance, 27 May 1905

 Joe Carroll Irish wrestler, beat Taro Miyake, the Jap wrestling ja-jitsu, in London. Taro had promised to wrestle the Irishman catch-as-catch-can, but didn’t come to light. His refusal created a “scene” in the Lyceum.



ATHLETICS  Otago Witness , 12 July 1905

 The little brown man is a sudden sort of proposition when he takes to wrestling. The Japanese wrestler Tarro Myaki recently backed himself to throw Tom Connor in 15 minutes or forfeit £100. The match came off at Liverpool a few nights before the mail left, the Jap winning in 7min 2sec.



All Sports Of People  New Zealand Free Lance, 2 June 1906

 Besides lifting things, this man of muscle is jiu jitsu champion of England. He has met and defeated some of the Jap cracks. Tara Nyake, the champion jiu jitsu wrestler of the world, endeavoured to break Mr. Wray’s neck, and Wray is the only man under twelve stone who has been allowed to meet the “Devil” as Nyake is affectionately called. Don’t get angry with Mr. Wray. You might strain yourself.


 それぐらいの体重で「悪魔」と闘うなんて、何て無謀なことをするんだ!と考えて腹を立ててしまう、ということでしょうか。 “affectionately”(愛情・親しみを込めて)悪魔と呼ばれる、という表現もジョークなのでしょうか。首を折る恐ろしい技を持っていたので「悪魔」と呼ばれたのかもしれません。
