1915.2.1 三宅太郎 対 W・ビングハム

ニューヨーク・タイムズ  January 22, 1915, Friday

Bingham to Wrestle Miyake.

 Will-Bingham, wrestling instructor at the New York A. C., has been matched to wrestle Tarro Miyake of Japan at the jiu jitsu style, best two in three falls, on Monday, Feb. 1. Bingham is one of the best exponents of the Japanese style of wrestling in this country, while his opponent is recognized as a leader among Japanese wrestlers. George Bothner, the former champion, has been selected as manager of the match.



ニューヨーク・タイムズ  February 2, 1915, Tuesday

Miyake Makes Bingham Quit.

 Taro Miyake, the Japanese jiu-jitsu expert, who claims the world’s championship in this branch of sport, had no difficulty winning his match with Will Bingham, the New York A. C. wrestling instructor, at Brown’s Gymnasium last night. After being mauled about by his heavier opponent for 16 minutes and 24 seconds, Bingham was compelled to admit that he had been defeated. He had to be nearly forced into unconsciousness before he admitted that the Japanese was his master. Weight, superior knowledge of the sport, and, in fact, every advantage lay with Miyake, who outweighed Bingham by twenty pounds, the weights being announced as 170 and 150, with Bingham on the light end. Bingham was on his back and exhausted when he yelled ”quits.” When thrown the last time by Miyake the local man’s had struck the floor very heavily, and he stretched on the canvas apparently knocked out. It was fully fifteen seconds before he recovered.
 The referee allowed him ten minutes to recover, but when Bingham reached his dressing room he was advised by friends not to continue because of possible serious injury.



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