1887.7.9 T・キャノン 対 H・ダン

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND(ニュージーランド国立図書館)のPAPERSPAST(過去の新聞)というウェブ・サイト

SPORTING NOTES FROM VICTORIA.  Otago Witness ,  22 July 1887


 The following is taken from Monday's Argus. Since it appeared there has been a lot of special pleading inserted in the Sportsman, trying to gloss over the affair; but it won't wash. It is headed, " The Five-Style Wrestling Championship ― A Disgraceful Exhibition," and proceeds as follows:― The wrestling match between T. Cannon and H. Dunn to decide the question of superiority in the majority of five recognised styles of wrestling, came off at St. George's Hall, on Saturday night, and resulted, as far as one of the competitors was concerned, in a display of brutality such as had never been seen in Melbourne in an affair of this kind, and which, it is to be hoped, for the sake of the credit of athletic sports in the colony, and the manliness of those who patronise them, may not be repeated. The styles chosen for the match were the Graeco-Roman, catch-as-catch-can, Cumberland, sidehold, and collar-and-elbow.


The name of Captain Cowan, who has often officiated as referee, was suggested for the post, but Cannon objected, and named Mr R. Carter, who was willingly accepted by the other side. . Unfortunately, the referee appeared to have had very little experience in such a position, and at a subsequent critical period lost his head. Before the match commenced Cannon, wished to make a further bet of £50 on the result, but Dunn said he had not the money to bet. Cannon then offered to bet the whole of the takings for the match on the result, and this suggestion was promptly, accepted by Dunn, the articles being with the consent of both wrestlers altered to permit of the wager being made. Slaven, a Queensland boxer, was second for Dunn, and Chrystol acted in the same capacity for Cannon. The former won the toss for choice of styles, and Dunn decided to commence with the Cumberland, in which he is an expert.


When they took hold Cannon got rather the best of the positions, and tried to cross-buttock his opponent; but Dunn was too clever for him, and with a quick counter-move laid him low upon his back on the carpet, thus winning the first fall. Cannon, as loser, chose Graeco-Roman for the next bout. With a rush he tried to get behind Dunn, and the latter in the struggle came to the carpet on his hands and knees, with Cannon above him. In this position the latter might have scored the fall almost at his pleasure, but instead of adopting the usual tactics he lifted Dunn in his arms as high as he could and dashed him down with fearful violence, amid exclamations of astonishment from the onlookers. Before Dunn could recover Cannon had him in such a way that the " hammerlock " ― of itself a sufficiently severe hold ― was available with either arm.


But Cannon neglected these opportunites, and by a sudden vigorous effort, which Dunn seemed to apprehend and struggled hard to prevent, passed his right arm under his opponent's neck as he lay face downward, and, catching his left elbow with the right hand, and using the left hand to press the head forward from behind, started to strangle Dunn. Under the terrible pressure the latter's face became distorted and grew purple, and foam and blood issued from his mouth, while horrible gutteral sounds, as he tried to call out or draw breath, showed that he was being badly injured. The spectators on the stage jumped from their seats in a state of wild excitement, and appealed to Cannon not to kill Dunn, but without effect. Either the referee should have stopped the bout when Cannon's object became apparent, or Dunn's second should have given the fall. But neither official had much experience of wrestling, and what with the excited shouting, and 20 people calling to them at once to do something, it was not surprising that they lost all presence of mind.


Finally, Dinnie and other wrestlers who were present, told Slaven to give the fall, and Cannon then rose, and left his opponent lying helpless upon the floor. After he was lifted to a chair blood came from his throat, and Dr W. H. Embling, who was upon the stage, found that portions of the larnyx had been flattened and lacerated. The throat swelled rapidly, and in a few minutes Dunn was scarcely able to speak. All hope of his being able to continue the wrestling was abandoned, and Cannon claimed the match. Several people, sickened by the spectacle, left the hall as soon as Cannon released his hold, and in the auditorium the excitement and indignation were very great. Cannon was received with a storm of groans and hooting, with counter cheering by a few of his friends. Had the garotting wrestler fallen into the hands of the crowd in the back portion of the hall, his strength would hardly have saved him.


He came forward to speak, but was met with such cries as " You deserve to be poleaxed." The referee also came to the footlights, and explained that " this sort of thing often happens in America," but the prompt response from the audience was "We won't have it in Australia." Amongst the experts in wrestling opinions differed as to the fairness of Cannon's tactics, but there could only be one opinion about the gross brutality of such an exhibition. Off the stage the indignation was even stronger, and the general opinion was fairly summed up in the expression of one of the audience, " I don't call it wrestling for a stake ; I call it robbery with violence." The rules, as interpreted by some, left the impression that a wrestler might go as far as he dared, or the manliness of the audience would permit, in the way of incurring the criminal penalty for murder or manslaughter.

彼は前に出て来てしゃべったけれども、「お前は斧で屠殺されるのがお似合いだ」といった叫びに出迎えられた。レフェリーも舞台前の脚光の所まで来て、「この種のことは米国ではよくある」と説明したけれども、観衆から即座に反応があった。すなわち「ここは豪州だ、俺達はそんなこと望んでない。」 レスリングの専門家の間でもキャノンの戦術の公正さについては意見が分かれたが、このような公開試合のひどい残忍性についてはただ一つの意見のみがあり得た。舞台を離れると憤慨は更に強まり、一般意見は観衆の一人の表現に正しく要約された、すなわち「俺はそんなものを賞金に値するレスリングとは呼ばねえ。そんなものは強盗だ。」 幾人かの解釈によれば、その規定が残した印象ではレスラーは思い切って行ける限り行ってよかったが、そうでなければ観衆の男気は、殺人ないし過失致死の刑罰を招くやり方においても、許したであろう。

Although the chief rules are of classic origin, some modern American improvements, such as arm-wrenching and strangling, have so altered the contest that the wrestler who combines science with brutality has the best chance of being champion. In order to understand Cannon's proceedings in this match, the conditions of the contest require to be made thoroughly clear. In the Cumberland, sidehold, and collar-and-elbow styles, the leg-wrestler has the advantage, and Dunn is a champion leg-wrestler, while Cannon, who is a floor-wrestler, is best in the Graeco-Roman and catch-as-catch-can styles. But as the winning of both these bouts was not sufficient to win the match, his apparent intention was to so injure Dunn in either or both of these bouts that he would be unable to continue the match in the styles of which he was master. Something of the sort was apprehended before the match commenced, and Dunn was strongly urged to give Cannon both the falls in floor wrestling without meeting him.


Dunn, however, expressed the fear that the spectators would consider such a proceeding evidence of cowardice on his part, and decided to wrestle every bout. That he was foolish subsequent events showed. As the rule permits any hold above the waist, the only prohibitions being kicking, striking, scratching, or gouging, the strangling was within the rules, and had it been tried on a practised Graeco-Roman wrestler the proper "stop" would have been used. But Dunn was a comparative novice in this style, and Cannon, who might have thrown him in a dozen other ways, took a merciless advantage of his ignorance. Hitherto there has been no police censorship of these wrestling contests, and unless some steps are taken to rid such competitions of the elements of savagery recently introduced from the United States it will be necessary in future for a police officer to be present on the stage with the power, now occasionally exercised in boxing, of staying the proceedings as soon as the contests may become in any degree brutal.


 トム・キャノンTom Cannonは大英帝国王者。欧州大陸のグレコ・ローマンを制覇して渡英したジョージ・ハッケンシュミットとも対戦。勝ったハックが敗れたキャノンを兄事し、技を教わった、と言われます。後にハックもオーストラリア遠征をしますが、これもキャノンの勧めによるとのこと。
 対するハリー・ダンHarry Dunnは1890年に豪州王者とする記録がありますが、ニュージーランド人のようで、J・ダンという兄弟レスラーもいたようです。
 キャノンのセコンドを務めた「パリの覆面男」アンドレ・クリストルAndre Christolについては、別ページ「覆面レスラーの起源」をご覧下さい。

 「居合わせたレスラー」として少しだけ登場する「スコットランドの怪力男」ドナルド・ディーニーDonald Dinnieについては、ウィキペディアに記事があります。

Donald Dinnie
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 レスリングの各スタイルについては、G・ボスナーの著書「科学的レスリング」“Scientific Wrestling”(1912)にルールが載っています(11から27ページ)。
 こちらのページからKirk LawsonさんがスキャンしてくれたPDFファイルを無料でダウンロードできます。なお氏は無断の商業利用を戒めています。
