1896.7.11 D・ディーニー 対 T・テューイ、J・W・サザーランド

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND(ニュージーランド国立図書館)のPAPERSPAST(過去の新聞)というウェブ・サイト

WRESTLING.  Grey River Argus, 14 July 1896


(Auckland News.)

 Much interest was centred in a somewhat novel wrestling match which eventuated in the Agricultural Hall last Saturday evening. Through a challenge from T. Tuohy the veteran Donald Dinnie offered to throw him and his friend J.W. Sutherland both in the same evening, L 25 a side being placed in the hands of Mr S Tooman as stakeholder. The style was Graeco-Roman, the best in five falls, all strangling holds barred. Mr. Fraser acted as referee. Tuohy was the first to meet the champion. Certainly it is not often that two athletes of such physique meet. Dinnie in particular looked a mass of muscle. Tuohy appeared much the heaviest man, but looked somewhat above himself and as though he would wrestle better a stone less in weight.


At the beginning of the bout Tuohy struck out for a neck hold in a very determined way, causing the blood to flow from under the veteran's eye. Both fought hard for best hold, and very soon Tuohy caught his opponent’s head under his arm trying for the ‘ buttock,’ but Dinnie by a body hold swung him from the ground, and threw him on his side, but failed to get the two shoulders down. Both got on their feet again, and after sparring for an opening Dinnie caught his opponent by the arm pulling him to the ground, then putting all his power on his chest by great exertion pushed both shoulders to the carpet , time, six minutes ; first fall to Dinnie.


Sutherland next faced Donald Dinnie. This was a much more scientific bout than the first, Sutherland being an adept on the ground. Dinnie at once caught hold of his plucky opponent by the body, throwing his feet in the air and and standing him on his head, endeavoring to wear him down on his shoulders by catching his arms. But before this was effectually done Southerland spun around on his head and landed on all-fours. Time after time did Dinnie turned his opponent over to attain the desired points, but as often did Sutherland wriggle out of difficulties. Suddenly the veteran caught his opponent’s right arm, getting it on to his back, and by a half hammerlock and half Nelson gradually pulled him over on the two shoulders ― time 11 1/2 minutes. Second fall to Dinnie.


For the next bout Tuohy had to take the carpet. The veteran seemed now to act more on the defensive, warding off his opponent, who suddenly caught him by the head, again trying for the buttock. Dinnie quickly counterbalanced him, and thew him on his side, and on trying the half Nelson, Tuohy caught his arm, pulling it under, and after a severe struggle on Dinnie turning round both shoulders touched. Time, 7 minutes. Third fall to Tuohy.


The fourth and last fall with another scientific bout between Dinnie and Sutherland. The former threw his man away for some six minutes, when the referee stopped the contest, saying that Dinnie had put on the strangling hold, and so gave the fall to Sutherland. Dinnie protested, stating that if his opponent would say that he did so he would willingly lose the fall. Sutherland replied that the strangling hold was not on. It was agreed to wrestle the fall over again.


The men set to work in earnest, and the clever way in which Sutherland wriggled from his opponent’s powerful grasp was a treat to witness, and the enthusiasm displayed by the audience was great. At last Dinnie got on that severe hold, the hammerlock; and Sutherland's second seeing he could not clear himself, gave Dinnie the fall. The referee then declared the fourth fall and match in favour of Dinnie. Tuohy then challenged the veteran to a three style match, but as yet Dinnie has not replied.


