1911.7.12 しまりゅうごろう 対 J・ハワード

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND(ニュージーランド国立図書館)のPAPERSPAST(過去の新聞)というウェブ・サイト

THE "SCISSORS" GRIP.  Poverty Bay Herald, 26 July 1911


 Details of the match between Shima, the Japanese wrestler, and the Sydney boxer, Howard, show that while it was not edifying, it was exciting, and highly interesting as showing how the skill of a jiu-jitsu expert can defeat the strength of a bigger man. The conditions were that Howard was to be allowed to hit at all times and under all circumstances, while Shima was to follow the rules of jiu-jitsu. Howard was to wear 8oz glozes, Shima was not to hit with clenched hands, and there was to be no kicking.


Howard had an advantage of two stone in weight over the Japanese. At first it went very hard with Shima, to the consternation of the Chinese in the audience, who were strong partisans for the Japanese. Shima tried unavailingly to get a hold of his opponent’s leg, and suffered severe body-blows in doing so. The manoeuvre ended in the Japanese going down heavily to a blow on the head, and some thought he would not come up for the second bout.


He did so, however, and took more heavy punishment nonchalantly. Then he threw himself, feet foremost, into the air at Howard’s legs, and caught one of them between two of his toes. The other leg was put on, and he had the “scissors hold” on the boxer.


The Argus thus describes what happened afterwards :―“The little man lay upon his back at the boxer’s feet, the legs crept up the boxer’s legs, like the tentacles of a small octopus dragging down a very large crab. A twist of the body, and Howard, too, was on the mat. The legs of the Japanese writhed and twisted into the ‘ankle-break’ grip, and beads of perspiration came out on the boxer’s face as the cruel pressure was applied. He hammered at the thigh muscles of the Japanese, but Shima put on a little more pressure, and the boxer, gave in limping to his corner, and wondering how it all had happened.”


The Chinese spectators were greatly excited. They vociferously proclaimed victory for the wrestler, one of them exhorting him to “pull them, Engleeshman’s leg out.” In the third bout Howard hit Shima again and again with staggering blows, but the man’s capacity for punishment was extraordinary. Once again he tried the “scissors hold,” and got it. Despite the pounding of the boxer’s fists, the deadly pressure was increased, and Howard had to give in to prevent his leg being broken. Howard was handicapped by his 8oz gloves, or “pillows,'” as boxers call them, and is willing to meet Shima again if the use of standard gloves is permitted.


 1911年7月22日付の“NZ Truth”にある、日本人レスラー対ボクサーの「オール・イン」試合は、これであろうかと思います。両選手のフルネームは「しまりゅうごろう」(島龍五郎?)と「ジャック・ハワード」です。

STIRRING JIU-JITSU CONTEST.  Colonist, 29 June 1909

JIU JITSU EXPERT.  Evening Post, 17 April 1912

JU JITSU CONTEST.  Grey River Argus, 29 July 1913



Australia Trove

BOXER V. WRESTLER.  The West Australian, 13 July 1911
JIU JITSU V BOXING.  The Sydney Morning Herald, 13 July 1911


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