1904.4.18 谷幸雄 対 J・メラー(2)

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA(オーストラリア国立図書館)のAustralia Trove(豪州の宝庫)というウェブ・サイト

ATHLETICS.  Examiner,  1 June 1904

 Another victory for Japan, but, happily, in this instance, a peaceful one. Such was the result of yesterday afternoon’s wrestling match at the Tivoli for the light-weight championship of the world (writes the London “Daily Telegraph” on April 19). The occasion brought together Yukio Tani, of Tokio, and Jem Mellor, of Staly bridge, the prize, a sum of £200 a side, going to the man who should obtain the best of three falls in the Lancashire catch-as-catch-can style within a time limit of two hours. Of the competitors the Englishman appeared to be considerably the lighter, although throughout the greater part of the afternoon he took upon his shoulders the heavier portion of the work. But when his opportunity came the Japanese was quick to seize upon it, and the two falls secured by him were simply marvels of swiftness and superior strength. The proceedings began close upon the advertised hour of 3 o’clock, and it was not until one minute to 4 that the first bout terminated.


 During that period some very pretty play was made on both sides, and, although the referee’s decision was given in Mellor’s favour, the announcement evidently went far to upset the equanimity of a considerable number of those present. As it happened, the two men in their struggles contrived to get close up to the wings, where they were speedily surrounded by some of Mellor’s supporters, whose presence, indignantly resented by the spectators, prevented the latter from obtaining a clear view of the finish. The incident helped in no way to improve the temper of the audience, and cries of “Clear the stage,” “Fair play for the Jap,” served to make the onlookers’ feelings of dissatisfaction sufficiently clear. Nor did the interruptions cease with the resumption of operations, albeit a calmer condition of affairs was at length produced by Mr. Albert Gilmer’s successful efforts to relegate all but the authorised officials to a place in the wings.


 In the second bout, which lasted 18 minutes, Yukio Tani decided to play a waiting game, the immobility of his body, as he rested with hands and knees, firmly planted upon the floor, being almost as conspicuous as the expression upon his features. With praiseworthy persistence Mellor put forth all his strength with the view of overturning his opponent, and at last with success. But his triumph proved of short duration, for an instant later, by means of an artful wriggle, the Japanese had got his man under, gripping him round the body with the tenacity of a python. Against such overwhelming force resistance proved vain, and slowly but surely the Englishman’s shoulders, yielding to the immense pressure brought to bear, were made to touch the stage simultaneously. The third bout followed, with the slightest variations, a similar course, and a few minutes before 5 Yukio Tani rose, amid tremendous cheering, the acknowledged winner of the championship.


 The following is from the issue of “Vim,” April 15:―”There is considerable disparity in the ages of the combatants. Mellor is 36, the Jap is 22. Yukio Tani, who was born in Tokio, is better known in this country as a clever exponent of Ju-Jitsu, a Japanese method of self-defence―which is not wrestling as we understand it―than as a catch-as-catch-can wrestler. He has for some considerable time been appearing before the British public under the management of ‘Apollo,’ the well-known strong man, who engaged that capable Lancashire wrestler, Joe Acton, to instruct him in the catch-as-catch-can style, in which the Jap has for months past had unlimited practice with Acton, and, no doubt, with numerous other capable catch-hold wrestlers. The Jap is a muscular little chap, very strong, we imagine, for his size, quick as a needle, and in all probability a laster. ‘Apollo’ tells us that he is affable and kindly, with a firm control of his temper; that he is a careful liver a total abstainer, and only indulges occasionally in mild cigarettes. His only weaknesses are for ‘flowers, sweetmeats, and picture postcards,’ certainly uncommon idiosyncrasies for a man of muscle who figures on the wrestling-mat.”



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