1913.7 ボクサーとしてのJ・エッソン

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND(ニュージーランド国立図書館)のPAPERSPAST(過去の新聞)というウェブ・サイト

PUG PARS.  NZ Truth, 14 June 1913

 Alex Bain, the burly Scottish wrestler, sends along the following ; “Jimmy Esson, the stalwart Scottish athlete, is now on his way to these shores, and throws down the gauntlet to all and sundry. He is willing to meet New Zealand’s best athletes in either catch-as-catch-can or Graeco-Roman, and will consider handicap matches if the New Zealanders don’t consider themselves equal to the task of meeting him level. Esson is also a boxer, and would like to meet any of the heavyweights of the Dominion. Jimmy’s dimensions are : Height 6ft. 3 3/4in., weight 16 stone l0lb., neck 18 1/2in., chest 50in., biceps 18in., forearm 15 1/2in., thigh 30in., .calf I7 1/2in, age, twenty-six years. His outstanding record is his win of the British heavy-weight championship at the National Sporting Club, London, in 1908.” Alex also sends along some newspaper clippings, which make it out that this Esson person is something out of the ordinary.





Pre War British Boxing

  Jimmy Esson(Aberdeen) active 1909 - 1909 total bouts 5


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