1875.9.19 モダンなアスリート達

ニューヨーク・タイムズ September 19, 1875





 The nearest approach to the ancient gladiatorial contests which people are privileged to witness in this period, is the Greco-Roman wrestling, as yet unknown here, but a favorite art in Europe, where its champions are fairly idolized. The Greco-Roman style is defined as “catch as catch can,” any hold above the waist, and the great science acquired by the experts of this sport has created an almost endless list of catches, holds, locks, and breaks, so that two men equally matched may wrestle for a half hour or more, straining, watching, locking, and breaking, without gaining a fall.


A man may be thrown but unless his antagonist succeeds in putting both shoulders on the ground at the same time no fall is counted, and the struggle may be even more fiercely continued on the ground where half the work is sometimes done in squirming and a combination of intricate holds, such as the under shoulder catch, the cross-arm catch, the under-head lock, and many others, which again have there breaks and counter locks, a description of which would make a good-sized volume.


The least relaxation of a muscle may present an advantage, which being felt by an experienced wrestler, will be seized upon so quickly that a fall will result ere a bystander would realize that any possible change had occurred in the positions of the men. Although of colossal proportions and almost ponderous in weight, these men are as agile as cats, and their brain is exercised as much as their muscles to be ever on the alert for an advantageous change. The struggle once begun, one wrestler may even, seemingly unintentionally, give another a fair hold, which is as likely, however, to prove a trap as the giving of a checker in a game of draughts to sweep a field.


The match recently made between Prof. Miller and M. Christol for $1,000 and the championship of America is the first real Roman wrestling match made in this part of the country, but in California Prof. Miller wrestled three times with Prof. Bauer, each match resulting in a draw, so closely were the men matched.


On the night of the third contest, 3,000 people crowded into the hall, and double the number failed to gain admission, $5 being freely offered for single admission tickets. In this match each man gained two falls, the last bout lasting fifty-four minutes without a moment’s interruption. When the men were called for the final bout, the excitement became so intense that the partisans of the men agreed to draw the stakes rather than risk the issue, as $80,000 then pended the result.


When Prof. Miller arrived here and published his challenge, Prof. Bauer was on his way hither from California, with the avowed purpose of challenging his old antagonist to a final contest to decide the vexed question of superiority between them, but M. Christol, who had just arrived from South America, forestalled him by promptly accepting the sweeping challenge published by Prof. Miller.


Prof. Bauer is now eagerly awaiting the result of this match, after which he will probably challenge the winner. The principals in the present match are men of herculean build, Prof. Miller, however, being the taller and heavier man of the two, weighting ordinarily about two hundred and fifteen pounds, and in condition about one hundred and ninety-five, while M. Christol’s weight is nearly twenty pounds less. But size and weight are of comparative insignificance in scientific wrestling. So the difference between the men is no indication of the probable result.


 Andre Christol, champion of France and Spain, is the celebrated masked man who defeated all comers at the Hippodrome, Paris, in 1867 and 1868. He was born in the suburbs of Marseilles, France, Feb. 2, 1846, and in his childhood displayed a wonderful power and enthusiastic love of athletic sports, but more especially feats of strength and wrestling. At the age of fourteen he entered the athletic profession as a light wrestler under the patronage of the noted Rossignol Rolin, and subsequently having both as teachers and opponents the invincible Farvoud, Pugol, Ambroise and Etienne Le Patre, the Marseilles Brothers, defeating both the Le Patres at the Salle Montesquieu and the Arene Pelletier in 1864.


From 1865 to 1871 he met and conquered in several matches and public competition the famous Millehomme from Bordeaux, La Resistance from Toulouse, the gladiator Lacaisse of Paris, and other noted wrestlers of France, Holland, Belgium, &c. During 1871 he visited Spain, hearing that that country boasted of men who have never been conquered, and there he met, at Madrid and Barcelona, the terrible wrestler Concha and others, from whom he wrested the championship of their country.


In 1872 he made a match with Wolf, of England, the then champion with the dumb-bells, called the Rock of Luxemburg, for 2,000 francs a side, in which he was again victorious. In 1873 he came to this country, and for a short time gave exhibitions of feats of strength and wrestling at the Olympic Theatre, in partnership with Francois Fauche, the baker of Montmartre. After that, he traveled two seasons with Rainer’s Circus in South America, where he earned lavish praise from the press and public. Christol possesses a magnificent figure and shows extraordinary muscular development, while his swarthy and yet handsome face is expressive alike of the greatest determination and kindliness.


 Prof. William Miller was born in Cheshire, England, Dec. 16, 1847, but was brought up in Australia, where his family took up their residence when he was six years of age. At the age of fourteen he commenced athletics with light dumb-bells and gymnastics in general, gradually becoming an adept at boxing, fencing, single stick and various other exercises.


In 1863 he was appointed as clerk in the office of the Melbourne and Hobson Bay United Railway Company, remaining in the employ of this company until 1871, when he resigned the position of Relieving Station-master, to which he had advanced. He was then appointed as telegraph instructor, but subsequently went into the wholesale wine and spirit business on Market square, Melbourne, and afterward opened the Melbourne Gymnasium at No. 38 Bourkestreet, West Melbourne.


A synopsis of the chief events in his career as an amateur is thus given: In 1866 he won a 200-yards swimming match at Steadman’s Bath, Sandridge, against several noted swimmers. In 1867 he won an aquatic match, defeating Prof. Strickland and William Stevens, the two champion swimmers of Australia. In the same year he defeated Capt. Stewart and several others in a wrestling match in deep water for a gold medal. In 1869 he won both prizes in foil and broadsword at the Melbourne Caledonian Games; also a number of private fencing matches, in which he defeated Messrs. Punch, Howitz, Cunningham, Harris, and others.


On Oct. 12, 1872, he fenced a match for £50 a side and the championship of Australia, with Sergt. Stevens, formerly of the Light Dragoons, England, who had won the cross swords at Aldershot, in foil and broadsword. At the end of this match the score in both branches was in favor of Miller, 10 to 7 in foils, and 15 to 8 in broadsword. In the latter part of 1873 he defeated Ned Bitton, the champion of New South Wales, in a boxing match, and then challenged all comers to a glove contest, foil, broadsword, single-stick, and dumb-bells, which was not accepted.


He then challenged J. Fellom, a noted performer with Charini’s circus, who styled himself champion strong man, and also M. Vincent, who was known as the iron man, to compete at his (Prof. Miller’s) farewell benefit, at Apollo Hall, for a sum of money, but neither of his challenges was accepted. He was acknowledged to be the best teacher among many strong rivals, and was instructor to the sons of Viscount Canterbury, Governor of Victoria and all the principal officers of the volunteer force.


He left Melbourne for San Francisco July, 1874, arriving at the latter place Sept. 1, where he opened a gymnasium under the Young Men’s Christian Association, and there boxed with all the noted sparrers of California, whom he defeated. He met Prof. Bauer at the Olympic Club, and there the usual controversy arose among the athletes and sporting men over the respective merits of the strong men, which resulted in a Roman wrestling match for $200 a side, which came off at Pacific Hall, Nov. 14, 1874, and which was declared a draw, Prof. Bauer being so severely strained that Prof. Miller consented to declare it off.


On Dec. 8 of the same year these two men had another match for $500 a side at Platt’s Hall, in which Miller won the first and third falls and Bauer the second and fourth. The fifth bout, lasting fifty-four minutes, was decided by the referee in Bauer’s favor, notwithstanding that serious objections were made by parties understanding the rules of Roman wrestling, it being proved that Prof. Miller had only been thrown with one shoulder on the ground, which was no fall under the rules.


In January, 1875, he bested William Davis, a celebrated boxer, in a sparring match at Platt’s Hall, after which he made a match with a famous Belgian wrestler by the name of Leopold Vandervecken, for $1,000 a side, which Prof. Miller won with straight falls, his opponent gaining none. Vandervecken had previously wrestled with Prof. Bauer, in which the latter won two straight falls out of three, Vandervecken getting one.


On April 13, 1875, he made his debut as a pedestrian, walking a forty-mile match for $200 a side against Homer Pennock, in which the latter gave out on the thirty-fifth mile, Miller’s friends offering to bet that he (Miller) would do the last three miles under thirty minutes. The audience wishing to see what he could do, he walked the fortieth mile under a dozen watches in 9:15, the walking being done on a bare floor with twenty-four laps to the mile.


On April 30, 1875, he again wrestled Prof. Bauer, this time at the Palace Amphitheatre, for $l,000 a side, in which each man won two falls out of the five, the final trial being omitted at the almost unanimous request of the partisans of the men, seconded by the audience. On the 14th of last July Profs. Miller and Bauer met for the last time at Piper’s Opera-house, Virginia City, Nevada, when, no articles being agreed upon, they wrestled for honor, to decide the great question between them, when, after a truly terrific struggle, lasting forty-five minutes, the men parted, neither having succeeded in giving the other a fair fall.


Being unable to find any more champions to conquer in the Golden State, Prof. Miller came to Chicago, where he bested all those opposed to him in sparring ; but finding no wrestlers there, he came to this city, where he will undoubtedly, between Christol, his old antagonist Bauer, Regnier, and others, have a pretty lively time this coming Winter.

