ミラー対フォーリー 1883.5.26 告知記事

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA(オーストラリア国立図書館)のAustralia Trove(豪州の宝庫)というウェブ・サイト

The Mercury  Saturday 26 May 1883

 THE GREAT GLOVE CONTEST.―It may interest some among our readers to know that the glove contest, which will take place on Monday next, at Randwick, in New South Wales, between William Miller and Lawrence Foley, is exciting much attention as likely to be one of the best displays of scientific boxing ever presented in the colonies. Professor Miller is well known in the Australian colonies as an athlete and wrestler, and has made his mark in America as a boxer.


A sporting authority says :― “His first essay in America was at San Francisco, where he met Davis for a stake of 400dol. The contest took place in Platt’s Hall, when the Australian, as he was there called, was successful. The Professor’s next bout with the gloves was at the Athenaeum Gymnasium in Chicago, when he disposed of a most formidable antagonist, named McCarty, who stood 6ft. 3in. and weighed 240lb. He next bested the well-known ‘strong arm’ Kelly, at Wood’s Gymnasium in New York, after which feat he was brought to face Steve Taylor, the champion of Jersey city, who he defeated twice running.


He next settled the pretensions of La Bossiere for 400dol. and the championship of Canada, at Montreal ; and, before leaving the British dominions, issued a challenge to all comers, but failed to meet with any response. He now tackled the redoubtable Johnny Dwyer, who was at that time hailed as champion of America. The contest took place at the Central Park Gardens, in New York city, when the Australian was agained hailed as victor. The next boxing engagement was with Tom Dering, of Boston, which took place in the Boston Music Hall, the proceeds going to benefit the Diet Kitchen Fund, and £1,000 was taken at the doors. Miller was again successful, and like good fortune came to him when he met George Rooke, the middle-weight champion of America, in the Terrace Gardens at New York.


At this time Paddy Ryan was in the zenith of his fame as champion of America. A boxing match was arranged between him and Miller, the proceeds to be devoted to the Irish Relief Fund. Madison-square Gardens, New York, was the scene of the contest, 5,000 people paying for admission to witness the match, which only last three rounds ; on the conclusion of which Ryan refused to go on. Last but not least we come to the world-renowned Joe Goss, who held the championship of the United States at the time. He boxed Miller with coloured gloves, the stakes being 1,000dol. a-side. The contest, which was decided by points, took place at the Maryland Institute, Baltimore, and lasted one hour, at the end of which Miller was declared the winner, having scored 20 points to his opponent’s 19.”


The same authority says, Lawrence Foley first saw light on the banks of the famous Turon River, New South Wales, in 1851, and is nothing like the size of his opponent. Standing 5ft. 8in., he weighs when in condition 10st. 7lb. Though he cannot boast of such numerous successes as the Professor, still his career has been a very brilliant one. He first opened with Ross at George’s River. Then victories were gained over Fred. Jackson, Charles Kelly, Hughes, Hogan, and a second bout with Ross at Port Hacking, which was for £100 a-side, and won in 28 minutes. Last, he tackled Abe Hicken, when the stakes were £1,000, and the championship of Australia. The contest lasted 1 hour 16 minutes, when our friend was hailed the victor. In single-stick play he is also very proficient, and has won several matches. He at present follows the vocation of an innkeeper.



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