1885 ミラーがサリバンに再挑戦

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA(オーストラリア国立図書館)のAustralia Trove(豪州の宝庫)というウェブ・サイト

Australian Town and Country Journal  Saturday 16 May 1885


 Said the New York Clipper of April 4 : Having fully recovered from his unfortunate accident, Professor Miller now re-opens negotiations for a match with John L. Sullivan, by forwarding us the subjoined letter : ―“Melbourne, February 24,1885.―Editor N.Y. CLIPPER―Dear Sir : As I have received a number of letters from friends in America who are anxious that I should meet John L. Sullivan in a glove contest, and my friends in Australia also wish the contest to take place, I now make another endeavor to settle preliminaries for this match. I am prepared to meet Sullivan four months from the time of signing articles of agreement. The match to take place in some building to be mutually agreed upon in San Francisco. Sullivan to allow me 500dol for expenses ; this amount to be deposited with the CLIPPER, and to be handed me after the termination of the match. The winner to take 75 per cent, and the loser 25 per cent, of the receipts, after expenses are paid. The match to be one to win, and if interfered with to be contested out privately within seventy-two hours. Upon receiving CLIPPER announcing that the money is deposited I will immediately leave for San Francisco, and Sullivan can send articles of agreement to any of the newspapers in San Francisco, and I will sign the same immediately on my arrival. Sullivan offered me 1000dol expenses for a match to take place in New York. I took my passage, thinking the money would be deposited, but it was not. My departure was prevented through my leg being broken while wrestling Donald Dinnie. I hope Sullivan will lose no time, but at once deposit the money, and then we are sure to meet. ―Yours, &c., WILLIAM MILLER.”



メニューページ「1884〜1886 W・ミラー 対 J・L・サリバン」へ戻る