1884.7.26 B・ファーナン 対 P・ジャクソン(1)

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The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW) Saturday 28 June 1884

 Jackson, of Sydney, and Farnan, of Melbourne, are to box in the latter place on July 26 for £100 a-side, and the “heavy weight championship.” Farnan has beaten Larry Foley, Miller, and several other good’uns―with pen and ink. Indeed he has the reputation of being able to sing his own praises better than most people, but I am told he is a really fine hard-hitting boxer. I was always under the impression, though, that Professor Miller held the title of heavy-weight champion.


North Australian (Darwin, NT) Friday 1 August 1884

 The boxing match fixed for the 26th

July for £200 between Farnan, of Melbourne, and Jackson, now of Sydney, is likely to be a bigger success than the Foley-Miller affair, and heavy wagering is going along on the event. Jackson is allowed £25 to go over from Sydney, and he is now being put through by Larry Foley. He stands 6ft. 1/2in. and weighs 13st. in form. Farnan is represented as a miniature Sullivan, and a hot battle with the gloves may be expected. Our last half-crown however goes on the man with the woolly head.



Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW )  Saturday 26 July 1884


 On Saturday last there was to have taken place a glove contest for £25 between four competitors in Peter Newton’s (formerly Parkes’s) athletic hall, Bourke-street. The competitors were to have been Lucas and Page, and Mullens and Molloy. However, on Friday last the authorities condemned the hall as unfit for a gathering, and the contest did not come off. A big contest has now been arranged to take place on Saturday next, between Jackson, a black man of Sydney, and Farnan, of South Melbourne, for £100 a side. The contest will take place in Matthews Brothers’ circus-tent, at the corner of Nicholson and Gertrude streets, Fitzroy. Jackson weighs 13st odd in condition, and measures 6ft 1 1/2in. Farnan measures 5ft 9 1/2in, and weighs 13st. Powell, of Sydney, is training Jackson, and Tom Harvey attends to Farnan. The betting is in favour of the Sydney champion.


MELBOURNE, Wednesday.
 I had an interview this morning with Peter Jackson and Ned Powell (his trainer),in the Flagstaff Hotel, West Melbourne, where they are staying, and have gleaned from them further particulars in connection with the forth coming glove contest for £100 a side. Jackson is an American, 24 years of age. He arrived in Sydney about five years ago. He is a single man. He has never fought in public contests. Ned Powell, his trainer, is a native of Sydney, and has fought many glove and “field” fights. Jackson’s weight to-day is 13st 9lb. William Farnham is a blacksmith, 33 years of age, and married. He has fought many battles in public and won nearly all. The ensuing contest is to be fought under the Marquis of Queensberry’s rules, and with ordinary-sized gloves, to be approved of by the authorities. The business management of the affair in jointly under the direction of Mr. J. T. Taylor. the landlord of the Flagstaff Hotel, who is acting for Jackson ; and Tom Crawford, the landlord of the Stanley Arms Hotel, south Melbourne, who is acting for Farnham. The arrangements with Messrs. Matthews, the circus proprietors, have fallen through, and the contest is to take place for certain next Saturday, in the Victoria Hall, Bourku-street. The price of the tickets is £1 for front seats, and 10s for back and gallery seats. The house will hold between £500 and £600. Ned Powel will very likely be assisted by Peter Newton in seconding Jackson. It has not yet been decided who shall be the referee, and there are other minor matters to be settled, such as regards gate money. Jackson tells me that he is training daily, and is in the pink of health. He is pretty confident of a victory. The betting at present is even, but to limited amounts. The Sydney man is slightly favoured. Ned Powell is also certain that his man will be victorious. There is not likely to be any opposition from the authorities. There can be no objection against the Victoria Hall. A crowded house is expected.


Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW) Saturday 2 August 1884

 The glove contest between Farnan and Jackson, under the Marquis of Queensberry’s rules, for £200 and the heavy weight championship of Australia, came off on Saturday night, in the Victoria Hall, which was crowded in all parts. Some difficulty was experienced in not being able to get an acceptable referee. At the last, however, Mr. Sam Rainsbury accepted the position, and Abe Hicken acted as timekeeper. Jackson was seconded by Ned Powell, assisted by Peter Newton, with George Powell as bottle holder. Both Farnan and Jackson were in the pink of condition ; and no one could have possibly done better than the latter since he took up his quarters in Tom Taylor’s Flagstaff Hotel, West Melbourne, Ned Powell was unceasing in his attention to him whilst in training. Only three rounds were fought. The first round, which opened with a few pretty “counters,” was quickly changed in real earnest by Jackson, who measured his distance well and with a left-handed “shoot” straight from the shoulder, sent Farnan clean off his legs. Directly Farnan regained his feet, the darkie repeated the same feat, and then followed it with a third “knock down” blow. On going into their corners Farnan seemed dazed ; and his backers looked as though the game was up. Any odds were then offered on Jackson. The second round was begun with greater caution ; but Jackson unwisely drew too closely to his man, and a couple of strong “drives” went over Farnan’s head. They now came to a lot of sharp fighting, in which Farnan was the better man ; but on the referee calling on the men to separate no heed was paid, and Farnan more than once got straight on his opponent's “bread basket.” This caused Jackson to collapse. An appeal on the ground of a foul blow was made by Ned Powell, but the referee took no notice of it. The third round lasted only a couple of minutes. Jackson was fairly done up, and could not come to time.


Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW )  Saturday 2 August 1884

 So satisfied were the hackers of Jackson that the contest on Saturday was no test of either his ability or stamina, that, on meeting Farnan’s backers in the SPORTSMAN office on Monday (on the payment of the stakes), they at once issued a challenge to box again for £100 a side, either in Sydney or Melbourne, either to give or take £25 for expenses. There was a great deal of hesitation on the part of the Farnanites, who tried hard to shirk it, but they were fairly “cornered” when Tom Taylor and Ned Powell, on the part of Jackson, agreed to accept a “tenner” only for expenses rather than miss the job. The money was at once put up, and the contest will come off in five weeks. Articles were signed.




The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW) Saturday 2 August 1884

 Articles have been signed for another glove fight between Farnan and the Sydney black, Peter Jackson, to take place in five weeks time, the stakes as in the former contest being said to be £100 a-side. At out-fighting the darkie’s long reach and active legs gives him an advantage, but I did not like his style of in-fighting, at which the Melbourne man is said to be an edept.


Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld) Saturday 9 August 1884

 The glove match between P. Jackson (coloured man), of Sydney, and W. Farnan, of Melbourne, for £100 aside, resulted in Farnan kocking the “nig” out of time in three rounds. A second match for a similar amount has been made between the contestants, Jackson’s backers not being satisfied, the Victorian is the better man.


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