1884.9.23 B・ファーナン 対 P・ジャクソン(2)

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA(オーストラリア国立図書館)のAustralia Trove(豪州の宝庫)というウェブ・サイト

Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW) Saturday 27 September 1884


 The glove contest between W. Fanan, of Melbourne, and P. Jackson, of Sydney, which has caused some excitement amongst their friends was brought off at Hunt’s Assembly Rooms on Tuesday, in the presence of about 200 spectators. Like many other affairs of this kind, it ended in a fiasco, the Sydney roughs again coming to the fore when there appeared a probability of their man meeting with a defeat. Prior to the meeting of the cracks, a couple of friends amused the audience. Upon entering the ring both men appeared in very fair condition. The contest was reported to be for a silver belt, presented by Mr. T. Taylor, of Melbourne, and the gate money ; the winner taking the lot.


Farnan’s seconds were Tom Harvey and George Smith ; Dave Ingram and Ned Powell doing like service for Jackson. Harvey and Ingram spun the coin for choice of corners. Harvey won, and chose the south-east for Farnan ; but there was no advantage. After a deal of persuasion, Mr. J. Thompson consented to act as referee, and Mr. W. J. Forrester as timekeeper. Prior to starting the referee explained to the men the rules, and then called '”time.”


At the start Jackson was very busy, while Farnan appeared to get weak before the first round was concluded, and Jackson, who is an American negro, appeared to have much the best of it. In the second Farnan was very busy upon the black’s ribs, receiving in exchange a few sharp half-arm hits on the neck. Both men kept continually closing, and the spectators were making such an uproar that the referee’s cries of “Off” could not be heard by the men.


The third round was opened by Farnan, who got a couple of heavy blows in upon Jackson’s ribs, Jackson replying upon the head and face, and so busy had the men been that both were getting weak. The fourth round was about the liveliest of the lot, Farnan leading off at his spots, the ribs, and all through the round administered some severe punishment, which told its tale upon his opponent, who appeared very weak, and the fifth round ended much in favour of the Victorian.


They had now been fighting 25 minutes, and both were showing signs of distress. Farnan forced the fighting from the commencement of the sixth round, and followed the black all round the ring, hitting him all over, and when time was called Jackson fairly fell into his chair, while Farnan still appeared pretty strong. During the interval the crowd which were down in the street climbed up a gate and gained admittance through the back door.


A scene at once ensued, the ring was broken up, and for a few minute there was a capital free fight. The police at once stepped in and stopped them ; but it broken out in another corner, so that the referee had no recourse but to declare the battle a draw. One, much to the disgust of Farnan’s friends, (?) considered it a certainty for their man.


メニューページ「1883〜1886 豪州拳闘太平記」へ戻る