1885.5.20 B・ファーナン 対 T・リース

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA(オーストラリア国立図書館)のAustralia Trove(豪州の宝庫)というウェブ・サイト

The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW) Thursday 21 May 1885

 The glove fight between Lees and Farnan was brought off this morning. Lees won easily, after fifty minutes’ fighting.


Launceston Examiner (Tas.) Thursday 21 May 1885




 A prize fight, for £100 a side and the championship of Victoria, between two well-known pugilists, named Lees and Farnan, and resulting in a victory for the former, took place on Clifton Hill this morning. The contest was first arranged to come off at Brighton, but the police being informed of it stopped it.


Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW) Saturday 23 May 1885


 Since a match was made between Farnan and Lees, one to win, no item in the boxing world has excited more attention, and many waited for the result very anxiously, both men having many partisans in this colony. On Tuesday at every sporting rendezvous, the first question asked was, “Have you heard anything of the boxing match?” And when the news came through that it was stopped, great disappointment was manifested. Farnan has had an unbeaten record up to the present ; but Lees’s science gained him many friends. Both men were reported to be in excellent condition, and from private sources we learned that Farnan of late had become very expert with his left hand, so that it was thought that the contest would be a very hot one. The match having been ordered to be fought out in seventy-two hours, everyone was anxiously awaiting intelligence on Wednesday, and at about 1 p.m. news came through that the hitherto victorious South Melbournite, Farnan, had been vanquished in a dozen rounds, which occupied 48 minutes. According to our reporter’s account, the battle took place on Wednesday at a spot selected about ten miles out of Melbourne, the ring being pitched about 8 o’clock. Owing to the early hour, there were only a few spectators present, not more than a couple of dozen, and as the police did not put in an appearance, the contest was fought to a finish, every round being in favor of Lees. For many reasons the names of the referee and other officials cannot be given, but we can tell that Farnan was seconded by Harvey and Pollard, while Lees had the assistance of Peter Newton (who trained him) and Donovan. On entering the ring both men were seen to be very fit. Lees led off, and his first visitation knocked Farnan clean off his pins, and was a terrifically telling blow. In every round this was repeated, and Farnan went to grass upon each occasion. In the twelfth round after Lees had drawn his man out with his left he sent in a tremendous right hander, which completely knocked Farnan out of time. Farnan was unable to come up within the required ten seconds, and the verdict was therefore given in favor of Lees. On Lees being declared the winner he was much elated, and to show that he had not suffered anything from Farnan’s visitations he jumped the ring ropes, amid the applause of his supporters. Farnan was very severely punished.


 Now that Lees has defeated Farnan, the match between Foley and Farnan will not take place, as it was stipulated when the match was made that in the event of Lees beating Farnan the match was off. It is somewhat lucky for Farnan that such is the case.



MELBOURNE, Wednesday.

 The adjourned boxing match for £100 and the Championship of Australia, was brought off this morning. Only about thirty persons were present. The spot chosen was about thirteen miles from Melbourne, on the Heidelberg-road. Both men were in the ring by 8 a.m. They showed good condition and careful training. Lees’s party were very confident. Twelve sensational rounds were boxed. Lees wound up by knocking Farnan clean out with a right-hander under the ear. From first to last Lees did nothing but hammer Farnan’s face and body with both hands, and he received comparatively little punishment in return. Lees now claims the championship. Appended are the details :―


 First Round.―The men shook hands at 8 o’clock. Lees led off with his left on Farnan’s face. Farnan visited Lees’s body heavily with his right and his lip with his left, and got first blood.


 Second Round.―Lees at once dashed in both his hands with great force, and then he jumped away like a deer. Farnan followed closely and dashed in his right one. This brought Lees down, but did no damage. Then Farnan put both his hands on Lees’s face, but the latter only smiled.


 Third Round.―Lees went “bang-bang” with his right and left on Farnan’s face and head. The South Melbourne man was apparently helpless and dazed from the fierce onslaught. Lees was also using his right heavily.


 Fourth Round.―Lees again led heavily with his left, and got his right home every time quick, countering. Farnan got all the worse, and bang came Lees’s right again on the side of Farnan’s head, staggering him. For a moment the fight looked all over ; Farnan, however, was taking his tremendous punishment gamely.


 Fifth Round.―Lees was banging away still and jumping away like a cat. Once he slipped, and narrowly escaped a vicious blow.


 Sixth Round.―Farnan was wrong, and the blows had no powder. Lees exclaimed, “You can’t hurt me ; get you safe this time, Billy.” They got to close quarters, and Lees fairly rained heavy blows on Farnan’s face, and it again looked like the finish.


 Seventh Round.―There was slogging on both sides from beginning to end ; Farnan still being severely punished. The onlookers were perfectly astonished at his gameness. His nose and mouth were covered with blood from Lees’s repeated attacks.


 Eighth Round.―There was hot work right from the jump, and Lees punched away with his left through half the round. Farnan was helpless, with the exception of an occasional right-handed body hit, at which Lees smiled. Farnan’s seconds might as well have thrown up the sponge at this stage.


 Ninth Round.―Farnan was brought down on his side with a heavy hit, and Lees continued his sledge-hammering blows without the least attempt from Farnan to stop him. Lees was doing just as he liked, and it was only on time being called that Farnan was saved.


 Tenth Round.―Lees ran all round the ring, and Farnan was playing. After having got to close quarters, Lees, at the advice of Newton, dashed his left three times heavily on Farnan’s stomach, sending him very groggy ; and only Farnan’s dogged pluck kept him up.


 Eleventh Round.―Both were quickly up. Lees smacked his right heavily on the side of Farnan’s head, reeling him over. Then came his left, followed by two more straight ones from the shoulder in the stomach. Farnan went down, but was up again. There was ten seconds’ more severe punishment to the end.


 Twelfth and Last Round.―Farnan came up weakly, and received Lees’s two hands on his face and head. Then Lees placed his left on Farnan’s nose, and sent in his right on Farnan’s jaw, near his ear, and knocked him out. Lees then jumped the ropes to show his freshness.


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