1885〜1886 B・ファーナン 対 L・フォーリー戦の顛末

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Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW) Saturday 30 May 1885


 According to the following letter, published in the Melbourne SPORTSMAN, Farnan is not at all satisfied with his defeat by Lees :―


 Sir,―The more I think of my defeat by Lees, the more I am quite certain he has not beaten me by fair means. The fact of my standing the last eight or nine rounds without power to strike a blow is sufficient to show that something was wrong with me. What it was is best known to those concerned in the work. While giving credit to Lees for smartness, his hitting was powerless. Anyhow, he managed to best me, with a little help from others. Some gentlemen have intimated their intention of backing me to have another go at Lees. I hope they will, as I think there is as much fight in me as ever there was. I have seen by a Sydney paper that Foley thinks me beneath his notice now that I have been bested, but I shall not disappoint him. I will be in Sydney at the time fixed in the articles. I only wish that he would box me in public, so that the latter could judge for themselves, otherwise I shall expect to be served just the same way as I have been in the Lees affair.―W. FARNAN.


 Another letter appears in the same paper signed by Peter Newton, in which he says :―From more than one quarter the rumor comes to me that Farnan’s defeat by Lees was brought about principally by foul means. I emphatically deny that any means were used by our side other than those with which nature has gifted my principal, Lees. Further, I am prepared to make a solemn affidavit that we entered into no conspiracy of any kind with anyone to defeat Farnan by other than fair boxing and generalship. So many words. Now for action, I am prepared to back Lees to beat Farnan again for from £200 to £500 a side, within three months from signing articles. As we intend travelling, we must have an answer at once.



The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW) Saturday 6 June 1885

 The black Jackson, who by-the-bye has taken unto himself the title of “Professor,” is open to box any man in Australia bar Foley. This should evoke an answer from Lees. It may be news to a good many people that Farnan’s conqueror was once in the police force in Maitland. So I am told by those who ought to know.


 Farnan is greatly dissatisfied with his defeat by Lees, and declares that he was got at or drugged before the battle. Of course he was “got at,” but I am certain it was during the fight, not before it, and there is no doubt about Lees being the man who did it. Farnan is a game man and a powerful one, but he is too slow to be a dangerous antagonist for men like Lees, Foley, or Miller, who are equally as game as himself, much quicker, and far more clever. However there is every probability that another match will be made between the South Melbourne blacksmith and his conqueror, but with the same result I fancy.


Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW) Saturday 20 June 1885


 Since Lees defeated Farnan, all sorts of rumors have been going around. One which received some publicity, was that he wished to box Professor Miller. In a letter dated from Melbourne, June. 15, he said :―“It having appeared in some newspapers in New South Wales that I intended challenging Professor Miller to a glove contest, I deny this. I would as soon challenge my own father. Professor Miller instructed me in the art of boxing, and he has always interested himself in my welfare. We are the best of friends. By publishing this letter in your valuable journals, you will greatly oblige.”


The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW) Saturday 27 June 1885

 Farnan appears determined to go on with his contest with Foley, which will take place shortly. There is no doubt that the Victorian will fight very viciously, as he and Larry have been on anything but kissing terms lately, but the man who would back him, and fancy he had a chance of success, would need to have a heart like a lion, and a head like a mile-stone.


Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW) Saturday 4 July 1885


 On Wednesday it was intimated that a match had been arranged between Foley and Farnan to box, one to win under the Queensberry rules, on August 12, Foley staking £150 to Farnan’s £100. A stakeholder was appointed, and a substantial stake put up, to be forfeited if either party failed to go on with the match. Next morning all the parties concerned met to sign articles, when, to the surprise of everyone, Farnan refused to go on with the match and forfeited the deposit. This appeared to somewhat astonish the gentleman who was backing him (Mr. G. Smith, of the Victoria Hotel, Marrickville), who still wished to go on with, the match, and offered to put up more money. Farnan, bowever, distinctly refused to go on, and in the presence of many people stated that he would give Foley “best.” Sportsmen have now no doubt heard the last of this, and probably this is the last occasion upon which the New South Wales champion, Laurence Foley, will respond to a boxing challenge, as his friends are strongly advising him to retire. He has got a snug business, retires with all honors ; so that in future all aspirants to boxing fame can leave his name out. There will now, no doubt, be plenty trying their hands and going in for champion honors. Lees looks about the most likely now to achieve that position.


North Australian (Darwin, NT) Friday 10 July 1885

 In answer to Farnan’s hints that he was dosed, the backers of Lees say they are prepared to back their man, staking £500 to £250. This looks very fine, but where is Farnan to get the money?
 Farnan, who was beaten by Lees at Melbourne recently, hints in a letter to the papers that he was dosed, and that while having all the will and spirit to go on, his arm fell powerless. This is pretty serious. Farnan says he’s sure he can beat Lees, and that he will turn up at the right to meet Foley at Sydney.


North Australian (Darwin, NT) Friday 4 September 1885

 Farnan has completely backed out of his match with Foley.


Clarence and Richmond Examiner and New England Advertiser (Grafton, NSW) Saturday 9 January 1886

 Larry Foley has issued a challenge to box any man in Australia for £1000, or will make a wager to beat Farnan and Newton the same afternoon.
 Foley’s challenge is looked upon as only an advertising dodge.



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