1886.4.20 T・リース 対 B・ファーナン

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA(オーストラリア国立図書館)のAustralia Trove(豪州の宝庫)というウェブ・サイト

Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW) Saturday 17 April 1886


 On Monday last the final deposit of £100 a side was made good in the Farnan and Lees match, under the Marquis of Queensberry rules, for £400. In a few days the men will meet to try conclusions. Farnan has not yet returned to Melbourne from the country, where he is reported to be doing good work, and to be in capital health. He has been at it―walking, running, rowing, chopping wood in the open air, and a regular round of exercise. He is also said to be much quicker with his left. He will box at about 12st. Lees also keeps in good health and constant work. He looks lusty, and has had some vigorous boxing bouts with Newton.


Launceston Examiner (Tas.) Tuesday 20 April 1886



MELBOURNE, April 19.

 A prize fight took place to-day at Williamstown between Lees and Farnan for £400. The ring was made on the race course at six o’clock this morning, and shortly after that hour the opponents entered the ring, and 17 rounds were fought in the presence of thousands of spectators. Lees punished Farnan dreadfully, and when the latter’s eyes were bunged up, and his face bleeding, a party of mounted troopers rode into the ring, and stopped proceedings. Farnan would have been defeated had the fight been concluded. The match is described as being for the championship of Australia.


Launceston Examiner (Tas.) Wednesday 21 April 1886


MELBOURNE, April 20.

 Notwithstanding the precautions of the police, the prize fight between Lees and Farnan for £200 aside was resumed at Essendon at daybreak to-day, and resulted in a victory for Lees after four rounds had been fought. Farnan was terribly knocked about, and the gloves had to be cut from his hands. Both Lees and Farnan were subsequently arrested and placed in the lock-up on a charge of assault. Both were bailed out, and they will be brought before the Police Court to-day.


Williamstown Chronicle (Vic.)  Saturday 24 April 1886


THERE is an impression abroad―an impression evidently shared by “the powers that be”―that a boxing match, according to the Marquis of Queensberry rules, is a very innocent sort of contest, a pastime or recreation which indeed ought rather to be encouraged than condemned. We hope the eyes of the authorities and of the general public will be opened to the fallacy of such impression by the report of the recent fight between two professional bruisers, Lees and Farnan, begun at the Williamstown racecourse on Monday last and finished at Essendon on Tuesday. We can hardly conceive anything more demoralising than a spectacle such as the Herald describes in the following extract, narrated by an eye-witness :


―”The third round was a repetition of the preceding one, Farnan growing more and more unsteady on his feet, and beginning to sway backwards and forwards. Then came another lefthander, followed by a cross-counter with the right, and Farnan was knocked clean off his feet, the back of his head striking the turf heavily. If the South Melbourne man had taken the advice of his friends, he would there and then have given up. But he obstinately refused to give way, and came to the call of time for another round.


He was scarcely in the centre of the ring when he received a terrible whack with the glove, and came down on his hands and knees, rocking himself to and fro. He stood up only to be knocked down again time after time. When Farnan came to the centre of the ring, he was at once knocked down. Then Lees, after a hasty but excusable expression of exultation at his victory, asked why Farnan’s seconds did not ‘give up the game.’ The referee made the same appeal to save one of the pluckiest of men from useless punishment, and Farnan’s seconds after a brief consultation threw up the sponge, a decision against which Farnan strongly protested.


That this was the proper course to pursue a round earlier, the spectators felt fully assured, some even going so far as to say that he should not have been asked to resume boxing next morning. . . We are informed that the gloves had to be cut off Farnan, and that he has since been very unwell indeed, the severe punishment administered to him about the head and face having told severely.”


The brutalizing influence an encounter of this kind must have upon the spectators can readily be imagined―indeed we have little hesitation in saying that a people who countenance such disgusting exhibitions cannot be complimented on having emerged from the barbarous stage. Many persons fancy that there is a wide difference between the ring fights of 25 years ago, and the glove matches of modern times. The latter seem to be conducted under the patronage, or auspices, of the police. Constables duly gave their countenance to the Williamstown glove fight, and only interfered when one of the combatants was badly beaten.


As a matter of fact the modern boxing match is such an excellent imitation of the “sport” afforded by gladiators of the Heenan and Sayers epoch that it is difficult to say which kind of encounter is the more brutal. For our own part we would be disposed to award the palm to the matches which are conducted according to the Marquis of Queensberry’s rules, inasmuch as they last longer than ungloved contests and are often, on that account, more injurious to the principals. The law of the land has pronounced prize fights to to be illegal. It may be a tyrannical law, a harsh and arbitrary measure, a piece of grandmotherly legislation―as was said of the Factories Bill―nevertheless it is one which reflects no discredit upon the law maker’s morality ; it is a humane measure, and in strict accordance with the tenets of Christianity which we all profess to follow.


If there be a statute legalising prize fights it would be well for the police to produce it as an excuse for their attitude at the racecourse on Monday last. Duelling, badger-baiting and other once popular pastimes have been put down by the strong arm of the law, and it is high time fistic gladiators were shown that their presence―however approved of by the police―has become intolerable to the people of the colony.


 Information reached the police authorities on Saturday night that a prize fight was arranged to take place between Lees and Farnan two well-known pugilists, early on Sunday morning. Telephohic messages were sent to the officer in charge of each suburban station, requesting them to send word to the Russell-street barracks immediately any parties suspected of having any connexion with the fight passed through the locality under their supervision. A party of six mounted constables and a sergeant were in readiness at the Police Depot to go at once in response to any message. At a quarter past 12 a.m. on Sunday, intimation was received from Footscray and Flemington that large numbers of vehicles were going in the direction of Williamstown. On Monday morning, Sergeant Witcher sent several constables to the racecourse and the town troopers arrived there soon afterwards. A large crowd, numbering over 1000 persons, assembled within the course enclosure, and a ring was roped off into which the pugilists stepped. After fighting seventeen rounds, according to the Marquis of Queensberry’s rules, Senior-constable Hiron put a stop to the fight.


The Mercury (Hobart, Tas.) Saturday 15 May 1886



 The prosecution of Farnan and Lees, prize fighters, at the Williamstown Police Court, has failed, and the cases were struck out. The chairman of the bench remarked that the cases had been brought with childish simplicity on the part of the Crown.




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