1905.10.13 東勝熊 対 A・スワンソン

The Library of Congress 米国議会図書館(LC)
 Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers

The sun. (New York [N.Y.]), August 14, 1905
 Prof. Higashi, the Japanese wrestler and jiu-jitsu expert, offers to engage in another jiu-jitsu struggle. Higashi admits that his exhibition with Bothner at the Grand Central Palace last winter was not a good test. He thinks that Alex Swansen would be a much better opponent for him than Bothner because of the fact that the latter elected to act entirely on the defensive. Swansen is equally at home at defensive and offensive work. While his knowledge of jiu-jitsu may be inferior to that of Bothner, it is thought that with his knowledge of catch-as-catch can he would not have much trouble in finding out Higashi’s weak points. The Jap suggests that the match take place at Dreamland where Higashi has been giving exhibitions all summer.



Dreamland (amusement park)
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Grand Central Palace

ニューヨーク・タイムズ  October 14, 1905
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Swedish Wrestler Beats Jiu Jitsu Expert Handily in Match.

 The Swedish wrestler Swanson made the Japanese jiu-jitsu expert, Higashi, look like a tyro in the match between the two at the Harlem River Casino, Second Avenue and 127th Street, last night. There were over 500 devotees of the game present to see the contest and they were pleased with the way the big fellow handled the exponent of the vaunted Oriental game. It took him less than twenty-six minutes, all told, to score three falls over his agile and wiry opponent, and many believed he could have turned the trick in less time.


 The conditions of the match compelled the catch-as-catch-can expert to pin the Jap to the mat and hold his shoulders there for a full minute. Several times he secured a fall, only to have the Oriental slip from his grasp before the expiration of the interminable minute. He did the trick at last the first time within 15:10 of the start of time, securing the fall from a collar-and-elbow catch. The second fall followed in 4:10 from a similar hold, while the third occupied 6:05, just 25:25, actual time, and less than 45:00 including the intermissions.


 The Swede simply toyed with the Jap and only once was the latter able to throw him over his head. This was before the second fall and the trick cost the Asiatic dearly. In going over, the Swede caught his opponent around the head and wrenched him badly, and the fall followed within a minute and a half, before the Jap could recover from the shock.



The Minneapolis journal. December 31, 1906


 Cal Harris, manager of Alex Swanson, champion welterweight wrestler of the world, would like to arrange a match with Carl Mattsson of this city. Harris is willing to make a big side bet and will make any reasonable terms. Mattsson’s manager is requested to communicate with Cal Harris. Empire theater, Lorain, Ohio.


 ウェルター級は、1912年のボスナーの著書“Scientific Wrestling”によれば、135ポンド(約61kg)〜145ポンド(約66kg)となっています(但しアマチュアの規定。ニューヨーク州でのものと思われる)。1908年のロンドン・オリンピックでは、ライト級が〜147ポンド(約67kg)、ミドル級が〜161ポンド(約73kg)で、その間にウェルター級の設定がありませんでした。

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