1904.12.23 谷幸雄 対 三宅太郎(2)

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND(ニュージーランド国立図書館)のPAPERSPAST(過去の新聞)というウェブ・サイト
※2012年6月、“Auckland Star”と“ New Zealand Herald”の記事が加わりました。

A FALLEN STAR.  Auckland Star, 4 February 1905



LONDON, December 23.

 The old sporting adage, “a good big ’un is bound to beat a good little ’un,” received very unexpected confirmation at the Tivoli Theatre of Varieties last Friday evening, when that clever little Japanese wrestler, Yukio Tani, was well beaten by a fellow-countryman named Miyake, in two prixfixes.


 I saw Miyake and Tani exhibit in private only a matter of ten days before Tani’s defeat, and it then struck me that a long period of music-hall wrestling with men who were more or less “mugs” at the Japanese style of play had had a bad effect on Tani’s style. Miyake, who is at least a couple of stones heavier than Tani, who can scale at a few pounds over nine stone, appeared to be far quicker than the smaller man, and there was a finish about his style that was lacking in Tani’s. Twice in a very brief space of time Miyake had Tani in what appeared to be helpless positions, but he did not press his advantage home: indeed, all through Miyake seemed to be keeping a good deal up his sleeve.


 His challenge to Tani at the Tivoli created much surprise, for it was understood that the pair were mutually interested in a Jujitsu school recently opened in Oxford-street. Possibly they fell out: hence Miyake’s bid for the £100 offered to anyone who could throw the little man. At any rate, when the pair faced each other on the Tivoli stage the bigger man lost no time in showing that he meant business. Directly they shaped up Miyake leg-hooked Tani, and, heaving him, bodily off his feet, brought him with a smash to the mat that made everybody wince. Tani was evidently much shaken, but rose quickly, only, however, to be brought down again in a similar fashion. After these preliminary skirmishings Miyake smashed his opponent down on the mats, and then, evidently having taken his man’s measure, played with him for a few seconds by deliberately going to the floor and defying all Tani’s efforts to get at him by lightning-like play with his feet. Then, springing up again, Miyake once more threw Tani forcefully, and, dropping on him like a shot, pinned him in such a position that Tani had either to give in or suffer a broken arm. He chose the less painful course, and retired utterly crestfallen, as well he might be, seeing that his value as a “star” turn has fallen to a very law point.


 He is still, however, light-weight champion of England in the catch-as-catch-can style by virtue of having beaten Jim Mellor in that style some months ago on the very stage where he met his downfall last Friday.



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