1905. 1.27 チェルシー兵営にて柔術演武

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA(オーストラリア国立図書館)のAustralia Trove(豪州の宝庫)というウェブ・サイト

The Sydney Morning Herald  Friday 17 March 1905



 There can be little doubt that the Japanese style of wrestling or self-defence which has been so skilfully illustrated of late at the variety halls by Tani is a wonderful system of all-round physical culture and self-defence (says the London “Sportsman” of January 28). It is really the art of defeating brute strength by exact methods of skill and science. It has made the Japanese, though small in stature, wonderful athletes, and given them health, endurance, vitality, and cheerfulness of temperament. The balance of the human body has been carefully studied in order to upset a man without using strength, likewise human anatomy in order to find out quick ways of rendering a person helpless. To defend oneself by sleight of body, to take ingenious advantage of the human anatomy, to defeat one’s opponent by utilising his strength―these are the subtle teachings of Ju-jitsu. Last evening there was a demonstration of the science by professors of the Japanese school of wrestling, Oxford-street W., at Chelsea Barracks. Under the patronage of Major-General L. Oliphant, C.B., Colonel D. G. Probyn (Irish Guards), Colonel Fox (late Inspector of Army Gymnasia), Colonel Napier (Inspector of Army Gymnasia), Major Fielding (Coldstream Guards), and Captain M’Calmont (Irish Guards), a large company, consisting mainly of noncommissioned officers and men of the Guards, in addition to several ladies, put in an appearance, and were greatly interested in the display. Mr. Allerdale Grainger officiated as M.C., and in a short speech explaining the advantages of Ju-jitsu and its great use as a supplementary art to British boxing and wrestling. Messrs. Miyake, Tani, Kanaya, and Eida demonstrated all manner of throws and locks, elementary and advanced, their personal quickness, strategy, and cleverness being frequently recognised by hearty applause. Subsequently Tani engaged in bouts with Corporal Anderson, 1st Batt. Scots Guards, and Private Lee, 1st Grenadier Guards, and, though his antagonists were each a couple of stone heavier, he defeated both with ease. Miyake, the champion of the Western style in Japan, also encountered Private Wall, of the Irish Guards, who failed to resist the Jap.’s wonderful science.



London And China Telegraph  January 30, 1905 Page 7


 SEVERAL professors of the School of Jiu-Jitsu, which has been established in London, gave a demonstration of their skill in the Drill Hall at Chelsea Barracks. First Messrs. Miyake and Tani, and then Messrs. Kanaya and Eida, gave exhibitions of some of their wonderful throws and bone-breaking locks. After these came the contests, four Guardsmen coming forward to oppose Mr. Tani and Mr. Miyake. Each one of these men were powerfully built, and in height stood a head above his adversary. They all showed the greatest pluck and determination, and had not the least reason to be ashamed of their defeats, since both Mr. Tani and Mr. Miyake are experts in their art, the latter being a champion in his own style in Japan. The Guardsmen seemed as children in the hands of the professors, who threw them about the stage almost at will, but always taking care to soften the falls when some of the deadliest throws were put into practice. As soon as the soldiers attempted to use their strength they were lost, for the Japanese had them about tripped or thrown and pinned down and helpless in a moment. Joe Acton, the Lancashire catch-as-catch-can light-weight, fared little better than the Guardsmen, for Mr. Miyake threw him to the ground quite as easily.



Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA )  Tuesday 16 January 1906

 … Mr. Morton Allerdale Grainger and Mr. Hugo H. Simon, who came over from London with Yukio Tani, communicate to me their sworn statement of the facts of the fight. …

 (前略) モートン・アラーデイル・グレインジャー氏とヒューゴー・H・サイモン氏、ロンドンから谷幸雄と共にやって来た彼等は、わたしにその闘いの事実に関する彼等の宣誓の上での声明を伝えている。 (後略)


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