1908 前田光世 対 H・アースリンガー

National Library Singapore(シンガポール国立図書館)
NewspaperSG (シンガポールの新聞)

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The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 24 February 1908

 The fourth day of the tournament at the Alhambra produced some excellent sport. There was one very surprising result, Yamato, the Japanese wrestler, who had shown such tremendous strength, being beaten by Irslinger, of Austria. Yamato did not appear in the best of health, but he found in Irslinger a man almost as strong as himself, and certainly more skilful in the catch-as-catch-can style. For the first few minutes or so Yamato was very aggressive, and several times looked like gaining a fall, but he palpably tired, and the skill of Austrian told in the end. Irslinger is only 20 years of ages.


 講道館出身、のちにグレイシー柔術の祖となる柔道家、前田光世は、英国では前田大和 ”Maida Yamato” と名乗っていました。

 1913.1.23、2.20 G・ボスナー 対 H・アースリンガー

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