1908.1.28 前田光世 対 ジップス

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The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser 24 February 1908

 Several Japanese wrestlers are taking part this week among about ninety others, in a championships’ tournament under the patronage of the National Sporting Club at the Alhambra. Two of them distinguished themselves on 27th inst., Yamato showing great strength and easily winning in the middle weights ; and Hirano, although giving away quite two stone in weight, cleverly beating Earle in the light weights.


Next day Yamato stepped into the vacancy in the heavy weights, created by the absence of his fellow-countryman, Ono. Yamato had to meet a giant in the coloured man, Zipps, and though giving away a lot of weight, showed extreme cleverness. He quickly threw Zipps, who stayed on the mat for over twenty minutes and effectually prevented Yamato from turning him over.


After a short rest while both men were rubbed down, there was some quick work, the Japanese being extremely fast, and once slipping a hold in wonderful fashion. The bout went for thirty minutes without a fall, and the judges unanimously gave the verdict to Yamato, who thoroughly deserved it, the black man doing very little attacking. There was a full house, and they cheered the little Japanese to the echo.


National Sporting Club
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


 講道館出身の柔道家で、後にブラジルへ渡りグレイシー柔術の祖となる前田光世は、英国では「前田大和」と名乗っておりました。英国人には“Yamato”とのみ呼ばれることが多かったのは、日本風に「姓→名」の順で名乗ったため「大和」の方が苗字と間違えられたから…かもしれません(フル・ネームでは“Maida Yamato”と表記されています)。
 平野は、日本柔術学校“The Japanese School of Ju-jitsu”で谷幸雄や三宅太郎らの同僚教師だった“J. Hirano”かと思います(別ページ「“The Game of Ju-jitsu”と日本柔術学校」をご参照下さい)。

 “Ono”は、前田と同じ講道館の、大野秋太郎でしょう。欧米で柔道家、プロレスラーとして活躍しました。別ページ「テリブル・ジャポネ 大野秋太郎」もご覧頂けると幸いです。


 ジップスはフル・ネームを“Chambers Zipps”と言う米国人で、欧州のグレコ・ローマン・トーナメントで上位入賞している強豪の由。

Championnat du Monde de Lutte 1906 レスリング世界選手権1906

Quentin lutte olympique

 ジョージ・ハッケンシュミットは、その著書“COMPLETE SCIENCE OF WRESTLING”(2nd edition / revised by Percy Longhurst. London : Athletic Publications, 1909)の中で、前田について次のように言及しています。
 “LEG-HOLDS AND LEG WORK IN UPRIGHT WRESTLING.”(立ち勝負に於ける脚取りと足技)という章です。上記の新聞記事と内容が符合していると思います。前田は立ち技が得意で、その足技は裸の闘いでも威力を発揮したようです。

 Take the Alhambra tournament in 1908, and the progress of the little Jap, Yamato, into the final for the heavy-weight championship. Yamato was seemingly hopelessly outweighted in every bout; his stature was positively diminutive when contrasted with any of his antagonists, and ridiculously so when he faces such giants as Zipps and Esson.


 Yet these opponents were obviously on thorns whenever they were called upon to face him in an upright posture, one of them even, although some five or six stones the heavier man, positively preferring to remain on his hands and knees, without making any attempt to rise, rather than run the risk of being again tripped and brought down heavily, as he had invariably been whenever he found his feet.


 The two giants were seemingly confident that their tiny antagonist did not possess the necessary strength to lever over their own huge bulk, and were further dismally aware that this same bulk rendered their constant impact with the ground whenever Yamato tripped them decidedly unpleasant.


 I have been told that the respect which these big fellows displayed for Yamato’s legs was positively ludicrous. They never themselves presumed to take the liberty of attempting to trip him; yet, despite the fact that they bent themselves double in their precautions, and skipped away at every movement made by the Jap, they were unable to escape frequent violent visits to the mat.


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