1922.3 後に語られた青柳対ゴッチ戦

Old Fulton NY Post Cards
Historical Newspapers From New York State

Buffalo Courier  Sunday, March 19, 1922

Wrestlers Prove Superior to Boxers and Jiu-Jitsu Artists in Rough-and-Tunble Battles


 Although it has been proven numerous times that a wrestler is better than a boxer in a rough and tumble fight, by the mat performer winning in jig time from the ringster when ever they met in such conflict, the controversy over their relative superiority still rages and the jiujiasu advocates have entered a claim.


 Sight is lost in the discussion of the rules that should regulate such a contest. The wrestler could not win over a boxer under the Marquis of Queensbury rules and a boxer would have no chance under wrestling rules. An unfair advantage is also given the wrestler if the boxer is compelled to wear five-ounce-gloves. He should be permitted skin-tight gloves. A rough-and-tumble, go-as-you-please fight just what the adjective imply.


Few Such Battles.

 Little opportunity has been afforded present-day fans to witness such contests between boxers and wrestlers, which possibly accounts for the confusion over the respective merits. Because of the interest aroused by the discussion, several enterprising promoters are negotiating for such matches, but up to the present they have been confined to lesser lights in both branches of sport. If champions in the respective classes could be brought together houses rivalling other championship matches undoubtedly would be attracted.


 Such contest attracted a large crowd at $3 a seat in New Meridian, Conn., shortly after Jack McCormick knocked out Kid McCoy in 1899. McCormick with a bar hammerlock, released the hold and then pinned him with a face-lock. McCormick never had a lookin.


Gotch Setteled Jiu-Jitsu.

 The jiu-jitsu argument was effectively settled in Bellingham, Wash., in 1905 by Frank Gotch. One writer, misinformed, has sought to make Gotch the loser, but the mat champion secured three falls in 21 seconds. J. C. Marsh, manager of Gotch at the time, is authority for the statement. A Jap jiu-jitsu artist was making considerable stir on the Pacific coast and his manager baited Marsh for a side bet of $250, which was promptly covered. It was agreed that any part of the body touching the floor but the feet would constitute a fall, three falls out of five to settle the contest. Gotch accomplished the task in 21 seconds. The Jap never got behind Gotch and apparently was helpless in the mat champions hands. jiu-jitsu advocate never raised his voice again―not during Gotch’s day.


 プロレス評論家の田鶴浜弘さんも愛読されたレスリング史書「ミロンからロンドスまで」(From Milo to Londos, by Nat Fleischer, 1936)に、1904年2月24日、シアトルでゴッチが日本人キング・ロー“King Lo (Jap)”に勝った、とあります。 試合日にずれがありますが、K青柳戦のことかと思います。「きんごろう」というような名前だったのかもしれません。


The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld.)  Saturday 14 September 1878
Physical Education for Gentlemen. By Colonel Thomas A. Monstery

 開拓時代の米国入植者達は相当に荒っぽかったようです。インディアナ州の愛称は“Hoosier State”ですが、「フージャー」の語源には恐ろしい説もあるようです。

Indiana Historical Bureau
What is a Hoosier?
■Quite as plausible as these was the facetious explanation offered by “The Hoosier Poet,” James Whitcomb Riley. He claimed that Hoosier originated in the pugnacious habits of our early settlers. They were enthusiastic and vicious fighters who gouged, scratched and bit off noses and ears. This was so common an occurrence that a settler coming into a tavern the morning after a fight and seeing an ear on the floor would touch it with his toe and casually ask, “Whose ear?”

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