1881.1.19 E・ビビー 対 D・C・ロス

The New York Times  January 7, 1881
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 Duncan C. Ross, the Scotch wrestler, and Edwin Bibby met yesterday and signed articles of agreement to wrestle in this City between the 15th and 20th of this month, “catch as catch can,” American rules, for $250 a side, best three falls out of five. One hundred and fifty dollars a side was deposited in the hands of Frank Queen. The balance will have to be put up at least three days before the contest takes place, when a referee and stakeholder will be selected. Ross puts up his own stake-money; Bibby was represented by a well-known sporting man of this City.


The New York Times  Thursday, January 20, 1881



 The wrestling match between the Scotchman, Duncan C. Ross, and Edwin Bibby, the Englishman, was decided in favor of the latter last night, after a very pretty struggle. Turn Hall, in Fourth-street, the scene of the match, contained about 500 spectators. Ross is a giant beside Bibby. He is 6 feet 1 1/2 inches in height, weighs 205 pounds, and is without an ounce of superfluous flesh. Bibby weighs only 155 ponds, and is 5 feet 6 inches tall. He is compactly built, as agile as a cat, and has the rebound of a rubber ball. Besides being the Scotchman’s superior in rapidity of movement, he appears to possess fully as much strength. The match was for $250 a side and the championship of America. The American rules governed this catch-as-catch-can contest, which in plain English was a rough-and-tumble struggle, the object of which was to bring the shoulders of either one or the other man fairly and squarely upon the carpet. Ross, who is living in Providence, was allowed $35 for his expenses to New-York. The winner was to receive two-thirds of the gate-money and his rival the remainder. Drumm was the umpire for Bibby and Johnson that for Ross. The wrestlers, stripped to the waist, were two splendid specimens of physical power.


 When time was called the men lowered their heads and began to step cautiously toward one another. Bibby was the first to make a move by throwing his hands over the giant’s neck and sawing his head up and down. Ross stretched forward his long arms, and, catching Bibby’s head, went through the same movements. With a dexterous jerk Bibby brought his man to his knees, and while attempting to turn him was himself compelled to make a complete somersault to avoid going on his back. The movement was so gracefully accomplished that the crowed cheered the Englishman lustily. Both men then got on their knees, and Bibby next went so far as to stand Ross on his head. Several times the little man brought the big one so close upon his two shoulders on the carpet that only the most violent squirming saved him. They broke, red and perspiring, and after some further fencing Ross secured the grape-vine twist with his right leg, and, nimbly spinning his rival around, brought him down, and, in spite of his struggles, rolled him on his back. The time was 12 minutes. When next they came together there was a businesslike look on each man’s face. Bibby secured a powerful grip around Ross’s body, and plowed his head along the carpet in a vain effort to topple him heels over head. The Scotchman recovered himself and got on his knees―a favorite position. Bibby jumped from side to side like a cat, and after giving him two somersaults, fastened his shoulders to the carpet. There was clear light under Ross’s hips, and the crowd insisted that he had not received a fall. Bibby at a sign from his umpire got to his feet, and Ross turned nimbly on his knees and indignantly declared that that was not a fall. The referee decided that it was, and the Scotchman walked angrily to the wings of the stage. Time, 3 minutes.


 “Twenty-five to twenty on Bibby,” shouted somebody in one of the corners. A sergeant of Police threw a cordon of officers around the moneyed quarter of the house, exclaiming, “That’s what we’re here for―to stop betting.” Ross came out for the third trial evidently nettled at the referee’s last decision. His first effort was to bring the Englishman to the carpet on his knees, and, falling on top of him, he got Bibby’s head in chancery, and strained at it as if he would pull it off. Bibby released himself, sweating and panting. Twice he twitched the giant on his shoulders, and each time the latter scrambled to his knees. The men were working harder than at any time during the evening. Coming together, in a double back hold, Bibby lifted Ross bodily off his feet and hurled him down, falling on him and pressing his shoulders squarely down. Bibby won the fall handsomely, but the manifest determination of the Scotchman not to yield it so angered him that, gripping the latter by both legs, he turned him on his back and fell on him. The spectators cheered uproariously. The time required for the fall was eight minutes. It was the most exciting of the evening.


 In the next trial Bibby gave freer play to his elastic little body, and the rapidity with which he leaped from one side of the giant to the other while the latter was on his knees provoked much merriment. They came together and separated several times, and each time Ross all but placed the Englishman in the required position. Finally, Ross got Bibby around under his chin and pressed his back so firmly to his own breast that the Englishman was powerless. Then he gave him a quick jerk that sent his heels upward and his shoulders down upon the carpet. Ross’s friends claimed a fall, but the umpire shook his head, for Bibby had instantly bounced upon his feet. Notwithstanding his narrow escape, Bibby was again caught off his guard by the giant and with exactly the same hold. This time he made the success of his jerk sure by falling on Bibby the instant the latter came down on his shoulders. Time, 12 minutes. Each man had won two falls. In exactly six minutes Bibby secured the fifth and last fall and won the match. Bibby got a leg-lock on the Scotchman, after a deal of hard work, and the next instant the latter was off his feet, the next on the flat on his back.


 別ページ「「オタゴ・ウィットネス」より(2)1877 シカゴに覆面男現る」に、そのルールを記載しています。

 別ページ「1898.3.26 ユーソフ 対 E・ローバー(1)」、「1898.4.30 ユーソフ 対 E・ローバー(2)」、こちらもお読み頂けると幸甚です。


 米国伝統の格闘技、というよりは素手による決闘法、「ラフ・アンド・タンブル」については、別ページ「1922.3 後に語られた青柳対ゴッチ戦」に少しだけ書いています。

 こちらのページ「1893.3 T・キャノン 対 D・C・ロス」もお読みいただけると幸いです。
