1912.4 三宅太郎 対 J・マッデン

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND(ニュージーランド国立図書館)のPAPERSPAST(過去の新聞)というウェブ・サイト

ODDMENTS OF NEWS.  Feilding Star, 17 April 1912

 A performance at a music hall in Portsmouth on a recent Saturday night ended in a riotous scene, the stage being stormed by bluejackets, who took charge of the proceedings until the curtain fell. Tarro Miyaki, a Japanese ju-jitsu wrestler, who is touring the halls, was opposed for the second time during the week by Jack Madden, instructor to the officers and men of the Excellent Guunery(※正しくはGunnery) School at Portsmouth. Madden, whose throat was scratched, en-minutes and won £7, and on Saturday he lasted twenty minutes and won £20, which was paid to him in notes and gold in view of the audience. The strangle hold had been barred during the contest, and, Madden, whose thoat was scratched entered into a heated argument with the other side. Miyaki’s manager motioned him aside, whereupon Miyaki sprang upon Madden, who, his money still in his hands, hit the Japanese wrestler a tremendous blow in the face. Miyaki, with a neck blow, threw Madden, who was still clutching his money, to the floor, where they struggled together. In an instant the stage was stormed by excited bluejackets, who in their oilskins rushed through the stalls, leaped over and among the bandsmen, and scrambled on the stage to the rescue of Madden.


 “whose throat was scratched en-(段落変え)”という文が2度繰り返されており、誤植と思われます。1度目は本来、別文が入るべき所だったのではないかと思います。7ポンドもらうために負けずに耐えるべき時間は5分ぐらいでしょうか。禁じ手のはずの絞め技を三宅が使った(そのためマッデンののどに擦り傷が付いた)ので、試合後喧嘩になった…のかもしれません。三宅が放った“a neck blow”は、首へのチョップでしょうか。


 Ellen Loudenさんのブログより。
Monday, June 25, 2007 a night at the Pavilion

14. Tarro Miyake. The Champion Ju Jitsu Wrestler of Japan

Here we see juggling, dancing, sketches, feats of strength, comedy, even a dog act, to top it all you have the interactive challenge of Tarro Miyake who was prepared to take on any member of the audience.

 1908年4月、リヴァプール“The New Pavilion”の番組表。
