1602 コーンウォールのレスリング

The Survey of Cornwall by Richard Carew 1602
 コーンウォール風土記   リチャード・カリュー著


Cornwall, the farthest Shire of England Westwards, hath her name by divers Authors diversly derived. Some (as our owne Chroniclers) draw it from Corineus, cousin to Brute, the first Conqueror of this Iland: who wrastling at Plymmouth (as they say) with a mightie Giant, called Gogmagog, threw him over Cliffe, brake his necke, and received the gift of that Countrie, in reward for his prowesse: Some, as Cerealis, (no lesse mistaken perhaps in that, then in his measures) from Cornu Galliae, a home(※hornか) or corner of Fraunce, where against nature hath placed it: and some, from Cornu Walliae, which (in my conjecture) carrieth greatest likelyhood of truth.


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Pastimes to delight the minde, the Cornish men have Guary miracles, and three mens songs: and for exercise of the body, Hunting, Hawking, Shooting, Wrastling, [72] Hurling, and such other games.

心を楽しませる娯楽、コーニッシュ人達はガリーの奇跡劇と、三重唱を持つ。そして身体の運動としては、狩り、鷹狩り、射的、レスリング、[72頁] 投擲、そして斯様な他の競技。


 ウィキペディア フリー百科事典

§ 12. Cornish Miracle-plays.

Wrastling is as full of manlinesse; more delightfull, and lesse dangerous: which pastime, either Cornish men derived from Corineus, their first pretended founder, or (at least) it ministred some stuffe to the farcing of that fable. But to let that passe, their continual exercise in this play, hath bred them so skilfull an habit, as they presume, that neither the ancient Greek Palestritae, nor the Turks so much delighted Pelvianders,not their, once countrymen, and stil neighbours, the Bretons, can bereave them of this Laurell: and matchlesse, certes, should they be, if their cunning were answerable to their practise: for you shall hardly find an assembly of boyes, in Devon or Cornwall, where the most untowardly amongst them, will not as readily give you a muster of this exercise, as you are prone to require it. For performing this play, the beholders cast themselves in a ring, which they call, Making a place: into the middle space whereof, the two champion wrastlers step forth, stripped into their dublets and hosen, and untrussed, that they may so the better commaund the use of their lymmes, and first shaking hands in token of friendship, they fall presently to the effects of anger: for each, striveth how to take hold of other, with his best aduantage, and to beare his adverse party downe: wherein, whosoeuer overthroweth his mate in such sort, as that either his backe, or the one shoulder, and contrary heele do touch the ground, is accounted to give the fall. If he be endangered, and make a narrow escape, it is called a foyle. This hath also his lawes, of taking hold onely above girdle, wearing a girdle to take hold by, playing three pulles, for tryall of the mastery, the fall-giver to be exempted from playing again with the taker, and bound to answere his successour, &c.

Many sleights and tricks appertaine hereunto, in which, a skilfull weake man wil soone get the overhand of one that is strong and ignorant. Such are the Trip, fore-hip, Inturne, the Faulx, forward and backward, the Mare, and divers other like.

Amongst Cornish wrastlers, now living, my friend Iohn Goit may iustly challenge the first place, not by prerogatiue of his seruice in her Maiesties gard; but through having answered all challenges in that pastime without blemish. Neither is his commendation bounded within these limits, but his cleane made body and active strength, extend (with great agility) to whatsoeuer other exercise, of the arme or legge: besides his abilitie (upon often tryall) to take charge at Sea, eyther as Master, or Captayne. All which good parts hee graceth with a good fellowlike, kinde, and respectfull carriage.

Silver prizes for this and other activities, were wont to be carried about by certaine Circumforanei, or set up for Bidales: but time or their abuse hath now worne them out of date and use.


Doublet (clothing)
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Hose (clothing)
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エリザベス1世(Elizabeth I, ユリウス暦1533年9月7日 -グレゴリオ暦1603年4月3日(ユリウス暦1602/3年3月24日))は、イングランドとアイルランドの女王(在位:1558年 - 1603年)。

John (given name)
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Seventeenth-century English texts still spelled the name Iohn. Since then, it has been spelled in its current form, John.


bidale (plural bidales)
(archaic, UK, dialect) An invitation of friends to drink ale at a poor man’s house, and there to contribute in charity for his relief.

bidale (複数 bidales)
