
The Lancashire Fight(1)Rough and Tumble.



Notes of a tour in the manufacturing districts of Lancashire; in a series of letters to His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin.

By W. Cooke Taylor 


W・クック・テイラー著 (1842、第2版)






Bolton, ――, 1842.



Perhaps your Lordship may require “to be edified by the margent” as to the meaning of the phrase “rough and tumble,” for which I had to ask an explanation. It is a Lancashire combination of boxing and wrestling, which is carried to such an excess that it is very likely to leave enduring marks as well as deep resentment behind. I did not carry my inquiries into this subject any farther, for I have no ambition to receive Lancashire instruction in pugilism, though I trust to be benefited all my life by the lessons, derived from intelligence and experience, which the operatives have given me in Political Economy.









Gouging (fighting style)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Rough and tumble or gouging was a form of fighting in rural portions of the United States, primarily in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It was often characterized by the objective of gouging out an opponent's eye but also included other brutally disfiguring techniques, including biting, and typically took place in order to settle disputes. Though gouging was common by the 1730s in southern colonies, the practice was waning by the 1840s, by which time the Bowie knife and revolver had made frontier disputes more lethal. Though it was never an organized sport, participants would sometimes schedule their fights (as one could schedule a duel), and victors were treated as local heroes. Gouging was essentially a type of duel to defend one's honor that was most common among the poor, and was especially common in southern states in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.





