

The Lancashire Fight(6)Lancashire Fight.



An Illustrated Itinerary of the County of Lancaster

By Cyrus Redding

How and Parsons, 1842







 We were on the point of entering Haslingden, when a sudden “hurrah! bravo!” burst around us, and called off our attention from a beautiful view we were contemplating in the vale below. The coachman at the same time pulled up, and we perceived, a hundred yards in advance, a number of rude-looking people intently and silently beholding two men, who were grappled and locked in each other, leg with leg, arm with arm; now lying as still as death, now rolling with fearful struggles on the high road.




It was, we saw, a Lancashire fight; and a Lancashire fight is something far worse than the Pancratium of old. The native peasantry know nothing of boxing, as such. In their quarrels they literally fall foul of and maul each other in every possible manner――with the fists, teeth, and feet. Instances have been known in which a nose has been lost, or a rib broken, or a jaw knocked in, during the scuffle.




We ourselves once saw a brutal fellow, after having mastered his antagonist, and rescued himself from his gripe, jump suddenly on his legs, and begin to kick his ribs with his huge wooden clogs. The subject has been sketched by one who, to the advantage of a life passed among these people, unites an easy, flowing, and graphic style.




Let Bamford, the Middleton poet, describe to our readers the details of a species of conflict with which few of them perhaps are familiar. The passage is extracted from his interesting and, by snatches, poetic little volume, entitled “The Life of a Radical,” a work which ought not to be limited to a provincial circulation.








 「パラティン伯領とランカスター公領の歴史」にあった“the fair and manly mode of fighting”(公正で男らしい闘い方)、「マンチェスター・クーリエ紙」にあった“a fair gradely stand-up battle”(公正で真っ当な立っての闘い)、いずれもボクシングを指すものと思います。



