レスリング・トラスト 米国プロレス裏面史

  ⑭ 1925 チャーリー・ハンセンの蹉跌




The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]),  January 22, 1925, Page 9



Charlie Hanson and Pesek Sign to Wrestle Finish Match in Omaha



Mat Contest Will Be Held Here Feb. 27th



Grapplers Will Tangle in Finish Match on Winner Take-All Plan; Post Forfeits.






THE long-looked for wrestling match between Charley Hansen of Omaha and John Pesek of RavennaNeb., will be staged at the auditorium on Friday evening, Feb. 27. This was decided Wednesday afternoon when Hansen and Maxwell Baumann, manager of Pesek, signed a contract to wrestle.




 The match will be contested under the rules of the Nebraska state athletic commission which calls for two falls out of three. The winner of the match, however, will take all of the purse money as both parties agreed to wrestle on a winner-take-all basis.




 The purse for the contest will be for $5,000 and 60 per cent of the gross receipts of the house after the state tax of 5 per cent is deducted.




 Baumann and J. W. Elwood, representing Hansen, each posted a $1,000 forfeit binding the match.




 Jake Isaacson, promoter for the American Legion and the writer were the witnesses. The American Legion will promote the contest.




 The signing of Hansen and Pesek ended a three-year campaign on the part of both parties to land a match. Each time they came together some trouble over terms bobbed up and one or the other refused to sign. Wednesday, however, Promoter Isaacson made plain to each wrestler that if they would sign a contract to wrestle the Legion would promote the contest. Contracts were handed both Hansen and Baumann and after two or three hours of verbal battle each party asked for pen and ink and signed on the dotted line, thus this announcement this morning.




 When Hansen meets Pesek it will be the first match the former has engaged in since he beat McGill at Ak-Sar-Ben field three years ago. Following his match with McGill, Hansen went into retirement because of his physical condition. He has fully recovered now, however, and is ready to start a campaign which he hopes will lend him a match with the champion, "Big" Munn.




 Pesek has been wrestling often. Only Tuesday night he wrestled one Tony Robelish in a finish match at Hastings, easily defeating his opponent. Pesek is at his home at Ravenna and when told last night that he had been matched with Hansen for Omaha said that he was glad he had been given a chance to wrestle Hansen in the latter's home town.




 Pesek has for several years been known to followers of the game as the "policeman" of the so-called wrestling "trust." Hansen believes that if he can throw the "policeman he (Hansen) will be a step nearer a match with the champion.





The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]),  February 08, 1925, Page 2-D



Omaha Center of “Mat World” This Month



Charley Hansen-John Pesek Match Here February 27 Attracting Attention of “Grapplers.”



OMAHA will be the center of the "wrestling world" along about the time Charlie Hansen and John Pesek weigh in for their finish match here on February 27.




 Wrestlers and wrestling promoters from all over the country have signified their intention of being present when “Farmer” Burns' protege attempts to take the measure of the "Nebraska tiger man."




 "Big" Munn, the new claimant of the world's wrestling championship, and his manager, Gabe Kaufman, are among the “dignitaries” who are expected to be present.




 Jack Curley and Billy Sandow, deposed and present leaders of the so-called "wrestling trust," have both written for reservations. Oscar Thorsen, Des Moines wrestling impressario, says he's going to bring a trainload of fans with him from the Iowa capital. Martin Plestina and his manager, Ole Marsh; Jess Westergard, Henry Ordeman, Jack Taylor, Pat McGill and a host of others are coming.




 And all because the match is slated as a real "shooting match."




 A "shooting match," in the parlance of the game, is the name ascribed to a wrestling match, in which both of the contestants really try to win. The word has gone out among the wrestling fraternity that this is a "shooting match."




 Members of the alleged "trust," 'tis said, are coming to get a line on Hansen's real ability. The "Independents" are coming to root for Hansen, who is proclaimed as the "trust buster."


 いわゆる「トラスト」の構成員達は、言われている所では、ハンセンの真の能力に関する情報を得る為に来ると。「独立者達」は、「トラスト・バスター」としてたたえられている、ハンセンを応援する為に来る。(※「'tis」は「it is」の短縮形)


 Hansen, backed by "Farmer" Burns and J. W. Elwood, Omaha capitalist, has been clamoring for a match against one of the leaders of the so-called "trust" for three years. Always the "trust" said, "beat Pesek." And Pesek would wrestle only on a winner-take-all basis.




 Recently Hansen accepted the defi of Pesek and stipulated that not only should the entire purse go to the winner, but that a side bet of $2,500 should be made an well.




 The match was officially declared "on" Saturday afternoon when Hansen and Pesek posted the last installments of the $2,500 side bet with Thomas F. Murphy, vice president of the United States National bank, who will act as stakeholder.




 Already many orders for seats have been received by Charles Franke, manager of the Omaha auditorium, although the tickets will not be placed on sale until this week.





The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]),  February 17, 1925, Page 9









CHARLEY HANSEN, "Farmer" Burns' protege, has a lot of confidence in his ability as a wrestler. Charley is just chuck full of the ol' confidence stuff.




 When he was matched to wrestle John Pesek at the Auditorium here February 27, Hansen, just to make the match more interesting, bet all the money he had in this world that he could beat Pesek. Hansen, so it seems, is not underestimating Pesek's ability, but is taking this advantage of picking up a little loose money; at least that is what be says.




 Hansen is known among the wrestlers as an "independent," meaning that he isn't a member of the so-called "trust." Pesek, on the other fingernail, is called the "policeman" of this aforesaid "trust." The person or persons who seem eager to take all Hansen money are the members of this so-called wrestling "trust." The "trust" does not think Hansen can beat Pesek. The "trust" has money to say that Hansen doesn't beat Pesek.




 The coming match is what might be termed a "freak of nature" in the sport-promoting game. The wrestling match is going to be a real, honest-to-goodness shootin' affair, and the gent or gents who think they have the inside track on who will be the winner stand themselves in line to reap a few shekels.




 If Hansen beats Pesek it will about spell the end of the so-called wrestling "trust." If Hansen loses the "trust" will go merrily on its way, casting back remarks about another false alarm who has run down, or words to that effect. The writer doesn't think Charlie Hansen is a false alarm as a wrestler. He thinks Charlie is just as good a wrestler as Pesek.






The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]),  February 18, 1925, Page 12






AD SANTEL, one of the best wrestlers of his weight in the country, has been secured by "Farmer" Burns, trainer of Charley Hansen, to work out with the latter. Hansen, you know, is preparing for his match with John Pesek that will be held at the Auditorium Friday night, February 27.




 Santel is the wrestler who gained quite a lot of publicity several years ago when he wrestled Joe Stecher at Fremont. Many of the wiseacres thought Santel could throw Joe and bet their money accordingly. Stecher threw Santel.





The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]),  February 22, 1925, PART FOUR, Page 3-D



Hansen-Pesek Match and Creighton-Nebraska Cage Game Features of Week



Wrestlers Meet at Auditorium Friday Evening






SPORT fans of all varieties will focus their glimmers on Omaha this weekend when one of the biggest wrestling matches ever held in the country is staged at the Auditorium, and two of the strongest basket ball teams in the middlewest play their annual game at Creighton gymnasium.




 The wrestling match we refer to is the finish bone-crushing contest between Charlie Hansen of Omaha and John Pesek, the Ravenna (Neb.) farmer, that is scheduled for Friday night. The basket ball game is between the University of Nebraska and the crack Creighton university Bluejays next Saturday night.






 The wrestling match between Hansen, termed the "trust buster" and John Pesek, called the "policeman of the so-called trust," is attracting nation-wide attention from the mat fans. Reservations for tickets have been received by the legion from all sections of the country.




 The match will be to a finish, two falls out of three. Pesek, the more experienced of the two, is the favorite at odds of 7 to 5 and 6 to 2.




 Hansen is staging a "comeback." He gained a reputation as a wrestler when he held Stanley Zhyszko, then champion, to a draw in Memphis. Following that bout Hansen wrestled McGill twice and then became ill. He has fully recovered, but whether he is the grappler now that he was when he wrestled the older Zbyszko remains to be seen.




 Pesek is a rough and tumble wrestler, being one of the toughest in the business. John can wrestle, and it has often been said by the wiseacres that he can throw any man in the country.




 The match should be one worth going miles to see. It is one of the few "shootin'” matches ever held. Hansen has much to gain and nothing to lose. Pesek, if he throws Hansen, will accomplish one thing for the so-called "trust" and that is, have Hansen out of the way.




 The legion has arranged a good card of preliminary events.





Casper daily tribune. (Casper, Wyo.),  February 25, 1925, Page 7



Hansen-Pesek Match Holds Mat Interest



 OMAHA. Neb., Feb. 25.―Wrestling notables from all part of the country, including Champion Wayne "Big" Mun, have made reservations for the Charlie Hansen-John Pesek, winner-take-all mat bout here next Friday night, the promoter announced.




 Munn and his manager, Gabe Kauffmann, have ordered ringside seats, and former heavyweight champion Ed "Strangler" Lewis and his manager, Billy Sandow, alleged leader of a "Wrestling Trust" have declared their intention of witnessing the match. Jack Curley, leader in the fight against the alleged trust also will be here.




 The winner of the match will probably be matched with Champion Munn.











The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]),  March 01, 1925, PART FOUR, Page 1-D







Protege of "Farmer" Burns on Defense 62 of the 64 Minutes of Match―Hansen Sees Pesek's Back But Once.



By “WAG."



JOHN PESEK may be a "trust" wrestler, but there is one thing certain and that is, Charlie Hansen is no "trust buster" at the present time.




 This was proven at the Auditoriurm last night when Pesek and Hansen wrestled in the main event of a wrestling show, the first one held in Omaha for three years. Pesek, the "tiger of the ring," pinned Charlie's broad shoulders to the mat for the first fall in 25 minutes and 25 seconds with a head scissors and arm hold. The second fall and match went to the "Tiger" after 37 minutes of wrestling, when Pesek clamped on another head scissors and pressed Hansen's shoulders against the canvas.




 Pesek, called the "policeman of the trust," played his role well. Hansen, the "independent" and "trust buster," was on the defense most of the evening. Of the 64 minutes of actual wrestling Hansen saw Pesek's back only once and that came during the first tumble. Charles remained behind his opponent for less than two minutes. All during the remaining 62 minutes Pesek was either on top of Hansen or had the protege of "Farmer" Burns in a head or body scissors.




 The match started at 10:13 with the weights announced as 187 pounds for Hansen and 184 for Pesek. After the "bone crushers" bulled around the ring for three minutes Pesek hurled Hansen to the canvass and got behind the Omaha grappler. The "Tiger" tried many holds on his opponent, hut each time Hansen managed to wiggle and squirm loose. Pesek's best holds seemed to be the head and body scissors.




 After the wrestlers had been on the mat for 20 minutes with Pesek behind all this time, Hansen broke a toe hold and got behind the Ravenna man for the first and only time during the match. The large crowd yelled its approval of Hansen's feat, but the latter remained on top less than two minutes. Charlie didn't seem to know what to do once he did get behind his man.




 At 10:36 both men were on their feet bulling around the ring. All of a sudden Hansen went to the canvas with Pesek on top. The latter got a head scissors, but Charlie wiggled lose. Again Pesek clamped his wiry legs around Hansen's head. This time the "Tiger" gradually squeezed Hansen's head until the latter's shoulders touched the mat for the first fall.




 The men returned to the ring for the second fall at 11 o'clock. They started bulling around and soon Hansen went to the canvas with Pesek on top of him. The protege of "Farmer" Burns sat on the floor and remained in that position for nearly 20 minutes. At 11:26 Pesek got a head scissors, but Hansen broke loose and resumed his sitting position. Then followed a series of such holds until 11:37 when the Ravenna grappler got his last and final head scissors on Hansen. He clamped his legs tight around Charlie's head. Hansen couldn't wiggle lose. His shoulders touched the canvas. Referee Leidy patted Pesek on the shoulder and the latter released his hold. Hansen lay stretched out on the canvas unable to rise.




 Hansen was on the defense through out the contest with the exception of the minute and half when he was behind Pesek grappler. The latter was fast on his feet and easily outclassed his slow-thinking and slow-moving opponent.




 "Farmer" Burns and "Doc" Elwood, Hansen's managers, had no alibis for their Wrestler. Their only comment was that Pesek was the better of the two and deserved to win.





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