An old bug list

Bug fixes

Bug fix : OS2XL Ver.3.84 16-JAN-2025
Bug fix : OS3 Ver.2.53 16-JAN-2025
Bug fix : OS128XL Ver.2.50 16-JAN-2025
In the case of a channel 16, SysEx is not transmitted.

Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.49 24-JUN-2024
[Pad to MIDI out] Window
When setting CC, the sometimes hangs.

Bug fixes: OS3 Ver.2.52 24-JUN-2024
1. [Pad to MIDI out] Window
When setting CC, the sometimes hangs.

2. [Midi Note/CC To Button]
There are NOTE and CC to 0-128.
0-127 is right.

3. [Main screen]
SHIFT+STEP does not work.

Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.51 10-JUN-2024
Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.48 10-JUN-2024
The cursor position of the next sequence is out of place.

Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.50 12-FEB-2024
[Input thru Pitch shift]
The character has overlapped in part in the window of Record name.

Bug fix & Addition: OS2XL Ver.3.83 28-SEP-2023
Bug fix & Addition: OS3 Ver.2.49 28-SEP-2023
Bug fix & Addition: OS128XL Ver.2.47 28-SEP-2023
The display of the pad field will not change to BANK switched until the pads was hit, when PAD BANK is changed.

The Assignable mix out field was added to the page of OTHER. (Refer to manual)

Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.48 06-JUN-2023
[Program List]
A copy may not work, after deleting a program.

Bug fixes: OS3 Ver.2.47 22-MAY-2023
Bug fixes: OS128XL Ver.2.46 22-MAY-2023
1. [TRIM Pgm Mode]
Change of the sample from a sample list cannot be performed.

2. [SEQ EDIT Transpose]
Even if it select ALL by select of a track, the transposed only of the one track is carried out.

Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.82 05-MAY-2023
Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.46 05-MAY-2023
Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.45 05-MAY-2023
Incorrect pitch bend value.

Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.81 28-MAR-2023
Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.45 28-MAR-2023
Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.44 28-MAR-2023
[Looping recorder]
Even if it chooses and records MONO R by Mode, R is not recorded but the sound of L is recorded.

Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.43 25-OCT-2022
Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.44 25-OCT-2022
When a pad is pressed and a sample is previewed, it will be played by one shot, without being played by note on.

Change: OS2XL Ver.3.80A 03-JUL-2022
Cannot go to LOAD or SAVE mode during recording or playback.
This specification is the specification of only Ver.3.80A.
Therefore, if Ver.3.81 is uploaded in the future, Ver.3.81 will have the same specifications as Ver.3.80.

Change: OS2XL Ver.3.80 01-JUN-2022
[Creat new Program] The explanatory note in a window is changed.
There is no change to the feature.

Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.79 08-NOV-2021
When MODE is STEREO, only the left may sound.

Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.78 01-SEP-2021
Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.42 01-SEP-2021
Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.43 01-SEP-2021
ERASE + F6 (ALL PAD) does not work.

Addition: OS2XL Ver.3.77 01-AUG-2021
Addition: OS128XL Ver.2.41 01-AUG-2021
Addition: OS3 Ver.2.42 01-AUG-2021
BANK was added to CC of [Midi Note/CC To Button].

Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.76 10-APR-2021
Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.40 10-APR-2021
Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.41 10-APR-2021
[Midi Note/CC To Button]
The cursor does not move to the position of the receiving CC when CC is received in the CC field

Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.75 02-APR-2021
The name of the track displayed when a track is changed by a MODE+ DATA wheel is strange.

Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.74 14-MAR-2021
It will freeze, if the field where the pattern is not assigned is deleted.

Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.73 08-FEB-2021
Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.39 08-FEB-2021
Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.40 08-FEB-2021
"sysex" data is not recorded correctly.

Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.38 01-FEB-2021
Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.39 01-FEB-2021
When it is the chords for which seven notes are used, only six notes off is outputted.
Therefore, the 7th note will continue sounding.

Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.72 04-JAN-2021
When the "PLAY/MUTE track display" field of a "Track Mute" window is "REVERSAL", Note On indicator does not work.

Addition: OS2XL Ver.3.71 03-JAN-2021
Add Note On indicator
It is the feature already added by OS3 and OS128XL.
Refer to video

Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.70 09-OCT-2020
Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.37 09-OCT-2020
Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.38 09-OCT-2020
When the sequence to which PC is set by the NEXT sequence stops, PC is outputted again.

Add and change: OS128XL Ver.2.36 01-SEP-2020
Add and change: OS3 Ver.2.37 01-SEP-2020
1. [Q-link]
The negative values was added to TRANSPOSE.

2. [SONG]
When you go to another screen and backed, the cursor remembers the former STEP position.