Bug fixes
------------------------------------------------ Add display: OS2XL Ver.3.69 01-JUL-2020 ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- Add display: OS128XL Ver.2.35 01-JUL-2020 -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Add display: OS3 Ver.2.36 01-JUL-2020 --------------------------------------------- The display of "BARS" was added to the screen of "NEXT SEQ" and "TRACK MUTE". ------------------------------------------------ Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.68 01-JUN-2020 ------------------------------------------------ 1. [Q-link] The target of LAYER cannot be chosen. ------------------------------------------------ Addition: OS2XL Ver.3.67 01-MAY-2020 ------------------------------------------------ The "LCD Reverse" field was added to "GLOBAL" of "OTHER". It came to be able to perform reverse of the screen also in OS2XL. ------------------------------------------------ Bug fixe: OS2XL Ver.3.66 12-JAN-2020 ------------------------------------------------ 1. [MIDI/SYNC] When "Multi timbre" is changed from ON to OFF, the setting of "Active track receive channel" field returns to default. <<Change>> When "Active track receive channel" Field's setup is except "ALL", the channel number set to the main screen is always displayed. ![]() ----------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.34 12-JAN-2020 ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.35 12-JAN-2020 ------------------------------------------ 1. [MIDI/SYNC] When "Multi timbre" is changed from ON to OFF, the setting of "Active track receive channel" field returns to default. ------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes: OS2XL Ver.3.65 03-JAN-2020 ------------------------------------------------ 1. A motion of the cursor of a pattern track is strange. 2. [AUDIO TRACK] Adjustment of a level cannot be performed when cursor is moved to the LEVEL field from the NEXT SEQUENCE field. ------------------------------------------ Bug fixes: OS3 Ver.2.34 03-JAN-2020 ------------------------------------------ 1. [PROGRAM] If the stereo INST program is packed, it will become MONO. 2. [TRIM] A sample will be changed, if SHIFT+ up cursor button is pressed after playing a sequence on the screen of a trim. ----------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.33 03-JAN-2020 ----------------------------------------------- 1. [PROGRAM] If the stereo INST program is packed, it will become MONO. ------------------------------------------------ Bug fixe: OS2XL Ver.3.64 01-DEC-2019 ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.32 01-DEC-2019 ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.33 01-DEC-2019 ------------------------------------------ 1. [TRIM] If COMBINEA+B is performed, size will decrease 1 point. ----------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.63 15-NOV-2019 ----------------------------------------------- [SAVE] When there is the same name by the save of Program, if renamed and saved, a file will break. ----------------------------------------------- Change: OS2XL Ver.3.62 11-NOV-2019 ----------------------------------------------- [GRID DRUM] [GRID Options] It changed so that DELETE might also refer to a setup of "Auto step increment". The main grid do not change. ----------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.61 02-SEP-2019 ----------------------------------------------- 1. [TRACK MUTE] When cursor is in the group field, even if it changes a bank, it has still at the bank A track. ----------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.60 08-JUL-2019 ----------------------------------------------- 1. "SYSTEM ERROR" may be shown when a holder is loaded. ----------------------------------------------------- Bug fix & Addition: OS3 Ver.2.32 08-MAY-2019 ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Bug fix & Addition: OS128XL Ver.2.31 08-MAY-2019 ----------------------------------------------------------- [PAD MIXER] During playback or recording, even if it hit pads, sound does not sound. <<Addition>> Add CC Changer Refer to video ------------------------------------------ Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.31 01-APR-2019 ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.30 01-APR-2019 ----------------------------------------------- 1. It will be able to go for the mode of RECORD during recording. (Since a problem arises, it cannot go for the mode of RECORD during recording.) Note Even if it cancels LED of REC or OVER DUB during recording, MPC is in the recording state where an event cannot be entered. Therefore, even if it cancels LED, unless the STOP button is pushed, it cannot go to the mode of RECORD. ----------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.59 21-MAR-2019 ----------------------------------------------- 1. If copy and paste of an event is performed after reading many sequences, it will crash, or an event may be deleted. ---------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: OS3 Ver.2.30 21-MAR-2019 ---------------------------------------------- 1. If copy and paste of an event is performed after reading many sequences, it will crash, or an event may be deleted. 2. When the holder with which many MIDI sequences are contained is loaded, it may hang. -------------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: OS128XL Ver.2.29 21-MAR-2019 -------------------------------------------------- 1. If copy and paste of an event is performed after reading many sequences, it will crash, or an event may be deleted. 2. When the holder with which many MIDI sequences are contained is loaded, it may hang. ---------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: OS2XL Ver.3.58 07-JAN-2019 ---------------------------------------------- 1. [AUDIO TRACK] If the sample name is 16 characters, the assigned samples will be purged 2. [LoopEdit] Cursor will move to the pad hit at the end after the end of loop edit. 3. [TRACK MUTE] A note repeat will work. ------------------------------------------ Bug fixes: OS3 Ver.2.29 07-JAN-2019 ------------------------------------------ 1. If AFTER of Q-link is turned ON on the screen of track mute and it returns to a main screen, the program of an active track will be changed. 2. While holding PAD5-PAD12, go to TRACK MUTE and return to the main screen, the loop will be turned off. 3. [TRIM] If it zoom in during a play of a sample, the play marker remains. ------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes: OS128XL Ver.2.28 07-JAN-2019 ------------------------------------------------ 1. If AFTER of Q-link is turned ON on the screen of track mute and it returns to a main screen, the program of an active track will be changed. 2. While holding PAD5-PAD12, go to TRACK MUTE and return to the main screen, the loop will be turned off. 3. [TRIM] If it zoom in during a play of a sample, the play marker remains. 4. If a slider adjusts a start/end of chops in the mode of a program, the parameter of Q-link will also be influenced. ---------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.28 17-AUG-2018 ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.27 17-AUG-2018 --------------------------------------------- 1. [MAIN GRID] Cursor is in the bar field, and when OVER DUB is ON, of quantize 1/16,1/16-3, 1/32, and 1/32-3 cannot be set. ------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: OS3 Ver.2.27 03-AUG-2018 ------------------------------------------- 1. Tracks 49 - 64 do not sound. 2. [TRACK MIXER] Tracks 49-64 cannot be select. ------------------------------------------ Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.26 17-JUL-2018 ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.26 17-JUL-2018 ---------------------------------------------- 1. [AUDIO TRACK] If the loop of a sequence is ON, go to the pad mixer and return to the main screen, the loop will be turned OFF. The loop of a sequence is turned OFF if a pad loop is performed. This is specification. --------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.57 05-JUL-2018 --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.25 05-JUL-2018 ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.25 05-JUL-2018 ------------------------------------------ 1. [MIDI OUT] Note off will not be outputted, if a play start is performed when holding the pad. ------------------------------------------------------ Bug fix: OS2XL Ver.3.56 07-MAY-2018 ------------------------------------------------------ 1. [GRID MIDI] If you press the back button of the bar many times while holding F4(DELETE) button, the screen becomes messed up. ---------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.24 07-MAY-2018 ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.24 07-MAY-2018 ------------------------------------------ 1. [GRID MIDI] If you press the back button of the bar many times while holding F5(ERASE) button, the screen becomes messed up. --------------------------------------------------------- Bug fixes & Addition: OS3 Ver.2.23 02-APR-2018 --------------------------------------------------------- 1. [TR.EDIT] The type of a track is not copied by the copy of a track. Tracks 49-64 are not displayed. 2. [MAIN] It will freeze, if SHIFT+F1 is pushed when an active track is 49 or more. <<Addition>> [TRACK MUTE] Add Note On indicator Refer to video ----------------------------------------------------------- Bug fix & Addition: OS128XL Ver.2.23 02-APR-2018 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. [TR.EDIT] The type of a track is not copied by the copy of a track. <<Addition>> [TRACK MUTE] Add Note On indicator ----------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.22 18-MAR-2018 ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.22 18-MAR-2018 ---------------------------------------- 1. [TR.EDIT] The paste location of a track may not be right. --------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS128XL Ver.2.21 01-FEB-2018 --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS3 Ver.2.21 01-FEB-2018 ---------------------------------------- 1. [STEP EDIT] [View:TRACK MUTE] Can not change the track. However, it cannot change, even after fixing, when the "View" field is "ALL EVENTS". This is specification. ------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes: OS128XL Ver.2.20 20-JAN-2018 ------------------------------------------------ 1. If the NEXT SEQ or TRACK MUTE button is pressed while looping with the pad with the audio track, the loop will remain held. 2. [GRID DRUM] It cannot choose only one event by edit. 3. [CHORD] The root key can not be changed in the assign list in the lower half of the main screen. ----------------------------------------- Addition: OS3 Ver.2.20 03-JAN-2018 ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Addition: 128XL Ver.2.19 03-JAN-2018 -------------------------------------------- 1. [Q-link] X-FADE addition. Refer to video ------------------------------------------- Bug fix: OS2XL Ver 3.55 03-JAN-2018 ------------------------------------------- 1. [TRIM] A play marker may not be displayed when a loop is ON. 2. [Now] If a value is changed by a number key, it will be expressed as a small character. << Change >> [Song] 1. The number of times of repeat counts down. 2. NEXT will be canceled, if F6 (NEXT) button is again pushed when F6 (NEXT) is ON. |