
折り目を付ける(Score all folding lines first)


Before you cut out parts from the base sheet, lightly score all folding lines with a dried-up ballpoint pen or compass needle.

細かい箇所の折り曲げ(How to fold tiny parts)


Use a pair of tweezers to fold the tiny parts. Hold folding line with the pair of tweezers and fold it with this. If you fold really tiny parts, use “angled tweezers”.

円柱状の部品の組立(How to make Cylinder / Tube)


To make a thin tube, roll the part over a thin plastic rod to form a tube. If you have various-sized plastic rods, you can make various-sized tubes very easily. You can buy these plastic rods at a hobby shop, but you can use many other similar objects like a ballpoint pen.



We highly recommend “Matte A4 Inkjet Paper is easy to make. Paper (160g/m2)”, available at most office supply stores. Other thickness of paper and other printers like Laser Printers will produce different results, so please experiment with different thickness papers until you find suitable paper for your purpose.

カッターナイフ(Cutting tool)


Scissors and X-acto Knife or Craft knife Scissors for cutting each parts out individually, leaving a sufficient-sized border around the edges. X-acto knife for cutting tiny parts out. Always be careful to avoid injury when using scissors or X-acto knife and other sharp tools.

カッティングマット(Cutting Mat)


A Cutting mat is used both to protect the surface you are cutting on and the edge of X-acto knife, as well as to provide measurement guidelines and references to ensure a clean and straight cut. You can work more efficiently with a cutting mat.

定規(Stainless Steel etched ruler)


Use a ruler when folding straight lines or / and cutting the cutting lines. If you use a plastic or aluminum ruler for the cutting lines, you might shave these rulers with the sharp edge of X-acts knife accidentally.




We highly recommend “White (wooden) glue (so-called PVA glue)”. PVA glue dries clear and more quickly than so-called “School glue”. Avoid over-application as this will cause the paper to wrinkle.

ピンセット(A pair of tweezers)

小さい部品を扱うとき、接着時に押さえとして使ったり、小さいパーツを丸めるたり、小さな糊代を折ったりするのに欠かせません。 通常のピンセットの他に先端に角度がある精密ピンセットも用意しておくととても便利です。

You can use tweezers for multiple purposes : to handle tiny parts, to hold tiny parts being glued together, to roll tiny parts, to fold tiny parts, etc. You also need “angled tweezers”. You can work more efficiently with a tweezers.