The purpose of this search field is to enable you to check if a suspicious motorbike is a stolen one or not by entering a number from either its license plate, frame (chassis) number or engine number.
It is recommended to enter 4 digits. The following is a HOW-TO.
- The key word can be up to 8 digits.
- Ignore hyphen "-" of the plate number. Ex: "82-34" > "8234"
- If the license number is less than 4, add hyphen(s) to make it 4 digits. Ex: "47" > "--47"
- The 4 digits can be either from license plate or from frame (engine) number.
- Characters (alphabet and S-JIS code) can be entered. You can get a list of specified model. Ex: Keyword as ZX-9R, CBR1100
- The search result displayed is the same contents as you see in the stolen bike list.
[ Registration No / Make/Model / Color(J) / License No / Chassis No / Engine No / Report date (y-m) / Police St reported to(J) ]