ジョイナス英会話教室オーストラリア、ホームステイ Australia Tour 2006.8

Australian Homestay Tour `06







Day& 2

Meeting the Host Families

After arriving in Ballarat, we enjoyed a BBQ lunch with the host families.  バララットについて、生徒達はホストファミリーと会い、昼ご飯にBBQを食べました。

Students then returned with their host families and spent the next day doing activities with them.       


Day 3 – Ballarat Wildlife Park

Thenkidsnenjoyednmeetingnmany Australian animals, which they fed and patted.


Day 4 Ballarat High School

We visited a high school for a day where the kids enjoyed.高校に行きました。楽しい1日だった。

Day 5 Sovereign Hill

This day we visited an historical theme park, re-enacting Ballarat in the 1850`s when there was a gold rush.


Day 6 Great Ocean Road

We drove along the famous great ocean road, where we visited the 12 apostles and some beautiful beaches.


Day 7 Lake Wendouree

We visited a large lake in Ballarat and we experienced an Australian style BBQ, fed some swans and enjoyed playing some Australia sports.

In the evening we went to Melbourne where we watched some professionals playing Australia Football.


Day 8 & 9 Time with Host Families

Onnthenweekend,nstudentsnenjoyed doing some activities with their host families.nIncluding,ngoingntonthe Aquarium, going to the mountains hiking and participating in sports events.








Joinus English School Mie-Prefucture Suzuka-City  059-369-1816ジョイナス英会話教室 三重県鈴鹿市 059-369-1816







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