160m antenna Small Loop

160m receiving antenna - Small Loop -

Plan(It is reference in CQ Ham Radio magazine Nov.2006)

I made the unit No. 1 with a polyvinyl chloride pipe. When I put it in the ground, it looks good.

It is unexpectedly soft and mushy and will be broken by a strong wind.

The unit No.2 which I remade with a glass fiber pipe.

FRP pipe specification
D18.0 x D26.0 x L2500mm --- 1
D18.0 x D26.0 x L1000mm --- 1
D12.0 x D17.95 x L2000mm --- 3

Glass fiber is in the core of the wire.

I used a cross mount part made by FRP. It is a polyvinyl chloride pipe partially.

This part is a polyvinyl chloride pipe, too.

The distance of the wire is made uniformity in a spacer.

Matching box

This is an antenna switch to separate a receiving antenna when it transmit.

The connection diagram of the antenna switch.

The pre-amp is gate grounding of the 2SK125 parallel.(About 10dB Gain)