It is the mode which performs the input and edit of an event using a graphic editor. ([MODE]+PAD15)

If the cursor button is pressed, cursor will be moved to the track type field.
It returns to the event field by cursor button.

Swing can be set up with Q1 slider.
Shift Timing can be set up with Q2 slider. (It is not effective against the recorded event.)

Movement of a bar can be performed by the <BAR> button.
It can move quickly by a <BAR> + DATA wheel.

A vertical marker is moved to the next event or previous event on a horizontal marker, by a SHIFT+ <BAR> button.
When the type of a track is MIDI, a vertical marker is moved to the event of the next or previous by a [SHIFT] + <BAR> button.

Regardless of the value of timing correct, a vertical marker 1 tick moves by a [SHIFT] + DATA wheel.
Change of a track can be performed in a [MODE] + DATA wheel.
If the [SHIFT] + cursor key is pressed when cursor is in a grid, cursor will move to the sequence field. (OS128SP)

The move interval of the vertical marker in a standard display (2 bar displays)
Refer to video.
Usually, if a DATA wheel is turned, regardless of the value of timing correct, it will move at intervals of 24 ticks.
If a DATA wheel is turned pressing the [NOTE REPEAT] button, it will move at the following intervals with the value of timing correct.
1/8 = 48 ticks
1/8-3 = 32 ticks
1/16 = 24 ticks
1/16-3 = 16 ticks
1/32 = 12 ticks
1/32-3 = 8 ticks
OFF = 1 tick

It is [SHIFT] + F5 (Zoom Out) button and is zoom out.

It is [SHIFT] + F6 (Zoom In) button and is zoom-in.

The sample assigned to the pad by [SHIFT] + F4 (SAMPLE) button is displayed.

If the cursor button is pressed, cursor will move to the sample field.

If the [SHIFT] + cursor button is pressed, cursor will move to the program field.

If the [NOTE REPEAT] button is pressed, pressing the [SHIFT] button, it will become NOTE REPEAT mode.
If a pad is pressed in this mode, the sound of the pad pressed according to the value of timing correct will be repeatedly hit until a pad is released.
If the [NOTE REPEAT] button is pressed, it will return to a former screen.

It becomes ALL PAD mode by [SHIFT] + F2 (ALL PAD) button.

ALL PAD mode (A01-D16)
For returning to 16PAD mode, please press [SHIFT] + F2 (ALL PAD) button.

If the [WINDOW] button is pressed when cursor is in the event field, the window of "GRID Options" will open.

Please refer to "movement of a pad event" for F2 (PadMove).
Step sound: If you select ON, the event of a marker position will be sounded when a marker passes.
Auto step increment: If you select YES, after inputting an event by the pad, a vertical marker moves to the right automatically.
Duration: AS PLAYED: The length which is pushing the pad is inputted into the value of duration.
TC VALUE: Regardless of the length which is pushing the pad, a fixed value is inputted according to the value of timing correct.
Horizontal grid: If it turns OFF, the horizontal line of a grid will be erased. (OS128SP)

Note: The type of a track cannot be changed during playback or recording.

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