英文法ドリル  Grammar:D問題(総合力)
  ☆Intermediate English Practice gd0080

  Error Detection   正誤問題  実践演習
 71. The Parnassians @were a group of AFrance poets who Bemphasized
  strictness Cof form.
 72. The patient had @a so severe pain Ain the back yesterday that he
  could Bhardly get out of Cbed.
 73. The story @you have just told me Ais reminding me of Ban experience
  I Conce had.
 74. The road @to the airport was Avery busy and we Bwere afraid
  Cto miss the plane.
 75. The police @hasn't gotten any Ainformation on
  Bthe seven-year-old boy who Chas been missing for a week.
 76. There are @many ways of saying one thing and meaning Aother. Irony
  and figures of speech are such Bdevices, and they are wonderful when
  Cthey work.
 77. The patient @had been Ahealth until last August, Bwhen he was
  admitted to the hospital Cbecause of a heart attack.
 78. The orchestra will be @led by a local conductor Awhom in my opinion
  is Bas good as or even better than Cthose with an international
 79. There still @exist Amuch Bto be learned about various seaweeds and
  their value to Chumans.
 80. The development of the new suburbs @along with the industrial centers
  Aon the outskirts of town Bare the result of his Cuntiring efforts.

 71. @ A B C    71. @ A B C   71. @ A B C
 72. @ A B C    72. @ A B C   72. @ A B C
 73. @ A B C    73. @ A B C   73. @ A B C
 74. @ A B C    74. @ A B C   74. @ A B C
 75. @ A B C    75. @ A B C   75. @ A B C
 76. @ A B C    76. @ A B C   76. @ A B C
 77. @ A B C    77. @ A B C   77. @ A B C
 78. @ A B C    78. @ A B C   78. @ A B C
 79. @ A B C    79. @ A B C   79. @ A B C
 80. @ A B C    80. @ A B C   80. @ A B C
  月  日 氏名                  得点   /    .

 71. パーナシアン(フランス高踏派)というのは、形式の厳格さを強調したフラン
 72. その患者は昨日、背中にとてもひどい痛みを感じて、ベッドから出るのに苦
 73. 君が今してくれた話で、いつかの経験を思い出した。
 74. 空港への道はとても混んでいて、飛行機に遅れるんじゃないかと心配でした。
 75. 1週間行方不明の7歳の少年について、警察は何の情報も得ていない。
 76. 言っていることと言いたいことを別にする方法はたくさんある。皮肉や比喩は
 77. 昨年の8月まではその患者は健康だったが、それから心臓発作で入院した。
 78. そのオーケストラは現地の指揮者が指揮するでしょう。私の意見では、それは
 79. 様々な海草とその人間にとっての価値については、まだ学ぶべきことがたく
 80. 町の周辺地域の産業中心地と共に新たな郊外が発達したのは、彼のたゆまぬ努

 71. The Parnassians @were a group of AFrance poets who Bemphasized
  strictness Cof form.
   A ⇒ French:名詞・所有格。「フランス(人)の」はFrench。
 72. The patient had @a so severe pain Ain the back yesterday that he
  could Bhardly get out of Cbed.
   @ ⇒ so severe a語法・副詞。so+形容詞+a+名詞+that節。重要構文。
 73. The story @you have just told me Ais reminding me of Ban experience
  I Conce had.
   Areminds me of:状態動詞[物事がSの時]。進行形にしない。
 74. The road @to the airport was Avery busy and we Bwere afraid
  Cto miss the plane.
   Cof missing熟語語法。「怖くて乗り遅れることが出来ない」は×。
    afraid of doing「するのが怖い」
    afraid to do「怖くて出来ない」
 75. The police @hasn't gotten any Ainformation on
  Bthe seven-year-old boy who Chas been missing for a week.
   @haven't gotten:名詞。The police「警察当局」は複数扱い。
 76. There are @many ways of saying one thing and meaning Aother. Irony
  and figures of speech are such Bdevices, and they are wonderful when
  Cthey work.
 77. The patient @had been Ahealth until last August, Bwhen he was
  admitted to the hospital Cbecause of a heart attack.
 78. The orchestra will be @led by a local conductor Awhom in my opinion
  is Bas good as or even better than Cthose with an international
 79. There still @exist Amuch Bto be learned about various seaweeds and
  their value to Chumans.
   @ ⇒ exists:三単元。there構文。muchが主語。単数扱い。
 80. The development of the new suburbs @along with the industrial centers
  Aon the outskirts of town Bare the result of his Cuntiring efforts.

 解 答
 71. @ A B C
 72. @ A B C
 73. @ A B C
 74. @ A B C
 75. @ A B C
 76. @ A B C
 77. @ A B C
 78. @ A B C
 79. @ A B C
 80. @ A B C



  大学受験生としての実力判定。 1問10点で100点満点。
      50点で---- 偏差値50
      60点で---- 偏差値55
      70点で---- 偏差値60
      80点で---- 偏差値65
      90点で---- 偏差値70
     100点で---- 偏差値75だ。

   ★ 1番から50番までの平均より上がっているかどうか。★
  ☆ 上がっていたら実力がupしたと考えよう。その調子で頑張れ。☆
  ☆ 下がった場合は勉強量を増やそう。☆

      40点で---- 偏差値50
      50点で---- 偏差値55
      60点で---- 偏差値60
      70点で---- 偏差値65
      80点で---- 偏差値70
      90点で---- 偏差値75だ。
