英文法ドリル  Grammar:D問題(総合力)
  ☆Intermediate English Practice gd0150

  Error Detection   正誤問題  実践演習
141. @Since her blood pressure is much higher Athan it Bshould be, her
  doctor insists that she Cwill not smoke.
142. It was @so interesting book that I Acouldn't put it down,
  Bnot even when Cit was time to go to bed.
143. Thousands @upon thousands of people are Ayearly brought into a state
  of Breally poverty by their anxiety Cnot to be thought poor.
144. I think you @need to think about Ahow to do the job again and find a
  Bbest way to do Cit.
145. The @newly organized football Aassociation Bhas added two new
  teams to Ctheir league.
146. It's been @over two months Anow Bthat I Cleft England.
147. Two police cars and an ambulance @were parking Aoutside the building
  Bopposite our Chouse.
148. If you @hadn't been in such a Ahurry, the accident Bwouldn't
  Chave been happened.
149. They @have been receiving a great Adeal of complaints Babout
  their new product Csince it was put on the market.
150. Jack ran to the @phone and Acalled the college Bto explain his

  141. @ A B C    141. @ A B C     141. @ A B C
  142. @ A B C    142. @ A B C     142. @ A B C
  143. @ A B C    143. @ A B C     143. @ A B C
  144. @ A B C    144. @ A B C     144. @ A B C
  145. @ A B C    145. @ A B C     145. @ A B C
  146. @ A B C    146. @ A B C     146. @ A B C
  147. @ A B C    147. @ A B C     147. @ A B C
  148. @ A B C    148. @ A B C     148. @ A B C
  149. @ A B C    149. @ A B C     149. @ A B C
  150. @ A B C    150. @ A B C     150. @ A B C
  月  日 氏名                  得点   /    .

141. 彼女の血圧が正常値よりずっと高いので、医者は、タバコをやめるように強
142. とても面白い本で、手から離せなかった。寝る時間になってもだ。
143. 貧乏だと思われたくないという不安から、本当の貧乏な状態に陥る人が毎年
144. その仕事のやり方をもう一度考えて、もっとうまいやり方を見つける必要が
145. 新たに組織されたサッカー協会では、2つのチームが新たに加えられた。
146. イギリスを離れてからもう2ヶ月以上になる。
147. 2台のパトカーと1台の救急車が家の向かいの建物の外に止まっていた。
148. 君がそんなに急いでいなかったなら、その事故は起こらなかっただろう。
149. 新製品が市場に出されて以来、大変な数の苦情が寄せられている。
150. ジャックは電話に走って行き、電話をかけて欠席の理由を説明した。

141. @Since her blood pressure is much higher Athan it Bshould be, her
  doctor insists that she Cwill not smoke.
   C ⇒ should not:助動詞。insist「強く要求する」+that節にはshould。
142. It was @so interesting book that I Acouldn't put it down,
  Bnot even when Cit was time to go to bed.
   @ ⇒ such an:後ろに名詞bookがあるのでsuchを使う。such thatの構文
143. Thousands @upon thousands of people are Ayearly brought into a state
  of Breally poverty by their anxiety Cnot to be thought poor.
144. I think you @need to think about Ahow to do the job again and find a
  Bbest way to do Cit.
   B ⇒ better:比較。それをするもっと良い方法。
145. The @newly organized football Aassociation Bhas added two new
  teams to Ctheir league.
   C ⇒ its:代名詞。associationは単数。
146. It's been @over two months Anow Bthat I Cleft England.
   B ⇒ since:時制接続詞現在完了+since+過去
147. Two police cars and an ambulance @were parking Aoutside the building
  Bopposite our Chouse.
   @ ⇒ were parked。parkは「(人が)車を止める」の他動詞。受け身にする。
148. If you @hadn't been in such a Ahurry, the accident Bwouldn't
  Chave been happened.
   C ⇒ have:happenは自動詞。受け身にはならない。
149. They @have been receiving a great Adeal of complaints Babout
  their new product Csince it was put on the market.
   A ⇒ number:名詞。complaintsが複数。「たくさんの」はa number of。
150. Jack ran to the @phone and Acalled the college Bto explain his
   C ⇒ absence:名詞。hisの後だから、名詞。

 解 答
  141. @ A B C
  142. @ A B C
  143. @ A B C
  144. @ A B C
  145. @ A B C
  146. @ A B C
  147. @ A B C
  148. @ A B C
  149. @ A B C
  150. @ A B C



  大学受験生としての実力判定。 1問10点で100点満点。
      50点で---- 偏差値50
      60点で---- 偏差値55
      70点で---- 偏差値60
      80点で---- 偏差値65
      90点で---- 偏差値70
     100点で---- 偏差値75だ。

   ★ 1番から100番までの平均より上がっているかどうか。★
  ☆ 上がっていたら実力がupしたと考えよう。その調子で頑張れ。☆
  ☆ 下がった場合は勉強量を増やそう。☆

      40点で---- 偏差値50
      50点で---- 偏差値55
      60点で---- 偏差値60
      70点で---- 偏差値65
      80点で---- 偏差値70
      90点で---- 偏差値75だ。
