上級英文 No.2

     Most people think of education as ( 1 ) only to do with school.
 Well, that is a good place to start. In your ( 2 ), your high school
 has a particularly good record for ( 3 ) out fine students and I
 expect one ( 4 ) for its success as such an excellent institution is
 the ( 5 ) it places on discipline. Of course, lots of good men and
 women ( 6 ) it without ever having attended this type of school−but
 the main reason is still the same: discipline. In this case, mostly
 self-discipline. That is the key ( 7 ) which separates those who
 make it from those who do not. But a good school and a good mixture of
 people to enjoy it ( 8 ) is certainly an advantageous start. ( 9 )
 these somewhat uncontrollable ( 10 ) forces with some good internal
 characteristics and it becomes pretty hard to keep a determined fellow
  ア it    イ for    ウ way    エ case    オ make
  カ turn   キ with    ク having  ケ reason   コ combine
  サ turning  シ emphasis  ス exploit  セ external  ソ ingredient
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

 ra0102145 全訳例
     Most people think of education as having only to do with school.
 Well, that is a good place to start. In your case, your high school
 has a particularly good record for turning out fine students and I
 expect one reason for its success as such an excellent institution is
 the emphasis it places on discipline. Of course, lots of good men and
 women make it without ever having attended this type of school−but
 the main reason is still the same: discipline. In this case, mostly
 self-discipline. That is the key ingredient which separates those who
 make it from those who do not. But a good school and a good mixture of
 people to enjoy it with is certainly an advantageous start. Combine
 these somewhat uncontrollable external forces with some good internal
 characteristics and it becomes pretty hard to keep a determined fellow

  ☆ 単語を確認しつつ何度も読み返してみよ。
     Most people think of education as having only to do with school.
 Well, that is a good place to start. In your case, your high school
 has a particularly good record for turning out fine students and I
 expect one reason for its success as such an excellent institution is
 the emphasis it places on discipline. Of course, lots of good men and
 women make it without ever having attended this type of school−but
 the main reason is still the same: discipline. In this case, mostly
 self-discipline. That is the key ingredient which separates those who
 make it from those who do not. But a good school and a good mixture of
 people to enjoy it with is certainly an advantageous start. Combine
 these somewhat uncontrollable external forces with some good internal
 characteristics and it becomes pretty hard to keep a determined fellow
    ad・van・ta・geous [¡dv§ntéid¾§s] 有利な、都合の良い
    at・tend [§ténd]        v. 出席する、世話する、注意する
    cer・tain・ly [s©®rtnli]     確かに、まったく、もちろん
    case [kéis]          場合、事実、患者、事件
    char・ac・ter・is・tic [k¡r§kt§rístik] 特有の、特性
    com・bine [k§mbáin/k½mbain] v. 結合(する)、合同(する)
    course [k¦®rs]         進行、経過、方針、講習
    dear [dí§r]           親愛な(人)、大事な
    de・ter・mine [dit©®rmin]    v. 決める (=decide)
    dis・ci・pline [dísiplin]     vt 訓練(する)、規律、しつけ(る)
    ed・u・ca・tion [èd¾ukéi¸§n/èdju-] 教育
    em・pha・sis [émf§sis]      強調
    en・joy [end¾¦i/in-]      vt 楽しむ、持っている
    ev・er [év§r]          かつて、一度(で)も、いったい、ずっと
    ex・cel・lent [éks§l§nt]     優れた
    ex・pect [ikspékt/eks-]     vt 予期[期待]する、思う
    ex・ter・nal [èkst©®rn§l]     外部(の)、外的な
    fel・low [félou]         やつ、仲間、相手
    fine [fáin]           立派な、晴れた、 vt 罰金(を課す)
    force [f¦®rs]          vt 力、強いる
    in・gredient [ingrí®di§nt/dj§nt] 料理の材料、原料、要素
    in・sti・tu・tion [ínstit(j)ù®¸§n] 組織、制度、協会
    in・ter・nal [int©rnl]      内部の、精神的な
    key [kí®]            かぎ
    lot [l½t]     くじ、運命、たくさんの(こと、もの)
    mix・ture [míkst¸§r]       混合(物)
    most [móust]          ほとんどの、最も多くの、とても
    par・tic・u・lar・ly [p§rtíkj§l§rli] 特に、大いに
    place [pléis]          vt 場所、置く、思い出す
    pret・ty [príti]         かわいい、 かなり、非常に(very)
    rea・son [rí®zn]         v. 理由、理性、推論する
    rec・ord [rék§rd/rik¦®rd]  v. 記録(する)、経歴
    same [séim]           同じ(もの)、同じように
    sep・a・rate [sép§r§t/sép§rèit]  v. 離れた、別個の、離す
    some・what [smhw¼t/hw§t]    幾分
    suc・cess [s§ksés]        成功
    turn [t©®rn]          v. 回転(する)、になる、曲がる、順番
    type [trái]      型、活字、象徴、タイプライターで打つ
    uncontrollable con・trol・la・ble [k§ntróul§bl] 支配[抑制]できる



 テスト 12 空所に適語を記せ。
     Most people think ( 1 ) education as having only to do ( 2 ) school.
 Well, that is a good place to start. ( 3 ) your case, your high school
 has a particularly good record for turning ( 4 ) fine students and I
 expect one reason ( 5 ) its success as such an excellent institution is
 the emphasis it places ( 6 ) discipline. ( 7 ) course, lots of good men
 and women make it ( 8 ) ever having attended this type of school−but
 the main reason is still the same: discipline. ( 9 ) this case, mostly
 self-discipline. That is the key ingredient which separates those who
 make it ( 10 ) those who do not. But a good school and a good mixture of
 people to enjoy it ( 11 ) is certainly an advantageous start. Combine
 these somewhat uncontrollable external forces ( 12 ) some good internal
 characteristics and it becomes pretty hard to keep a determined fellow
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 20 空所に適語を記せ。
     Most people think ( 1 ) education as ( 2 ) only to do ( 3 ) school.
 Well, that is a good place to start. ( 4 ) your case, your high school
 has a particularly good record for ( 5 ) out fine students and I expect
 one reason ( 6 ) its success ( 7 ) such an excellent institution ( 8 )
 the emphasis it places ( 9 ) discipline. ( 10 ) course, lots of good men
 and women make it ( 11 ) ever having ( 12 ) this type of school−but
 the main reason is still ( 13 ) same: discipline. ( 14 ) this case,
 mostly self-discipline. That is the key ingredient which separates those
 who ( 15 ) it ( 16 ) those who do not. But a good school and a good
 mixture of people to enjoy it ( 17 ) is certainly an advantageous start.
 Combine these somewhat uncontrollable ( 18 ) forces with some good
 internal characteristics ( 19 ) it becomes pretty hard to keep a
 determined fellow ( 20 ).
  1.        2.        3.         4.        
  5.        6.        7.         8.        
  9.        10.       11.        12.        
 13.        14.       15.        16.        
 17.        18.       19.        20.        
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 28 空所に適語を記せ。
     Most people ( 1 ) of education as ( 2 ) only to do with school.
 Well, that is a good place to ( 3 ). In your ( 4 ), your high school has
 a particularly good ( 5 ) for ( 6 ) out fine students and I expect one
 reason for its ( 7 ) as such an excellent institution ( 8 ) the ( 9 ) it
 places on ( 10 ). Of course, lots of good men and women ( 11 ) it ( 12 )
 ever having ( 13 ) this type of school−but the ( 14 ) reason is still
 the ( 15 ): discipline. ( 16 ) this case, mostly self-discipline. That
 is the key ingredient which ( 17 ) those who make ( 18 ) from those who
 do ( 19 ). But a good school and a good ( 20 ) of people to ( 21 ) it
 with is certainly an ( 22 ) start. ( 23 ) these somewhat ( 24 ) external
 forces with some good ( 25 ) characteristics and it becomes pretty ( 26 )
 to keep a ( 27 ) fellow ( 28 ).
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
 13.        14.       15.        16.        .
 17.        18.       19.        20.        .
 21.        22.       23.        24.        .
 25.        26.       27.        28.        
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 32 空所に適語を記せ。
     Most people think ( 1 ) education ( 2 ) having only to do ( 3 )
 school. Well, that is a ( 4 ) place to ( 5 ). ( 6 ) your case, your high
 school ( 7 ) a particularly good ( 8 ) for turning ( 9 ) fine students and
 I expect one ( 10 ) for its ( 11 ) as such an ( 12 ) institution ( 13 )
 the ( 14 ) it ( 15 ) on discipline. Of course, lots ( 16 ) good men and
 women make it ( 17 ) ever having ( 18 ) this type of school−but the
 main reason is still ( 19 ) same: discipline. In this ( 20 ), mostly
 self-discipline. That is the key ingredient which separates those ( 21 )
 make ( 22 ) from those who do ( 23 ). But a good school and a good ( 24 )
 of people to enjoy it ( 25 ) is certainly an ( 26 ) start. ( 27 ) these
 somewhat uncontrollable ( 28 ) forces ( 29 ) some good internal
 characteristics and ( 30 ) becomes pretty hard to ( 31 ) a determined
 fellow ( 32 ).
  1.        2.        3.         4.        
  5.        6.        7.         8.        
  9.        10.       11.        12.        
 13.        14.       15.        16.        
 17.        18.       19.        20.        
 21.        22.       23.        24.        
 25.        26.       27.        28.        
 29.        30.       31.        32.        
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

1.ク  2.エ  3.サ  4.ケ  5.シ  6.オ  7.ソ  8.キ  9.コ 10.セ 

  1. of       2. with     3. in       4. out      
  5. for      6. on      7. of       8. without    
  9. in      10. from     11. with      12. with     

  1. of       2. having     3. with      4. In      
  5. turning    6. for      7. as       8. is      
  9. on       10. Of      11. without    12. attended   
 13. the      14. In      15. make     16. from     
 17. with      18. external   19. and      20. down     

  1. think     2. having    3. start      4. case     
  5. record     6. turning    7. success     8. is      
  9. emphasis   10. discipline  11. make      12. without    
 13. attended   14. main     15. same      16. In      
 17. separates   18. it      19. not      20. mixture    
 21. enjoy     22. advantageous 23. Combine    24. uncontrollable
 25. internal   26. hard     27. determined   28. down     

  1. of       2. as      3. with      4. good     
  5. start     6. In      7. has       8. record    
  9. out      10. reason    11. success    12. excellent   
 13. is      14. emphasis   15. places     16. of      
 17. without    18. attended   19. the      20. case     
 21. who      22. it      23. not      24. mixture    
 25. with     26. advantageous 27. Combine    28. external   
 29. with     30. it      31. keep      32. down     

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