上級英文 No.3

     In order to talk about the nature of the universe and to ( 1 )
 questions such as whether it has a beginning or an end, you have to be
 clear about ( 2 ) a scientific theory is. I shall take the simpleminded
 view ( 3 ) a theory is just a model of the universe, or a restricted
 part of it, and a set of rules that relate quantities in the model to
 observations that we make. It ( 4 ) only in our minds and does not
 have any other reality (whatever that might mean). A theory is a good
 theory if it ( 5 ) two requirements: It must accurately describe a
 large class of observations on the ( 6 ) of a model that contains only
 a few arbitrary elements, and it must make definite predictions about
 the results of future observations. For example, Aristotle's theory
 that everything was made out of four elements, earth, air, fire, and
 water, was simple ( 7 ) to qualify, but it did not make any ( 8 )
 predictions. On the other hand, Newton's theory of gravity was based
 on an even simpler model, in ( 9 ) bodies attracted each other with a
 force that was proportional to a quantity called their mass and
 inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Yet
 it ( 10 ) the motions of the sun, the moon, and the planets to a high
 degree of accuracy.
  ア how    イ say    ウ why    エ that    オ what
  カ which   キ basis   ク truth   ケ enough   コ exists
  サ discuss  シ predicts  ス prevents  セ definite  ソ satisfies
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

 ra0103228 全訳例
     In order to talk about the nature of the universe and to discuss
 questions such as whether it has a beginning or an end, you have to be
 clear about what a scientific theory is. I shall take the simpleminded
 view that a theory is just a model of the universe, or a restricted
 part of it, and a set of rules that relate quantities in the model to
 observations that we make. It exists only in our minds and does not
 have any other reality (whatever that might mean). A theory is a good
 theory if it satisfies two requirements: It must accurately describe a
 large class of observations on the basis of a model that contains only
 a few arbitrary elements, and it must make definite predictions about
 the results of future observations. For example, Aristotle's theory
 that everything was made out of four elements, earth, air, fire, and
 water, was simple enough to qualify, but it did not make any definite
 predictions. On the other hand, Newton's theory of gravity was based
 on an even simpler model, in which bodies attracted each other with a
 force that was proportional to a quantity called their mass and
 inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Yet
 it predicts the motions of the sun, the moon, and the planets to a high
 degree of accuracy.

  ☆ 単語を確認しつつ何度も読み返してみよ。
     In order to talk about the nature of the universe and to discuss
 questions such as whether it has a beginning or an end, you have to be
 clear about what a scientific theory is. I shall take the simpleminded
 view that a theory is just a model of the universe, or a restricted
 part of it, and a set of rules that relate quantities in the model to
 observations that we make. It exists only in our minds and does not
 have any other realitey (whatever that might mean). A theory is a good
 theory if it satisfies two requirements: It must accurately describe a
 large class of observations on the basis of a model that contains only
 a few arbitrary elements, and it must make definite predictions about
 the results of future observations. For example, Aristotle's theory
 that everything was made out of four elements, earth, air, fire, and
 water, was simple enough to qualify, but it did not make any definite
 predictions. On the other hand, Newton's theory of gravity was based
 on an even simpler model, in which bodies attracted each other with a
 force that was proportional to a quantity called their mass and
 inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Yet
 it predicts the motions of the sun, the moon, and the planets to a high
 degree of accuracy.
   ac・cu・ra・cy [¢kjur§si]     正確さ
   ac・cu・rate・ly [¢kjuritli]    正確に
   ar・bi・trar・y [½®rbitr§ri]    任意の
   at・tract [§tr¢kt]       vt 引きつける
   base [béis]           vt 基礎(を置く)[AonB]
   ba・sis [béisis]         基礎、論拠
   con・tain [k§ntéin]       vt 含む、収容できる
   de・gree [digrí®]        程度、度、学位
   def・i・nite [définit]      一定の、明確な
   de・scribe [diskráib]      vt 説明する、言う
   dis・cuss [disks]       vt 話し合う、論議する
   dis・tance [díst§ns]       距離
   el・e・ment [él§m§nt]       (構成)要素
   ex・ist [igzíst/egz-]      vi 存在[生存]する
   force [f¦®rs]          vt 力、強いる
   grav・i・ty [gr¢v§ti]       引力、重力、重大性、真面目さ
   in・verse [ìnv©®rs/ínv§®rs]   逆(の)、反対、反比例の
   mo・tion [móu¸§n]        v. 運動、動作、動議、合図(する)
   ob・ser・va・tion [¼bz§rvéi¸§n]  観察、情報、意見
   plan・et [pl¢nit]        遊星、惑星
   pre・dic・tion [pridík¸§n]    予言、予測
   pro・por・tion・al [pr§p¦®r¸§nl]  比例した[する]、比例数
   qual・i・ty [kw½l§ti]       質、特質
   quan・ti・ty [kw½nt§ti]      (分)量
   re・al・i・ty [ri(®)¢l§ti]     現実
   re・late [riléit]        v. 関係づける[AtoB]、話す、かかわる
   re・quire・ment [rikwái§rm§nt]  必要品、要求物、資格
   re・strict [ristríkt]      vt (範囲を)制限する
   re・sult [rizlt]        vi 結果(になる)[in⇔from]
   sat・is・fy [s¢tisfài]      vt 満足させる、満たす
   sci・en・tif・ic [sài§ntífik]   科学の、科学的な
   sim・ple-mind・ed [símpl máindid] お人好しの、単純な、愚かな
   square [skwé§r]        v. 四角(の)、正直に、直角にする
   the・o・ry [·í(®)§ri]       理論
   u・ni・verse [jú®niv¨®rs]     宇宙、全世界



 テスト 12 空所に適語を記せ。
     In order to talk about the nature of the universe and to discuss
 questions ( 1 ) as whether it has a beginning or an ( 2 ), you have to be
 clear about what a scientific theory is. I shall take the simpleminded
 view ( 3 ) a theory is just a model of the universe, or a restricted
 part of it, and a set of rules that relate quantities in the model to
 observations that we ( 4 ). It exists only in our minds and does not
 have any other reality whatever that might ( 5 ). A theory is a good
 theory if it satisfies two requirements: It must accurately describe a
 large class of observations ( 6 ) the basis of a model that contains only
 a few arbitrary elements, and it must ( 7 ) definite predictions about
 the results of future observations. For example, Aristotle's theory
 that everything was made out ( 8 ) four elements, earth, air, fire, and
 water, was simple enough to qualify, but it did not make any definite
 predictions. ( 9 ) the other hand, Newton's theory of gravity was based
 ( 10 ) an even simpler model, ( 11 ) which bodies attracted each other
 with a force that was proportional ( 12 ) a quantity called their mass and
 inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Yet
 it predicts the motions of the sun, the moon, and the planets to a high
 degree of accuracy.
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 20 空所に適語を記せ。
     In ( 1 ) to talk about the nature of the universe and to discuss
 questions such ( 2 ) whether it has a beginning or an end, you have to be
 clear about ( 3 ) a scientific theory is. I shall take the simpleminded
 view that a ( 4 ) is just a model of the universe, or a restricted
 part of it, and a set of rules that relate quantities in the model to
 observations that we make. It exists only in our minds and does not
 have any other reality ( 5 ) that might mean. A theory is a good
 theory if it satisfies two requirements: It must accurately describe a
 large class of observations on the ( 6 ) of a model that contains only
 a few arbitrary elements, and it must ( 7 ) definite predictions about
 the results ( 8 ) future observations. For example, Aristotle's theory
 that everything ( 9 ) made out of four elements, earth, air, fire, and
 water, was ( 10 ) enough to ( 11 ), but it did not ( 12 ) any definite
 predictions. On the other ( 13 ), Newton's theory of gravity was ( 14 )
 on an even simpler model, ( 15 ) which bodies attracted each ( 16 ) with
 a force that was proportional ( 17 ) a quantity called their mass and
 ( 18 ) proportional ( 19 ) the square of the distance ( 20 ) them. Yet
 it predicts the motions of the sun, the moon, and the planets to a high
 degree of accuracy.
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
 13.        14.       15.        16.        .
 17.        18.       19.        20.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 28 Aの空所には適語を、Bの空所には下から選んで適語を記号で記せ。
     In order to talk about the ( B1 ) of the universe and to ( A1 )
 questions such ( A2 ) whether it has a beginning or an end, you have to be
 clear about ( A3 ) a scientific theory is. I shall take the simpleminded
 view ( A4 ) a theory is just a model of the universe, or a ( B2 ) part of
 it, and a set of rules that relate ( B3 ) in the model to observations
 that we ( A5 ). It exists only in our minds and does not have any ( A6 )
 reality whatever that might mean. A theory is a ( A7 ) theory if it
 satisfies two ( B4 ): It must ( B5 ) describe a large class of
 observations on the ( A8 ) of a model that contains only a few ( B6 )
 elements, and it must make ( B7 ) predictions about the ( A9 ) of future
 observations. For example, Aristotle's theory that ( A10 ) was made out
 of four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, was simple enough to ( B8 ),
 but it did not make any definite predictions. On the ( A11 ) hand,
 Newton's theory of gravity was ( A12 ) on an even simpler model, in
 ( A13 ) bodies attracted each ( A14 ) with a force that was ( B9 ) to a
 quantity ( A15 ) their mass and ( B10 ) proportional to the ( B11 ) of the
 distance ( A16 ) them. Yet it predicts the motions of the sun, the moon,
 and the planets to a high ( B12 ) of accuracy.
  degree  nature  square  qualify  definite
  arbitrary  inversely  accurately  quantities  restricted
  proportional  requirements
 A1.        A2.       A3.        A4.       .
 A5.        A6.       A7.        A8.       .
 A9.       A10.       A11.        A12.       .
A13.       A14.       A15.        A16.       .
 B1.   B2.   B3.   B4.   B5.   B6.   B7.   B8.   .
 B9.   B10.   B11.   B12.    .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 32 空所に適語を記せ。
     In order to ( 1 ) about the nature of the universe and to ( 2 )
 questions such as ( 3 ) it has a ( 4 ) or an end, you have to ( 5 ) clear
 about ( 6 ) a scientific theory is. I shall ( 7 ) the simpleminded view
 that a theory is just a model of the universe, or a restricted ( 8 ) of
 it, and a set ( 9 ) rules that relate quantities in the model ( 10 )
 observations that we ( 11 ). It exists only in our minds and does not
 have ( 12 ) other reality ( 13 ) that might mean. A theory is a good
 theory if it ( 14 ) two requirements: It must accurately describe a
 large class of observations ( 15 ) the basis of a model that contains only
 a few arbitrary elements, and it must ( 16 ) definite predictions about
 the ( 17 ) of future observations. For example, Aristotle's theory ( 18 )
 everything was ( 19 ) out of four elements, earth, air, fire, and water,
 was simple ( 20 ) to qualify, ( 21 ) it did not ( 22 ) any definite
 predictions. ( 23 ) the other ( 24 ), Newton's theory of gravity was
 based ( 25 ) an ( 26 ) simpler model, ( 27 ) which bodies attracted ( 28 )
 other with a force that was proportional ( 29 ) a quantity ( 30 ) their
 mass and inversely proportional ( 31 ) the square of the distance between
 them. Yet it predicts the motions of the sun, the moon, and the planets
 to a high ( 32 ) of accuracy.
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
 13.        14.       15.        16.        .
 17.        18.       19.        20.        .
 21.        22.       23.        24.        .
 29.        30.       31.        32.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

 1.サ  2.オ  3.エ  4.コ  5.ソ  6.キ  7.ケ  8.セ  9.カ 10.シ  .

  1. such      2. end      3. that      4. make     .
  5. mean      6. on      7. make      8. of      .
  9. On      10. on      11. in       12. to      .

  1. order     2. as      3. what      4. theory    .
  5. whatever    6. basis     7. make      8. of      .
  9. was      10. simple   11. qualify    12. make     .
13. hand     14. based     15. in       16. other     .
17. to       18. inversely  19. to       20. between    .

A1. discuss    A2. as      A3. what      A4. that     .
A5. make     A6. other    A7. good      A8. basis     .
A9. results   A10. everything A11. other     A12. based     .
A13. which    A14. other    A15. called    A16. between    .
B1.イ  B2.コ   B3.ケ   B4.シ   B5.ク  B6.カ   B7.オ  B8.エ  .
B9.サ  B10.キ  B11.ウ  B12.ア  .

  1. talk      2. discuss    3. whether     4. beginning   .
  5. be       6. what     7. take      8. part     .
  9. of      10. to      11. make      12. any      .
13. whatever   14. satisfies  15. on       16. make     .
17. results    18. that     19. made      20. enough    .
21. but      22. make     23. On       24. hand     .
25. on      26. even     27. in       28. each     .
29. to      30. called    31. to       32. degree    .

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