上級英文 No.4

     The function of a science is to establish general laws covering the
 behaviour of the events or objects ( 1 ) which the science in question is
 concerned, and thereby to ( 2 ) us to connect together our knowledge of
 the separately known events, and to make reliable predictions of events
 as yet unknown. This function of establishing general laws is common to
 all the natural sciences; it is characteristic also of those parts of
 psychology and of the social sciences which would ordinarily be called
 scientific as ( 3 ) to philosophical. If the science is in a highly
 developed stage, as in physics, the laws which have been established will
 form a hierarchy in which many special laws appear as logical consequences
 of a small number of highly general laws expressed in a very sophisticated
 ( 4 ); if the science is in an early stage of development−( 5 ) is
 sometimes called its‘natural-history’stage−the laws may be merely
 the generalizations involved in ( 6 ) things into various classes. But
 to classify a whale as a mammal is to assert the generalization that all
 infant whales are ( 7 ) with milk by their mothers, and this proposition
 is a general law, although of ( 8 ) scope. It enables us to predict that
 the next ( 9 ) we meet will be a mammal, and it singles out an important
 feature in which whales ( 10 ) from fishes.
  ア to  イ let  ウ come  エ what  オ with  カ given  キ whale
  ク stage  ケ which  コ animal  サ differ  シ enable  ス manner
  セ limited  ソ opposed  タ provided  チ according  ツ classifying
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

 ra0104227 全訳例
     The function of a science is to establish general laws covering the
 behaviour of the events or objects with which the science in question is
 concerned, and thereby to enable us to connect together our knowledge of
 the separately known events, and to make reliable predictions of events
 as yet unknown. This function of establishing general laws is common to
 all the natural sciences; it is characteristic also of those parts of
 psychology and of the social sciences which would ordinarily be called
 scientific as opposed to philosophical. If the science is in a highly
 developed stage, as in physics, the laws which have been established will
 form a hierarchy in which many special laws appear as logical consequences
 of a small number of highly general laws expressed in a very sophisticated
 manner; if the science is in an early stage of development−what is
 sometimes called its‘natural-history’stage−the laws may be merely
 the generalizations involved in classifying things into various classes.
 But to classify a whale as a mammal is to assert the generalization that
 all infant whales are provided with milk by their mothers, and this
 proposition is a general law, although of limited scope. It enables us to
 predict that the next whale we meet will be a mammal, and it singles out
 an important feature in which whales differ from fishes.

  ☆ 単語を確認しつつ何度も読み返してみよ。
     The function of a science is to establish general laws covering the
 behaviour of the events or objects with which the science in question is
 concerned, and thereby to enable us to connect together our knowledge of
 the separately known events, and to make reliable predictions of events
 as yet unknown. This function of establishing general laws is common to
 all the natural sciences; it is characteristic also of those parts of
 psychology and of the social sciences which would ordinarily be called
 scientific as opposed to philosophical. If the science is in a highly
 developed stage, as in physics, the laws which have been established will
 form a hierarchy in which many special laws appear as logical consequences
 of a small number of highly general laws expressed in a very sophisticated
 manner; if the science is in an early stage of development−what is
 sometimes called its‘natural-history’stage−the laws may be merely
 the generalizations involved in classifying things into various classes.
 But to classify a whale as a mammal is to assert the generalization that
 all infant whales are provided with milk by their mothers, and this
 proposition is a general law, although of limited scope. It enables us to
 predict that the next whale we meet will be a mammal, and it singles out
 an important feature in which whales differ from fishes.
   as・sert [§s©®rt]        vt 主張する、断言する
   be・hav・io(u)r [bihéivj§r]    振る舞い、行儀、動き
   char・ac・ter・is・tic [k¡r§kt§rístik] 特有の、特性
   clas・si・fy [kl¢sifài]     vt 分類する
   com・mon [k½m§n]         共通の、普通の
   con・cern [k§ns©®rn]      vt 心配(させる)、関係(する)、問題
   con・nect [k§nékt]       v. つなぐ、関係づける、つながる
   con・se・quence [k½nsikwens]   結果、 重要さ
   en・a・ble [enéibl/in-]     vt 可能にさせる[O + to do]
   es・tab・lish [ist¢bli¸/es-]   vt 確立する、設立する
   e・vent [ivént]         出来事
   fea・ture [fí®t¸§r]       v. 特徴(を持つ、づける)、顔立ち
   func・tion [f¶¿k¸§n]       vi 機能(を果たす)、役割、作動する
   gen・er・al・i・za・tion [d¾èn§r§l§zéi¸§n/-lai-] 一般化、普遍化、一般概念
   hi・er・ar・chy [hái§r¼®rki]    階級(制)、支配層、階層
   in・fant [ínf§nt]        赤ん坊、幼児(の)、初心者、初期の
   lim・it [límit]         vt 限界、制限(する)
   mam・mal [m¢ml]         哺乳類[動物]
   natural-history   博物学
   ob・ject [½bd¾ikt/§bd¾ékt]  v. 物、対象、目的、反対する
   op・pose [§póuz]        v. 反対する
   phil・o・soph・ic/-・i・cal [fìl§s½fik(l)] 哲学の、賢明な、達観した、冷静な
   phys・ics [fíziks]        物理学
   pre・dict [pridíkt]       v. 予言する、予測する
   pre・dic・tion [pridík¸§n]    予言、予測
   prop・o・si・tion [pr¼p§zí¸§n]   提案、主張、定義
   pro・vide [pr§váid]       v. 供給する、養う、備える、与える
   psy・chol・o・gy [saik½l§d¾i]   心理(学)
   re・li・a・ble [rilái§bl]     信頼できる
   scope [skóup]          範囲、視野、余地
   sep・a・rate [sép§r§t/sép§rèit] v. 離れた、別個の、離す
   sin・gle [sí¿gl]         v. 一つ(の)、一人(の)、選び出す
   so・phis・ti・cate [s§fístikèit] vt 洗練させる、複雑[高度]化する、ゆがめる
   so・phis・ti・cat・ed [s§fístikèitid] 洗練された、教養のある
   there・by [ðè§rbái]       それによって[関して]、その辺に
   whale [hwéil]          vi 鯨、捕鯨に従事する、 vt 強打する



 テスト 10 空所に適語を記せ。
     The function of a science is to establish general laws covering
 the behaviour of the events or objects with which the science ( 1 )
 question is concerned, and thereby to enable us ( 2 ) connect together our
 knowledge of the separately known events, and to make reliable predictions
 of events as yet unknown. This function ( 3 ) establishing general laws
 is common to all the natural sciences; it is characteristic also of those
 parts of psychology and of the social sciences which would ordinarily
 ( 4 ) called scientific as opposed to philosophical. If the science is
 in a highly developed stage, as in physics, the laws which have been
 established will form a hierarchy in which many special laws appear as
 logical consequences of a small number of highly general laws expressed
 ( 5 ) a very sophisticated manner; if the science is in an early stage of
 development−( 6 ) is sometimes called its‘natural-history’stage−
 the laws may be merely the generalizations involved in classifying things
 into various classes. But to classify a whale as a mammal is to assert
 the generalization ( 7 ) all infant whales are provided ( 8 ) milk by
 their mothers, and this proposition is a general law, although of limited
 scope. It enables us to predict that the next whale we meet will be a
 ( 9 ), and it singles out an important feature ( 10 ) which whales differ
 from fishes.
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  1.        10.         .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 20 空所に適語を記せ。
     The function of a science is to establish general laws covering the
 behaviour of the events or objects ( 1 ) which the science in question is
 concerned, and thereby to enable us to connect together our knowledge of
 the separately known events, and to ( 2 ) reliable predictions of events
 as ( 3 ) unknown. This function of establishing general laws is common
 ( 4 ) all the natural sciences; it is characteristic also of those parts
 of psychology and of the social sciences which would ordinarily be called
 scientific as opposed ( 5 ) philosophical. If the science is in a highly
 developed stage, ( 6 ) in physics, the laws which have been established
 will form a hierarchy ( 7 ) which many special laws appear as logical
 consequences of a small number ( 8 ) highly general laws expressed ( 9 )
 a very sophisticated manner; if the science is in ( 10 ) early stage of
 development−( 11 ) is sometimes called its‘natural-history’stage−
 the laws may be merely the generalizations involved ( 12 ) classifying
 things ( 13 ) various classes. But to classify a whale as a mammal is to
 assert the generalization ( 14 ) all infant whales are provided ( 15 )
 milk by their mothers, and this proposition is a general law, although
 ( 16 ) limited scope. It enables us to predict that the next ( 17 ) we
 meet will be a ( 18 ), and it singles out an important feature ( 19 )
 which whales differ ( 20 ) fishes.
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
 13.        14.       15.        16.        .
 17.        18.       19.        20.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 32 Aの空所には適語を、Bの空所には下から選んで適語を記号で記せ。
     The function of a science is to ( B1 ) general laws covering the
 behaviour of the events or ( B2 ) with ( A1 ) the science ( A2 ) question
 is concerned, and ( B3 ) to enable us to connect together our knowledge of
 the separately ( B4 ) events, and to make ( B5 ) predictions of events as
 yet ( B6 ). This function of establishing general laws is common ( A3 )
 all the natural sciences; it is characteristic also ( A4 ) those parts of
 psychology and ( A5 ) the social sciences which would ( B7 ) be called
 scientific as ( B8 ) to philosophical. If the science is in a highly
 developed stage, as ( A6 ) physics, the laws which have ( A7 ) established
 will form a ( B9 ) in ( A8 ) many special laws appear as logical ( B10 )
 of a small number ( A9 ) highly general laws expressed in a very
 sophisticated ( B11 ); if the science is in an early stage of development−
 ( A10 ) is sometimes called its‘natural-history’stage−the laws may be
 merely the generalizations involved in ( B12 ) things into various classes.
 But to classify a whale ( A11 ) a mammal is to ( B13 ) the generalization
 that all infant whales are provided ( A12 ) milk by their mothers, and
 this ( B14 ) is a general law, although ( A13 ) limited scope. It enables
 us to predict ( A14 ) the next whale we meet will be a ( B15 ), and it
 singles ( A15 ) an important ( B16 ) in which whales ( A16 ) from fishes.
  known  assert  mammal  manner  feature  objects
  opposed  reliable  thereby  unknown  establish
  hierarchy  ordinarily  classifying  ソ proposition
 A1.        A2.       A3.        A4.        .
 A5.        A6.       A7.        A8.        .
 A9.       A10.       A11.        A12.        .
A13.       A14.       A15.        A16.        .
 B1.   B2.   B3.   B4.   B5.   B6.   B7.   B8.   .
 B9.   B10.   B11.   B12.   B13.   B14.   B15.   B16.   .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

1.オ  2.シ  3.ソ  4.ス  5.エ  6.ツ  7.タ  8.セ  9.キ 10.サ  .

  1. in       2. to      3. of       4. be      .
  5. in       6. what     7. that      8. with     .
  9. mammal    10. in       .

  1. with      2. make     3. yet       4. to       .
  5. to       6. as      7. in       8. of       .
  9. in      10. an      11. what      12. in       .
13. into     14. that     15. with      16. of       .
17. whale     18. mammal    19. in       20. from      .

A1. which     A2. in      A3. to       A4. of      .
A5. of      A6. in      A7. been      A8. which     .
A9. of      A10. what    A11. as       A12. with     .
A13. of      A14. that    A15. out      A16. differ    .
 B1.サ  B2.カ  B3.ケ  B4.ア  B5.ク  B6.コ  B7.ス  B8.キ  .
B9.シ  B10.タ  B11.エ  B12.セ  B13.イ  B14.ソ  B15.ウ  B16.オ  .

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