中級英文 No.1 ☆

     ( 1 ) is difficult to generalize about your own people−( 2 )
 difficult as to be almost impossible−for the simple reason ( 3 ) you
 cannot see them as a whole. That ( 4 ), general view of a race is
 possible only to the stranger; when you speak a people's tongue and share
 its way of thinking, you must be more ( 5 ) than the stranger of its many
 antagonisms, its divisions and shades of unlikeness. And for the same
 ( 6 )−because you stand so near−you may ( 7 ) to notice, as the
 stranger does, the racial resemblances and characteristics that are ( 8 )
 to all ranks and sections. As the English proverb says about overlooking
 things right in ( 9 ) of us: You cannot see the wood for ( 10 ).
  ア be  イ it  ウ so  エ why  オ fail  カ need  キ that  ク very
  ケ aware  コ front  サ there  シ trees  ス inside  セ common
  ソ reason  タ outside  チ purpose  ツ unaware
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

 rb3301103 全訳例
     It is difficult to generalize about your own people−so
 difficult as to be almost impossible−for the simple reason that
 you cannot see them as a whole. That outside, general view of a race
 is possible only to the stranger; when you speak a people's tongue and
 share its way of thinking, you must be more aware than the stranger
 of its many antagonisms, its divisions and shades of unlikeness. And
 for the same reason−because you stand so near−you may fail
 to notice, as the stranger does, the racial resemblances and
 characteristics that are common to all ranks and sections. As the
 English proverb says about overlooking things right in front of us:
 You cannot see the wood for trees.

  ☆ 単語を確認しつつ何度も読み返してみよ。
     It is difficult to generalize about your own people−so
 difficult as to be almost impossible−for the simple reason that
 you cannot see them as a whole. That outside, general view of a race
 is possible only to the stranger; when you speak a people's tongue and
 share its way of thinking, you must be more aware than the stranger
 of its many antagonisms, its divisions and shades of unlikeness. And
 for the same reason−because you stand so near−you may fail
 to notice, as the stranger does, the racial resemblances and
 characteristics that are common to all ranks and sections. As the
 English proverb says about overlooking things right in front of us:
 You cannot see the wood for trees.
   al・most [¦®lmoust/¤®lmóust]   ほとんど
   an・tag・o・nism [ænt¢g§nìzm]   反目、敵対(心)、対立
   a・ware [§wé§r]         知って、気付いて
   char・ac・ter・is・tic [k¡r§kt§rístik] 特有の、特性
   com・mon [k½m§n]         共通の、普通の
   dif・fi・cult [dífikµlt/k§lt]   難しい、困難な
   di・vi・sion [diví¾§n]      分割、区分、部署、分配、境界(線)、相違
   fail [féil]          v. 失敗する、見捨てる
   front [frnt]          前部、正面
   gen・er・al [d¾én§rl]       一般的な、全体的な
   gen・er・al・ize [d¾én§r§làiz]  v. 概括する、一般化する、普及させる
   im・pos・si・ble [imp½s§bl]    不可能な、あり得ない
   near [ní§r]           近い、近く(に)、ほとんど
   no・tice [nóutis]        v. 注目(する)、気付く、掲示
   out・side [áutsàid/áutsáid/àutsáid] 外側(の)、外の
   o・ver・look [òuv§rlúk]     vt 見渡す、見落とす、許す
   own [óun]            vt 自分自身の、所有する
   pos・si・ble [p½s§bl]       可能な(限りの)、できる、あり得る
   prov・erb [pr½v§rb]      
   race [réis]           v. 競争(する)、人種、種族
   ra・cial [réi¸l]         人種(間)の、民族の、種族の
   rank [r¢¿k]           v. 階級、列(に並べる)、位置(する)
   rea・son [rí®zn]         v. 理由、理性、推論する、論理的に考える
   re・sem・blance [rizémbl§ns]   似ていること、 類似点[物]、肖像
   sec・tion [sék¸§n]        切断された部分、部門、分ける
   shade [¸éid]          v. 陰(にする)、わずか(な違い)
   share [¸é§r]          v. 割り当て(る)、分かちあう、役割
   sim・ple [símpl]         単純な、愚かな
   strang・er [stréind¾§r]     見知らぬ人、外国人、不慣れな人
   tongue [t¶¿]          舌、言語
   un・like・ness [µnláikn§s]    似ていないこと[部分]、違うこと
   view [vjú®]           vt 眺め(る)、意見、みなす
   whole [hóul]          全体(の)
   wood [wúd]           木材、森



 テスト 12 空所に適語を記せ。
     It is difficult to generalize about your own people−( 1 )
 difficult as to be almost impossible−( 2 ) the simple reason ( 3 )
 you cannot see them ( 4 ) a whole. That outside, general view of a race
 is possible only to the stranger; when you speak a people's tongue and
 ( 5 ) its way of thinking, you must be more aware than the stranger
 ( 6 ) its many antagonisms, its divisions and shades of unlikeness. And
 ( 7 ) the same reason−because you stand so near−you may ( 8 )
 to notice, ( 9 ) the stranger does, the racial resemblances and
 characteristics that are ( 10 ) to all ranks and sections. As the
 English proverb says about overlooking things right in ( 11 ) of us:
 You cannot see the wood for ( 12 ).
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 16 空所に適語を記せ。
     ( 1 ) is difficult to generalize about your own people−so
 difficult ( 2 ) to be almost impossible−( 3 ) the simple reason that
 you cannot see them ( 4 ) a whole. That outside, general view of a race
 ( 5 ) possible only ( 6 ) the stranger; when you speak a people's tongue
 and ( 7 ) its way of thinking, you must ( 8 ) more aware than the stranger
 of ( 9 ) many antagonisms, its divisions and shades of unlikeness. And
 ( 10 ) the same reason−because you stand so near−you may fail ( 11 )
 notice, as the stranger does, the racial ( 12 ) and characteristics that
 are common ( 13 ) all ranks and sections. As the English ( 14 ) says
 about overlooking things right ( 15 ) front of us: You cannot see the wood
 ( 16 ) trees.
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
 13.        14.       15.        16.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 24 Aの空所には適語を、Bの空所には下から選んで適語を記号で記せ。
     ( A1 ) is difficult to ( B1 ) about your own people−so difficult
 ( A2 ) to be almost impossible−( A3 ) the simple reason that you cannot
 see them as a ( A4 ). That outside, general ( B2 ) of a ( B3 ) is ( A5 )
 only to the stranger; when you speak a people's ( B4 ) and ( B5 ) its way
 ( A6 ) thinking, you must be more ( B6 ) than the stranger of its many
 ( B7 ), its divisions and ( B8 ) of unlikeness. And for the ( A7 )
 reason−because you stand so near−you may ( A8 ) to ( B9 ), as the
 stranger does, the racial ( B10 ) and characteristics that are ( A9 ) to
 all ranks and sections. As the English ( B11 ) says about ( B12 ) things
 right ( A10 ) front ( A11 ) us: You cannot see the ( A12 ) for trees.
  race  view  aware  share  notice  shades  tongue
  proverb  generalize  antagonisms  overlooking  resemblances
 A1.        A2.       A3.        A4.        .
 A5.        A6.       A7.        A8.        .
 A9.       A10.       A11.        A12.        .
 B1.   B2.   B3.   B4.   B5.   B6.   B7.   B8.   .
 B9.   B10.   B11.   B12.   .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

1.イ  2.ウ  3.キ  4.タ  5.ケ  6.ソ  7.オ  8.セ  9.コ 10.シ  .

  1. so       2. for      3. that      4. as      .
  5. share     6. of      7. for       8. fail     .
  9. as      10. common    11. front     12. trees     .

  1. It       2. as      3. for       4. as      .
  5. is       6. to       7. share      8. be      .
  9. its      10. for     11. to       12. resemblances .
13. to      14. proverb   15. in       16. for      .

A1. It      A2. as      A3. for      A4. whole     .
A5. possible   A6. of      A7. same      A8. fail     .
A9. common    A10. in     A11. of      A12. wood     .
B1.ケ  B2.イ  B3.ア  B4.キ  B5.エ  B6.ウ  B7.コ  B8.カ  .
B9.オ  B10.シ  B11.ク  B12.サ  .

☆ 各テストに満点を取れたら、この英文はマスターしたものと考えて良し。
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