中級英文 No.2 ☆

     It is difficult to realize the enormously important role that
 language ( 1 ) in our social behavior. What would a society without
 language be like? It would of course have no writing or other ( 2 )
 of communication by words, ( 3 ) all these are ultimately ( 4 ) on
 spoken speech. Our means of learning would therefore be greatly
 ( 5 ). We should be ( 6 ), like the animals, to learn by doing or by
 observing the actions of others. All of history would disappear, for
 without language ( 7 ) would be no way of recreating past experiences and
 communicating them to others or of sharing in the mental processes of our
 fellowmen. Indeed, it is very ( 8 ) that we should not think at all.
 Many psychologists maintain that thought itself ( 9 ) the use of language,
 that the process of thinking is really talking things over with ( 10 ).
  ア we     イ but     ウ for     エ use    オ means
  カ plays   キ there    ク denies   ケ depend   コ others
  サ likely   シ meaning   ス obliged   セ improved  ソ requires
  タ thankful  チ dependent  ツ ourselves  テ unlikely  ト restricted
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

 rb3302141 全訳例
     It is difficult to realize the enormously important role that
 language plays in our social behavior. What would a society without
 language be like? It would of course have no writing or other means
 of communication by words, for all these are ultimately dependent on
 spoken speech. Our means of learning would therefore be greatly
 restricted. We should be obliged, like the animals, to learn by
 doing or by observing the actions of others. All of history would
 disappear, for without language there would be no way of recreating
 past experiences and communicating them to others or of sharing in the
 mental processes of our fellowmen. Indeed, it is very likely that we
 should not think at all. Many psychologists maintain that thought
 itself requires the use of language, that the process of thinking is
 really talking things over with ourselves.

  ☆ 単語を確認しつつ何度も読み返してみよ。
     It is difficult to realize the enormously important role that
 language plays in our social behavior. What would a society without
 language be like? It would of course have no writing or other means
 of communication by words, for all these are ultimately dependent on
 spoken speech. Our means of learning would therefore be greatly
 restricted. We should be obliged, like the animals, to learn by
 doing or by observing the actions of others. All of history would
 disappear, for without language there would be no way of recreating
 past experiences and communicating them to others or of sharing in the
 mental processes of our fellowmen. Indeed, it is very likely that we
 should not think at all. Many psychologists maintain that thought
 itself requires the use of language, that the process of thinking is
 really talking things over with ourselves.
   ac・tion [¢k¸§n]         行動、作用、影響
   be・hav・ior [bihéivj§r]    振る舞い、行儀、動き
   com・mu・ni・cate[k»mjú®nikèit] v. 意思[情報]伝達する、通信する、意思疎通する
   com・mu・ni・ca・tion[k§mjù®nikéi¸§n] (意思)伝達[疎通]、通信、情報、交通機関
   de・pen・dent [dipénd§nt]     頼っている、次第である[onAforB]
   dif・fi・cult [dífikµlt/k§lt]   難しい、困難な
   dis・ap・pear [dìs§pí§r]     vi 消える
   e・nor・mous [in¦®rm§s]      莫大な、巨大な
   ex・pe・ri・ence [ikspí§riens/eks-] vt 経験(したこと)、経験する
   fel・low・man [féloum¢n]     人間(同士)、他人、同胞
   his・to・ry [híst§ri]       歴史(書)
   im・por・tant [imp¦®rt§nt]    重要な
   in・deed [indí®d]        本当に、実は
   lan・guage [l¢¿gwid¾]      言葉、言語(学)
   like・ly [láikli]        ありそうな、適当な、おそらく
   main・tain [meintéin]      vt 維持する、主張する
   mean [mí®n]          vt 意味する、つもり、劣った、卑劣な
   means [mí®nz]          手段、方法、財産
   men・tal [méntl]         精神の、知力の
   o・blige [§bláid¾]       vt 無理にさせる、喜ばす
   ob・serve [§bz©®rv]       v. 観察する、気付く、守る、述べる
   oth・er [¶ð§r]          もう一方の(もの)、別の(人)
   oth・ers [¶ð§rz]         他人
   past [p¢st/p½®st]        過去(の)、最近の、過ぎて
   pro・cess [pr½s§s/próu-]   vt 過程、方法、処理(する)、加工(された)
   psy・chol・o・gist [saik½l§d¾ist] 心理学者、精神分析医
   re・al・ize /-se [rí(®)§làiz]  vt 悟る、実現する
   rec・re・ate [rékrièit]     v. 気晴らしをする[させる]、元気を回復する
   re・quire [rikwái§r]      v. 必要とする、要求する
   re・strict [ristríkt]      vt (範囲を)制限する
   role [róul]           役(割)
   share [¸é§r]          v. 割り当て(る)、分かちあう、役割
   so・cial [sóu¸l]         社会の、社会生活を営む
   so・ci・e・ty [s§sái§ti]      社会、協会、交際
   speech [spí®t¸]         言葉、話すこと、演説
   there・fore [ðé§rf¤®r]      だから、従って
   thought [·¦®t]       思考、考え、 v. think の過去、過去分詞
   ul・ti・mate [ltimit]      究極の、最後の
   use [jú®z/jú®s]      v. 使う(こと)、用途、効用



 テスト 12 空所に適語を記せ。
     It is difficult to realize the enormously important role that
 language ( 1 ) in our social behavior. ( 2 ) would a society without
 language be like? It would of course have no writing or other ( 3 )
 of communication by words, for all these are ultimately dependent ( 4 )
 spoken speech. Our means of learning would therefore be greatly
 restricted. We should be obliged, ( 5 ) the animals, to learn by
 doing or by observing the actions of ( 6 ). All of history would
 disappear, for ( 7 ) language ( 8 ) would be no way of recreating
 past experiences and communicating them to ( 9 ) or of sharing in the
 mental processes of our fellowmen. Indeed, ( 10 ) is very likely that we
 should not think at ( 11 ). Many psychologists maintain that thought
 itself requires the use of language, that the process of thinking is
 really talking things over with ( 12 ).
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 20 空所に適語を記せ。
     ( 1 ) is difficult ( 2 ) realize the enormously important role that
 language plays ( 3 ) our social behavior. What would a society without
 language be ( 4 )? It would of course have ( 5 ) writing or other means
 of communication by ( 6 ), for all these are ultimately dependent ( 7 )
 spoken speech. Our means ( 8 ) learning would therefore ( 9 ) greatly
 restricted. We should be obliged, ( 10 ) the animals, to learn ( 11 )
 doing or by observing the actions of ( 12 ). All of history would
 disappear, for ( 13 ) language ( 14 ) would be no way ( 15 ) recreating
 past experiences and communicating them to others or of sharing in the
 mental processes of our fellowmen. Indeed, ( 16 ) is very likely ( 17 )
 we should not think ( 18 ) all. Many psychologists maintain ( 19 )
 thought itself requires the use of language, that the process of thinking
 is really talking things over ( 20 ) ourselves.
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
 13.        14.       15.        16.        .
 17.        18.       19.        20.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 32 Aの空所には適語を、Bの空所には下から選んで適語を記号で記せ。
     ( 1 ) is difficult ( 2 ) realize the ( B1 ) important ( B2 ) that
 language plays ( 3 ) our social behavior. What would a society without
 language be ( 4 )? It would of ( B3 ) have ( 5 ) writing or other means
 of communication by ( 6 ), for all these are ( B4 ) dependent ( 7 )
 spoken speech. Our means ( 8 ) learning would therefore ( 9 ) greatly
 restricted. We should be ( B5 ), ( 10 ) the animals, to learn ( 11 )
 doing or by ( B6 ) the actions of ( 12 ). All of history would ( B7 ),
 for ( 13 ) language ( 14 ) would be no way ( 15 ) recreating past
 experiences and ( B8 ) them to others or of ( B9 ) in the mental ( B10 )
 of our fellowmen. Indeed, ( 16 ) is very likely ( 17 ) we should not
 think ( 18 ) all. Many psychologists maintain ( 19 ) thought itself
 ( B11 ) the use of language, that the process of thinking is really
 ( B12 ) things over ( 20 ) ourselves.
  ア role    イ sharing   ウ talking   エ course   オ obliged
  カ requires  キ disappear  ク observing  ケ processes  コ ultimately
  サ enormously  シ communicating
 A1.        A2.       A3.        A4.        .
 A5.        A6.       A7.        A8.        .
 A9.       A10.       A11.        A12.        .
A13.       A14.       A15.        A16.        .
A17.       A18.       A19.        A20.        .
 B1.   B2.   B3.   B4.   B5.   B6.   B7.   B8.   .
 B9.   B10.   B11.   B12.   B13.   B14.   B15.   B16.    .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

1.カ  2.オ  3.ウ  4.チ  5.ト  6.ス  7.キ  8.サ  9.ソ 10.ツ  .

  1. plays     2. What      3. means      4. on       .
  5. like      6. others     7. without     8. there     .
  9. others    10. it      11. all      12. ourselves   .

  1. It       2. to      3. in       4. like      .
  5. no       6. words     7. on       8. of       .
  9. be      10. like     11. by       12. others     .
13. without    14. there    15. of       16. it       .
17. that     18. at      19. that      20. with      .

 A1. It      A2. to      A3. in       A4. like      .
 A5. no      A6. words    A7. on       A8. of       .
 A9. be      A10. like    A11. by      A12. others     .
A13. without   A14. there    A15. of      A16. it       .
A17. that     A18. at      A19. that     A20. with      .
 B1.サ  B2.ア  B3.エ  B4.コ  B5.オ  B6.ク  B7.キ  B8.シ  .
 B9.イ  B10.ケ  B11.カ  B12.ウ  .

☆ 各テストに満点を取れたら、この英文はマスターしたものと考えて良し。
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