中級英文 No.4 ☆

     Some readers make the mistake of ( 1 ) that books that will
 ( 2 ) them become a more skillful reader are the ones about ( 3 )
 subjects, such as science and perhaps philosophy, but that is not
 ( 4 ). The great scientific books are sometimes easier to read than
 non-scientific ones because of the care with ( 5 ) scientific authors
 help you understand the terms and propositions and state the main
 arguments. These helps are ( 6 ) from fiction, which may ( 7 ) it
 very difficult to read. It is difficult to read a bad book, too,
 ( 8 ) it is hard to outline such a book and discover its structure.
 It is not ( 9 ) the effort of trying, because you receive ( 10 ) for
 your struggle.
  ア get  イ easy  ウ give  エ good  オ help  カ make  キ much  ク that
  ケ true  コ which  サ worth  シ taking  ス absent  セ because  ソ little
  タ familiar  チ unfamiliar  ツ different  テ therefore  ト supposing
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

 rb3304118 全訳例
     Some readers make the mistake of supposing that books that will
 help them become a more skillful reader are the ones about unfamiliar
 subjects, such as science and perhaps philosophy, but that is not
 true. The great scientific books are sometimes easier to read than
 non-scientific ones because of the care with which scientific authors
 help you understand the terms and propositions and state the main
 arguments. These helps are absent from fiction, which may make it
 very difficult to read. It is difficult to read a bad book, too,
 because it is hard to outline such a book and discover its structure.
 It is not worth the effort of trying, because you receive little for
 your struggle.

  ☆ 単語を確認しつつ何度も読み返してみよ。
     Some readers make the mistake of supposing that books that will
 help them become a more skillful reader are the ones about unfamiliar
 subjects, such as science and perhaps philosophy, but that is not
 true. The great scientific books are sometimes easier to read than
 non-scientific ones because of the care with which scientific authors
 help you understand the terms and propositions and state the main
 arguments. These helps are absent from fiction, which may make it
 very difficult to read. It is difficult to read a bad book, too,
 because it is hard to outline such a book and discover its structure.
 It is not worth the effort of trying, because you receive little for
 your struggle.
   ab・sent [¢bs§nt/æbsént]   vt 欠席する、不在の、ない
   ar・gu・ment [½®rgj§m§nt]     議論、主張、理由、意見
   au・thor [¦®·§r]         著者、作者
   care [ké§r]           v. 心配(する)、世話、気づかう、好む
   dis・cov・er [diskv§r]     vt 発見する、知る
   ef・fort [éf§rt]         努力
   fic・tion [fík¸§n]        小説、作り話
   hard [h½®rd]          かたい、難しい、熱心な[に]
   main [méin]           主要な
   mis・take [mistéik]       vt 間違い、間違える
   out・line [áutlàin]       vt 輪郭(を描く)、概略(を述べる)
   per・haps [p§rh¢ps]       ひょっとすると〜かも知れない
   phi・los・o・phy [fil½s§fi]    哲学、人生観、考え方
   prop・o・si・tion [pr¼p§zí¸§n]   提案、主張、定義
   re・ceive [risí®v]       v. 受け(取)る
   sci・ence [sái§ns]        科学、自然科学
   sci・en・tif・ic [sài§ntífik]   科学の、科学的な
   skill・ful [skílfl]       熟練した、上手な
   state [stéit]          vt 状態、身分、国家(の)、述べる
   struc・ture [strkt¸§r]     vt 構造、建造物、組み立てる
   strug・gle [strgl]       v. 奮闘努力(する)
   sub・ject [ sbd¾ikt/s§bd¾ékt] vt 主題、従属して、支配する
   sup・pose [s§póuz]       vt 思う、想像する
   term [t©®rm]          vt 期間、条件、用語、と呼ぶ
   true [trú®]           真実の、本物の
   un・fa・mil・iar [ùnf§mílj§r]   未知の、なじみの薄い、慣れていない
   worth [w©®r·]          に値する、重要性、価値(がある)



 テスト 12 空所に適語を記せ。
     Some readers ( 1 ) the mistake of supposing that books that will
 help them become a more skillful reader are the ones about unfamiliar
 subjects, such ( 2 ) science and perhaps philosophy, but that is not
 ( 3 ). The great scientific books are sometimes ( 4 ) to read than
 non-scientific ones because ( 5 ) the care with ( 6 ) scientific authors
 help you ( 7 ) the terms and propositions and state the main arguments.
 These helps are absent ( 8 ) fiction, which may make ( 9 ) very difficult
 to read. It is difficult to read a bad book, too, because it is hard
 ( 10 ) outline ( 11 ) a book and discover its structure. It is not worth
 the effort of trying, because you receive ( 12 ) for your struggle.
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 20 空所に適語を記せ。
     Some readers make the mistake ( 1 ) supposing ( 2 ) books that will
 ( 3 ) them become a more skillful reader ( 4 ) the ones about unfamiliar
 subjects, ( 5 ) as science and perhaps philosophy, ( 6 ) that is not
 true. The great scientific books are sometimes ( 7 ) to read than
 non-scientific ones ( 8 ) of the care ( 9 ) which scientific authors help
 you understand the terms and propositions ( 10 ) state the main arguments.
 These helps are ( 11 ) from fiction, ( 12 ) may ( 13 ) it very difficult
 to read. ( 14 ) is difficult ( 15 ) read a bad book, too, because ( 16 )
 is hard to outline ( 17 ) a book and discover its structure. It is not
 ( 18 ) the effort ( 19 ) trying, because you receive little ( 20 ) your
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
 13.        14.       15.        16.        .
 17.        18.       19.        20.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 28 空所に適語を記せ。
    Some readers make the ( 1 ) of supposing ( 2 ) books that will ( 3 )
 them become ( 4 ) more skillful reader ( 5 ) the ones about unfamiliar
 subjects, ( 6 ) as science and perhaps philosophy, ( 7 ) that is not
 ( 8 ). The great scientific books are sometimes easier to read ( 9 )
 non-scientific ones ( 10 ) of the care ( 11 ) which ( 12 ) authors help
 you ( 13 ) the terms and propositions ( 14 ) state the main arguments.
 These helps ( 15 ) absent ( 16 ) fiction, ( 17 ) may ( 18 ) it very
 difficult ( 19 ) read. ( 20 ) is difficult ( 21 ) read a ( 22 ) book, too,
 because ( 23 ) is hard ( 24 ) outline ( 25 ) a book and discover its
 structure. It is not ( 26 ) the effort ( 27 ) trying, because you receive
 little ( 28 ) your struggle.
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
 13.        14.       15.        16.        .
 17.        18.       19.        20.        .
 21.        22.       23.        24.        .
 25.        26.       27.        28.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 16+12 Aの空所には適語を、Bの空所には下から選んで適語を記号で記せ。
     Some readers ( A1 ) the mistake of ( B1 ) that books that will
 ( A2 ) them become a more ( B2 ) reader ( A3 ) the ones about ( B3 )
 subjects, such ( A4 ) science and perhaps ( B4 ), but that is ( A5 )
 true. The great scientific books are sometimes ( A6 ) to read than
 non-scientific ones because ( A7 ) the care ( A8 ) which scientific ( B5 )
 help you understand the terms and ( B6 ) and ( B7 ) the main ( B8 ).
 These helps are absent from ( B9 ), ( A9 ) may make ( A10 ) very
 difficult to read. ( A11 ) is difficult to read ( A12 ) bad book, too,
 because ( A13 ) is hard to ( B10 ) such a book and discover its ( B11 ).
 It is not ( A14 ) the effort ( A15 ) trying, because you receive little
 ( A16 ) your ( B12 ).
  state    authors   fiction   outline   skillful
  struggle   arguments  structure  supposing  philosophy
  unfamiliar  propositions
 A1.        A2.       A3.        A4.        .
 A5.        A6.       A7.        A8.        .
 A9.       A10.       A11.        A12.        .
A13.       A14.       A15.        A16.        .
 B1.   B2.   B3.   B4.   B5.   B6.   B7.   B8.   .
 B9.   B10.   B11.   B12.    .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /    .

1.ト  2.オ  3.チ  4.ケ  5.コ  6.ス  7.カ  8.セ  9.サ 10.ソ  .

  1. make      2. as      3. true      4. easier    .
  5. of       6. which     7. understand   8. from     .
  9. it      10. to      11. such       12. little    .

  1. of       2. that     3. help      4. are      .
  5. such      6. but      7. easier     8. because    .
  9. with      10. and     11. absent     12. which     .
13. make      14. It      15. to       16. it      .
17. such     18. worth    19. of       20. for      .

  1. mistake     2. that      3. help      4. a       .
  5. are      6. such      7. but       8. true     .
  9. than     10. because   11. with      12. scientific  .
13. understand 14. and      15. are      16. from     .
17. which     18. make     19. to       20. It      .
21. to       22. bad     23. it       24. to      .
25. such     26. worth    27. of       28. for      .

A1. make     A2. help     A3. are      A4. as      .
A5. not      A6. easier    A7. of       A8. with     .
A9. which    A10. it      A11. It      A12. a       .
A13. it      A14. worth    A15. of      A16. for      .
B1.ケ  B2.オ  B3.サ  B4.コ  B5.イ  B6.シ  B7.ア  B8.キ  .
B9.ウ  B10.エ  B11.ク  B12.カ   .

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